
IMDb member since May 2013
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    11 years


Detective McLean

A family feel good, only 1 season- probably due to the lacking in scriptwriting.
The writing and direction of the show leave a lot to be desired, especially when there are key actors that have skills, but aren't given chance to fully showcase their talent.

Could have been a hit with the right team of writers and crew. Felt amateur from the first episode. I watched it for Kelli Williams as her acting was diverse and solid in Lie to Me. It was a great entry level for the young actors. Characters lacked depth, except for the lead, again this shows the weak writing. I've read better developed scripts at film schools. Could have really been something. I can see why it wasn't renewed for second season. It does feel unfinished, and the last episode is really where it could have taken off in a new season had it been strong enough to convince producers and network to renew.

Easy watching for families, very clean language. Some scenes were cringeworthy with their spoon feeding of viewers. Easily watched in a day if you're bored.

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