
IMDb member since May 2013
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The Union

Halle Berry hairstyle in this movie
I couldn't concentrate on the movie bc of Halle Berry's hairstyle. Why would they make her hair like that? Its giving 2000 and late, not a bad a** girl vibes. And shooting without missing with that bangs covering her whole face?!

The whole movie I barely could understand what is happening, I am thinking maybe bc of the hairstyle?! But to watch, good for chilling on the couch, great acting and great actors. I loved the middle lady vibes!!

Netflix doesn' t give many choises in my country, so this was a good option for relaxing. Also lately they are surprising with some good stuff.


Disapointed with the end
Loved the cast, great acting, the story was driving me but the end disaponited me. They should have written the scenario as she was involved in the shooting and that she shot her friend on purpose, and was also involved in his Sebastian's father murder. Also they should have make it like Samir wanted to set up Maja and lie in the court because he was jealous that she dumped him and make like he recorded that video to set them up, not beacause he wanted to help them. Just my opinion. Not sure why I am required to write 500+ characters. What else to write? I liked the show, I didn' t like the ending.


Why so long?
Great thriller, great acting, but why so long? The beginning drives you and makes you wonder what is going to happen at the end ( which was exciting) but in half of the movie nothing was happening.


I miss these kinds of movies :(
Thriller is much neglected genre the past decade. We barely see anymore the tense atmosphere from start to end like in the 90' and early 00' movies. That' s why I love that this movie happened. It took my back when movie industry was way more fun for me to watch.

Jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy

Making history!
He has influenced rap music more than any other artist. He has influenced fashion more than any other brand. Thanks to his narcissistic personalitty he made this far!!!


Something different besides politics
Typical Macedonian houshold, typical Macedonian public high school- a building that is falling apart, and unfortunately typical teen behavior across the world. But thank God is not a typical Macedonian movie about the Ottoman rule, or how poor country Macedonia is, or something about politics.

Great job Dina Duma and Ivanov for making something different and something worth watching.

Don't Look Up

Great message!
Great message, great humor, great acting! Leonardo Di Caprio is perfect for this role as he is one of the most active celebrities in the climate change movement.

The Last Cruise

A crew member review!!!!
I am a crew member who got stuck on a cruise ship during the big pause. I can write a book how hard was it for everyone. Me personally had friends on Diamond,crew, who were texting in a group chat that they had very very less to eat, and they were allowed to eat only 3 times per day in a certain time. So forgot about snacks, coffee etc. And they were given one bottle of water for three days per person!!!!!! They were guarding the guests in 3 shifts bc plenty of them tried to escape from the cabines claiming Corona does not exist. They were stressed because they were in cabin with roomates and every crew member was in touch with a guest at a certain point and back then no one really knew anything specific about Covid. Most of the time they were without Internet so could not talk to their families. They were crying every day and I cried watching this because it says only terrible things about the crew. And when they were sent home their country did not want them saying they bring the virus. So none of this is mentioned in the documentary. Thats why I gave it a 5.

House of Gucci

Why the accent?
Most of the movie they speak English with Italian accent. Sometimes they speak only Italian. I don't follow. I love Jared Leto, always amazed by his roles, but I hated his accent in this movie :( .

Overall loved the casting, iconic fashion and makeup.

I Care a Lot

Fun to watch
Maybe its not realistic but fun to watch. It drives you and keeps you till the end. Finally something different to be released. During this Covid time we needed this, not some deep drama or social issues movies 😒


Covid 19 in 2030?
I was watching the movie ,,Contagion" from 2011 the other day and it got me thinking: DID SOMEONE WATCH THIS MOVIE AND THOUGHT LET'S MAKE THIS MOVIE A REAILITY 🤔 So just sitting here and hoping that in 10 years from now that ,, Greenland" is gonna be just a movie 😅

Death to 2020

Everybody in the whole world matters
If you make a movie and name it DEATH TO 2020 I expect to be about 2020, not about America during 2020. A lot was happening in the world. If you don't keep up covered on the latest US poltics and drama you won't find this movie funny.


disappointed by the end of this movie
I would not call this a thriller but rather a romantic drama movie. In my opinion Tommy should have ended up being the creator of the game. And after all this dangerous dares no one turns up dead?!I thought that Sydney is going to join Machine Gun and make a great team against the love birds. It would make this movie a little bit more interesting. And the sad story with her brother did not help it making it more exiting either.However it shows pretty much how internet can affect your life and how sad it is that today's kids would do anything for fame and followers on social media websites. I had fun while watching it though. It is a good recent release without aliens or other sci-fi kind of stuff.

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