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The Beatles: Get Back

Oh Puleese wake me up!
It would be interesting to know if all the 10/10 reviews were done by hardened Bealtes fans or musicians because even though their music (The Beatles) was/is really great this documentary stunk up the TV. Slow moving and cloyingly bad. With some or most audio not.... err audible whatsoever and even with subtitles a lot was cut out. One thing that must be said is that despite what most people think that Lennon. Mcartney shared leadership/talent and creativity that is almost certainly not the case. Mcartney rules with an iron fist - do this make this sound do it or you will be sorry! Lennon usually nodded and smiled and said "I agree" Actuallly heard more than once. When Harrison spoke he certainly put in his thoughts without hesitation - he had something to say so he said it but when McCartney told him how it was going to be, he (Harrison) kowtowed immediately so this is something not quite expected. Ringo just sat at his stool behind his drum kit scratching his head, beard - twiddling his thumbs or just plain looking totally bored. Jeze! Wouldnt you be? The one shining moment was watching McCartney invent Get back" so it was great to watch his brain ticking over and creating this tune in just minutes - (The basics of it). Ono and Eastman sat around with possibly the blankest faces one has even seen on the silver screen I mean why would they even bother to be there? Nah to be honest it was a real reach to consider this intersting to the average punter. Unless you are a real stone cold superfan of the fab four but not here. 3 stars was being generous.

The Dressmaker

Ho hum - sadly not up to scratch
The cover of the DVD proclaims "A future Australian classic" well if its the future of Australian classics then Aussie film is in a sad way indeed. It is really hard to remain focused when the movie jumps about with no real plot to speak of therefore once it has lost your attention you just cannot remain interested. The acting was mainly flat and tedious,however some of the Australian scenery is well worth the look if for that alone - and the atmosphere does desperately reek of Ozzie rural living. Shot in Horsham Victoria (this writers home state) its hard to know whether or not the movie did the book justice. Try again Kate. Dont give up.


Over the top violence fest
If you would like to sit through a feature length movie filled with violence for almost the entire length of the movie this is it. One would be hard pressed to find anthing of an intellectual nature with barely a plot to speak of. Just some randomn excuse to kill as many enemies as possible - be warned, suspension of belief is a prerequisite for watching this movie. There are people who will find this movie just the ticket but no sadly the need for something a lot more substantial is glaring here. You may leave the Movie theatre either elated or seriously amused. The small touching moment where the main protagonasts human side seems to try and peek out is not enough to redeem this hugely lacking waste of time. Ratcat.

The Invisible Man

Horror days from you childhood revisited
Not since I was a kid - so easily impressionable and terrified by what a good horror or sci-fi flick could do have I been impacted on in a most visceral way. Sorry for using I and me in this review but "I" have to say Elizabeth Moss is now my most favourite actor just beating Kathy Bates by a hair (sorry Kathy). Her acting almost alone gives this movie double the strength in gripping terror. Not having seen her before in anything else there was nothing to compare her to which can be a blessing. This movie was such a pleasant departure from the mainly drab horror and bland sci-fi that we have seen on our screens recently. Of course it is not without its unseen twists and sheer emotional pull. The absolute violence knocks you out of your chair and Eizabeths style gives it a defineable quality. Worth watching now, in six months from now and a future classic! RATCAT.

To Leslie

Deadpan acting done to perfection
This is an old story, and there are many many movies and books that revolve around the subject - Valley of the Dolls springs to mind and Days of wine and roses - but in those movies the final outcome is just well... shall we say, drear. This movie covers a different stance and is quite heart warming which is such a surprise in this day and age. Low on big names but (not altogether devoid) big on talent this movie will surprise and enchant you. The main character really gives you the impression that there is no hope for redemption and as such you may be leaning toward that outcome. Its a very easy watch with stellar performances from the main protagonist and others such as Jane Paulie. Really a must see for this little indie title. Pehaps a lesson can be learned here as well after all the main character never hurts anyone but herself.

Everything Everywhere All at Once

With a hope dies enjoyment of fantasy
Nothing in this movie seemed to entertain in the traditional sense - so it could be said that there was never a movie like this and probably wont again. Maybe a viewer was hoping for something solid to appear or a touch of reality but this just never happens. It certainly is a very weird way of entertaining someone. For a person who enjoys this genre maybe this is a great movie but there is a lot more to choose from so no probably give it a miss. Somehow reminiscent of a Jackie chan movie and has probably taken many cues from that genre with one of the protaginasts looking somehow related to him. There are some great martial arts type fighting scenes if thats your bag.

White Oleander

Looks and talent surprise even the hardened.
With the delightful Ms Pfeiffer and even more delighful Ms Lohman one would thought this movie was going to hope to get by on its looks alone but this is quite far from the truth. With quite an entertaining storyline and strong performances from both lead characters the central theme of a destructive family life give us a very enterting albeit a bit sad reason to sit through the entire movie. The sign of a well made film is that it has reached the end before you realise it which is a good thing in my book. Yes if you havent already this is well worth a look.

She's Funny That Way

Imogent poots gives it a shot
In the end unfortunatly she isnt funny that way after all - despite a stellar cast giving it their best shot and a surprise visit from none other than old Tarantino himself _"Chiba movies are a knockout man" The movie falls a little flat but the strangest thing is Poot's accent. Whats up with that? It seems at first she is trying to do a russian hooker but it clearly becomes evident that maybe a New York trashy is more like it. This movie would have easily gone straight to the $5.00 DVD bin if it werent for the Interview style with Poots (Isabella) describing the story in quite a beguiling way. Trashy New York accent or no she lifts the movie just enough to make it worth a watch.

Wendy and Lucy

What were they thinking?
I f one wanted to watch a person aimlessly walking around town looking or their lost dog they could walk up to the center of their town. Pointless perhaps arty drivel. Perhaps an extra point for Miss Wiliams but even she looks like a tom boy.

Welcome Home

No substance no reason to watch this.
Even an incredibly hot looking person like Emily Ratajkowsky can quickly become just a bland non-persona if the writing in said movie is this bad. There probably is not an actor alive who can say they havent made a few lemons in their time and Paul will surely be adding this to his list of suckiest movies ever. What were they thinking?

Lady Bird

Pointless drivel
The only redeeming feature of this movie is the stellar performances by "Ladybird's" parents. Both show both empathy and a sense of disassociation that is clearly palpable. Part of the problem with this movie is the theme has just been done to death. Expecting something... anything to happen of note and you will just be left waiting. There was a point in the proceedings where one would have thought it could become something but then it just fizzles. The gay twist thing... yeah, mildly shocking but in this day and age where every other movie has a gay or two well now its the norm so no points there. It will fade into oblivion.

Stranger Things

Watch once -try and get through it... move on
Strange how so many love this soooo overacted try hard of everything once original. The story isn't so bad - the cast are great (mostly) and it has its moments. But generally speaking there is so much wrong with 'ST' where does one start. Maybe its in the direction or choice of music or lamentable 70's commercially unknown songs. Its just, there is no adjective to describe it.. In time its possible one could become 'invested' in the characters which is the aim of a good story but not so much here. The series really doesn't concentrate on a particular member for long and it tends to jump about so much the story does become confusing. Oh of course you have your inevitable big name in there somewhere - sorry two names but mostly unknowns. Not that theres anything wrong with that but you would have to ask Algernon about his flowers.

Revolutionary Road

Too many words, please stop talking now!
This movie is strangely reminicsent of American beauty. You have the odd one person who seems to be at odds with societies norms, the office workaday non-person who is at odds with his wife, and a really very odd almost crazy person in the mix who really makes the most sense. Its a one time viewing sort of movie that works on many levels but doesnt quite seem to hit the mark, Di-Caprio, Winslet and Kathy Bates all do an extraordinary job to make this believable.When DiCaprio's character does all he can to be the doting husband suddenly does an about face in what would have been the 'Out' that his wife had been hoping for everything seems to fall apart. The deep complicated relationship between Kate and Leonard just quickly gets bogged down in a verbose frustrating quagmire of hurt and to top it off an unwanted pregnancy seals the deal. Hence we get too the point when Kate simply says "stop talking" A point made clear at the end when the husband of Kathy Bates turns down his hearing aid to deaden the sound of her voice. A sad and bitter end an almost nonredeemable situation. Worth a look.


Why cant they make a decent movie these days?
Well the review title says it all. Man oh man. Yes it has been pointed out in other reviews that Sharon never even stops to hear Dereks side of the story - If one were to bump into Beyonce and mention this movie surely she would cringe and hide. She plays an overtly jealous Biatch. The one thing that would have improved on this movie would have been some empathy. There must have been a point were Sharon really realises that she made a mistake about her 'Under the thumb' hubby. This 'realisation' would have made a dramatic turning point to this otherwise laughable 'B' grade TV movie. Thus setting the tone for what was yet to unravel. Sadly either it never happened or the moment was so short it was not noteworthy. This movie was bad in every sense of the word. Save yourself the time and go do some weeding instead.

Kill Switch

Half life 3 or 2 on steroids
This seemed like a crappy home-made movie of the Imitation Half-life 3 preview kind. The Portal into the sky and the fps view from the protagonist a la Gordon Freeman. The only thing missing was a Strider or two and of course the G-man. If the writer wasn't a huge Marc Laidlaw fan I would be seriously surprised and I would expect that Gabe (heart attack imminent) Newell has watched this and slammed the remote control down in disgust that this travesty bother to take just about every aspect of his Half-life 2 Universe. If I wanted this sort of action I would have just powered up my PC and loaded STEAM. Valve must know of this movie or maybe they are in Cahoots! Blehh!

Fifty Shades of Grey

Bland tripe just not worthy
I had heard so much about this movie (and book) that expectations were high. Wrong! Its quite simple. A movie will entertain, make you laugh , cry get turned on. This movie did none of the above. So much hype for such a sad piece of garbage. So this totally filthy rich dude thinks he can pick up a female and get exactly what he wants. The female protagonist is not so ready to give over to his good looks and grand bank account. This would never happen in real life. If a multi millionaire with super hero looks approached just about any woman she would bend over backwards (literally) to satisfy him. Not so this average looking virgin. Sorry the whole thing smacks of Hollywood over-hype tripe rubbish. Don't bother. Oh by the way the acting is bad the female is not sexy even totally naked. 'A' bust little boy chest? Really? They could have at least tried!

Seinfeld: The Cartoon
Episode 13, Season 9

Jerry and his alter ego - Jenny
Seinfeld is and always will be a classic Sitcom - but this particular episode really does bring out the various Neurosis of each character. the 'magic' of Seinfeld is fully dependent on each characters fixation on any particular subject and the stand out in this episode is George (Jason Alexander). It is pointed out early in the show that his (Georges) new girlfriend looks very much like Jerry (Seinfeld).By the way Jerry is the only cast member who uses his actual real name in the show. At first George is in complete denial but as the show progresses George dwells on it to the point where he becomes worried that the reason he is going out with this girl is that he may be secretly in love with Jerry. This assumption is based on a mention by Kramer who says "just because you are going out with a girl who looks Jerry doesn't mean you are secretly in love with him". Meanwhile Elaine is trying to work out the comedic value of a Cartoon in the new Yorker and confronts the editor to find out exactly what it means. The editor admits he doesn't know either so Elaine sends in a cartoon of her own which in fact she plagiarizes from Ziggy. Kramer decides he is never going to speak again after his inadvertent comment to George but as one can imagine this is one thing that Kramer could never do. This episode has to be up there among the best of all Seinfeld episodes - although its hard to choose from so many great ones. The Frogger machine episode (George again) comes immediately to mind. Larry David deserves much praise for his talent at creating what will forever remain a re-run worthy show!


Yet another Dystopian society bent on Gentrification
Featuring the new brat pack of Hollywood (at the time of writing)this is yet as the title suggests another Dystopian society AKA 1984 complete with drab grey clothing/overalls. If George Orwell were to view this movie he would gaffaw at its lack of depth but should you find yourself in a position where you are unable to extricate from the proceedings you may find some entertainment in the inevitable love interest of the leading lady. Ashley Judd and Kate Winslet provide some shining moments of professional acting as does the lead female actor Shailene Woodley. Ansel Elgort plays the brother to Woodleys character Tris. Most people will remember the pair in the sad romance movie 'The fault in our stars' Perhaps worth the distraction on a cold winter afternoon but not a movie that most would go out of their way to watch.

F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon

From your 3d game reviewer -
Do you have a game you want reviewed for its 3D playability (as opposed to standard 2D)Contact me at [email protected] for a request to review your title. When it came out, F.E.A.R was a standout game. 3D works extremely well with both convergence and depth turned all the way up. Nvidia's 3D rating is Excellent and that is correct. Just like many earlier games the 3D is fabulous, some games represent in 3D but only as far as standard background will appear in depth however FEAR is completely 3D, all objects are in full depth and if you go high enough in convergence your gun will come out of the screen and hover over your keyboard. Although you probably don't want convergence set that high due to the fact that the higher convergence creates the shrinking world effect. Ceilings seem to be only inches above your head. Just about any PC will play this game these days but 3D requires just a bit more grunt. Sadly many new titles do not play well in 3D due to the complex shadows involved but you can always check the helix website for a downloadable fix. There are many 'jump out of your seat' moments in FEAR and it still holds its own after all these years. Later versions IE: Fear 2 and 3 are really just more of the same but the original story makes you think twice about crossing a small girl! [email protected] for all your 3D game review requests.

Drive Angry

This review is not so much about the movie
Years ago I was taught to never personalize a report, Essay, review etc unless of course it is about you. So with this in mind lets start off by mentioning why most reviewers of this (and other movies) can't get it right. No-one wants to hear "I thought" I think" "I liked". The word 'I' does not belong in a review although it takes a bit of creativity to write a review without using the word. The fact that other reviewers are telling people that this movie is exactly what it is meant to be and not to expect something else doesn't give you a reason to watch it. The writers surely hoped that the level of nudity, violence and a pretty leading lady/ iconic Hollywood star would give people enough reason to rush out and see this sorry excuse for a movie. Action flick? Yes. Interesting story that holds your attention? No. If a person finds themselves constantly checking how long until the credits roll then surely this would give anyone an indication that this movie is rubbish. Leave out the tits, bums and explosions and you would have yourself one sad B grade straight to DVD flick. It was a big mistake and waste of money to go out and buy it on Blu-ray. And to totally contradict myself - I really did not enjoy it. So much so that the end could not come any sooner. 3 out of the 4 points were for Amber Heard. Not for her dead pan acting but for her stunning natural beauty. The girl has a bit of an overacting issue to get through as well but the many shots from behind at that glorious Hiney excuse her.

Freddy Got Fingered

Don't bother. I wonder if Rip Torn regrets making this movie as much as I regret watching it. There's no surprise that the girl from the flying high series of movies (the mother) is in there too... well where could she go but down?? And what of Tom Green? Who is he? Well if you (like me) come from a country other than the United states of Asparagus then you probably don't know what or who he is. Saturday night live maybe? Oh well lets just say Let bygones be bygone. Speaking of flying high I need to get my mother to a hospital... "What is it?" "Its a big building with patients but that's not important right now": The girl in the wheelchair does a splendid job as the love interest of Freddies brother but she could have made her performance more memorable by shooting off a mountain side or something. The title (one would think) may allude to being taken out by the Mob or framed but no... this is as low brow as they come. Fingered in the sexual context... Yes I know hard to believe but true!

The River Murders

Did you catch the criminal?
A film is meant to engage. Is this not true? So based on this observation one would be hard pressed to find this film anything but. The plot is something that is new and quite disturbing when you consider that the prime suspects own mother becomes part of the endless list of his past dalliances. The acting is great but not exceptional but this can be forgiven because of the amazing twists and turns this movie makes. If not for the obvious predictability of much of this movie it would have made the full 10. But alas this is not the case. Worth watching? definitely! Worth watching again... Well that is all up to the individual. Ray Liotta lends his usual flare to the assorted actors and Vhing Rhames makes for a considerate cohort. Tension is lacking for the most part but like a worn reality show its a matter of lets just see what happens next. Worth a watch!

Rise of the Tomb Raider

3D works 100% or even better so gas me with your bow madam!
There has not been a game that turning 3D vision (stereo) up all the way can cause most people to go cross-eyed until now. This is a good thing - it means you can adjust 3D (both convergence or depth and separation) to suit your own eyes and it is a feast for the senses, not only is ROTR 2015 in full 3D but the graphics are beyond this world. The options menu give you ample control over 3D. As for the game well its a bit more of the last game but better. That's the gist of it. Each TR game is better than the last but this version has one wondering about some moral aspects. Travel is the same as the last game and you find things to improve your inventory and skills as before but when a certain minion of the main protagonist was left in need of some sort of comfort Lara has a chance here to help the poor guy out. The devs do not give you an option here, leave him or kill him rather than help him. Is this a reflection of the society we live in? It is of course just a game but the realism in games these days really make one think where this is all going. Still despite the morality issue this is quite a good game and better than any previous instalment. There is so much to do in the way of achievements, side quests, challenges and the like that you will be entertained for many hours. If you want something that will challenge you and distract you completely then this game will do it. Some silly pointless side challenges make their way in to the game but they in themselves are just like a mini game. Of course Lara is the good girl and will do just about anything to keep her fans happy but once in a while a bad guy disagrees and the guns come out a blazin. Lara has some fancy new hardware to play with and uniting this hardware with for instance lets say an explosive device to lets say a tomb entrance together can be frustrating but ultimately worth it. Recommended!


From Ratcat IMDBs own 3D Games reviewer.
Its OK to have creatures attacking you but ad nauseam? The distinct lack of enemy variety will quickly have you planning an exit strategy but for those who play in shutter glass stereoscopic 3D the good news is that it works extremely well. Unfortunately there are a few bugs (no not monsters) In the game that can really ruin the proceedings. One bug actually makes it impossible to continue on at one stage! The game lends little credence to the imagination that belongs to Clive Barker so much so that it is even doubtful that he had a final say on its release. Nevertheless there are some nice touches and game play variety that is definitely new to FPS. For instance jumping to a separate character and taking full control is quite a pleasant innovation. The ability to save ones progress is a luxury you do not have in Jericho. You must wait until you reach a particular point for your progress to be automatically saved. The first Clive Barker game was much more original but this game is worth at least one play through. 3D compatibility 10/10 no special adjustments necessary. If you would like a game reviewed for its 3D playability email me at [email protected]

Darkness Falls

An American movie with a strangely Australian theme
I began to get suspicious that the actors in this movie were trying on an America accent and guess what? Yes its almost 90% Australian actors. Not a great movie but enough to give you the willies. As far as horror movies goes it certainly does the right thing in giving you a good scare. Worth a watch if not just for the comedic fake accents. The theme of the movie is based on a woman being burned at the stake like a common witch. That being the wrong move as she had not done a thing to deserve it. So on her dying wish she promises to curse the town and take every child when they lose their last baby tooth. Stay in the light. Well at least carry a torch.

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