
IMDb member since January 2013
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Just Go with It

"I would create a fake family for that."
Sandler follows the same formula for almost all of his comedy films and this is no different. What makes it work is that the chemistry between him and Jennifer Aniston is actually believable. Cute but so, so dumb.

In the Bedroom

"Ever notice that even the worst b*stards have friends?"
This was a little slow but once it picks up, it is a great yet heartbreaking movie about grief with some powerful performances. Nice little gem that I had never heard about until I watched it today.


"That'll do, Donkey. That'll do."
It's cute, it's funny, not your typical story and makes me feel old. 20 years ago? REALLY? Also, the soundtrack is good!

A Good Old Fashioned Orgy

"Look at me, not her. LOOK AT ME."
This movie is not near as bad as everyone says it is. The cast all have their funny moments and it made me wish I could just take the summer off from work to party. How did they all have the whole summer off?? Also Will Forte will never not be funny!

Friends: The Reunion

Matthew Perry: I don't hear from anyone.
As a fan of the show, I wanted to love this so much, but I couldn't help but get sad. Why was this the first time they have set foot in the same room after all this time? I think Matthew Perry has gone through some hard times because he did not seem to be enjoying himself. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air Reunion had me feeling nostalgic and happy, where as this one had me feeling nostalgic and sad. Also where is Paul Rudd??

Martha Marcy May Marlene

"We're never really dead or alive; we just exist."
What an interesting, terrifying and realistic look into how cults brainwash and affect people. Elizabeth Olsen's performance is great and anyone who is a fan of her should check this film out.

Those Who Wish Me Dead

"No one makes it through that, baby."
This felt a little average considering it is a Taylor Sheridan film, but it has it's moments. Angelina is as good as she always is, but I found that Jon Bernthal and Medina Senghore were the stars of this movie. I could watch a film just about them and the survival training school.

Margin Call

"So, what you're telling me, is that the music is about to stop, and we're going to be left holding the biggest bag of odorous excrement ever assembled in history"
Crazy how much greed drives the market and innocent people get affected. That being said, this movie is fantastic. I love The Big Short so another movie showing a more serious and focused tone of the 2008 financial crisis was a good surprise.

The Woman in the Window

"Curiosity is evidence of a decreased depression pattern."
According to my fiancé, the book is really good. So imagine my surprise when I wasn't enjoying this film and I turn to my left and she is passed out and not interested as well. I can't explain exactly what it is about this film I didn't like, but it felt like there was a disconnect in the making of this.

Take Shelter

"Sleep well in your beds. 'Cause if this thing comes true, there ain't gonna be any more."
Man, this was good. Michael Shannon hardly plays a good guy these days so it was refreshing for him to show off his acting chops as the lead. Not knowing if something is just anxiety or mental illness kept me invested the whole time and I really enjoyed that ending. Definitely recommend this!

The Mosquito Coast

"Look around ya, how did America get this way? Land of promise, land of opportunity."
I expected a The Swiss Family Robinson style story, but got more of a mixture of that with Falling Down. At the beginning of the movie I felt like Harrison Ford was making sense but by the end I was over it. I guess that was the point of the movie, but man talk about a frustrating journey.

Midnight in Paris

"That's the problem with writers. You are so full of words."
My expectations for this were pretty low. I expected to be bored and not too interested, but I was wrong. I found myself to be curious like Gil and enjoying this love letter to Paris. Are we always destined to long for what's in the past or are we ever going to enjoy the present?

A Knight's Tale

"You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. In what world could you possibly beat me?"
I didn't know what to expect, but I really loved this cast and the soundtrack. This is what you call pure fun. Tudyk and Bettany are such a great addition and Heath Ledger has one of those faces you just can't resist. I am glad I finally got to watch this!

The Mummy Returns

"It's only a chest. No harm ever came from opening a chest."
Not as charming and fun as the first one, but still worth the watch. Kids trying to be overly funny in a film that is not really about kids can sometimes be annoying, so I guess that + the bad CGI took me out of the movie a little bit. I still love Rick and Evy though!


"In this time of need, strengthen me. You are my refuge and strength. I do not fear, for You are with me."
Vampires in a western movie, with badass assassin priests? If that doesn't sound like a fun movie, I don't know what does. Unfortunately this movie could've been so much more and it just fell so flat. Some cool concept art involved, but the movie felt like another Jonah Hex (ew).

Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain

"I am nobody's little weasel."
This might possibly be the most French movie I have ever seen. The cinematography and colors are fantastic and it's fun to have a character that is so energetic and caring. I definitely will have to be in a specific mood to watch this again, but I really enjoyed it for being so different.


"Help me I'm poor."
I used to think this movie was hilarious but after being in a few wedding parties since then, it is even more relatable. The cast in general is pretty stellar and I like that Melissa McCarthy was contained but perfect in this. If I could change one thing, it's that we could've had a Vegas party scene in it, but that is just nitpicking at this point. Definitely a must-watch.

Without Remorse

"They had no right to take so much from me"
Without Remorse starts off pretty strong with some crisp, clean action. I love a good revenge story and I was so hyped after the first act that I was a little surprised by the second half of this movie because while it was loaded with action, it was also a predictable and typical action movie. Shout out to Michael B. Jordan for his performance though.

The Good Doctor

"You know the secret to being a good doctor, don't you? You act like one."
The trailer to this movie made me think it was going to be something else entirely. I admit I was intrigued for the most part but also pretty anxious/uncomfortable due to his poor decisions throughout the whole movie. With an ending like that, I wouldn't say this is the worst movie, but not one that will be remembered either.


"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor!"
It is crazy to see how much Thor has changed since his first movie. Talk about a character arc! From arrogant, bleached eye-browed man to one of the most loveable personalities. I like how this focused mainly on Thor and Loki's relationship, but also feels a little corny when he is on earth.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

"You gotta stop looking to other people to tell you who you are."
With the Disney+ shows I expected a lot more action and cool scenes with the character we didn't get enough of in the other movies. What I didn't expect (even though I should've) is to get some emotional character arcs. We truly understand who Sam and Bucky are now, and I love that. The show started off a little slow but ended on a high note, and they managed to do it without getting too preachy (which I know was a fear for some). On to the next!

Mortal Kombat

"You were never chosen. Fate has better standards than you."
Mortal Kombat starts off strong and starts to build up a pretty interesting story, until you realize this feels like a sequel to a movie we were supposed to watch. By then it's too late and the movie is over. I found myself getting bored during the second half as it felt flat and I wish they could've focused more on the characters we grew up loving, but it did have some cool fatality scenes I guess.

The real question is: Why is it so difficult to make a great video game movie?

Fast Five

"Running ain't freedom. You should know that."
Not saying this is my favorite because it takes place in Brazil, but it is my favorite one of the series for sure. You can tell that this is where the craziness started getting out of hand but at least in Fast Five they still balance it pretty well. My only minor gripe is that they didn't get actual Brazilians to be the bad guys and when they speak portuguese it is either bad or heavy ADR.

Freddy Got Fingered

"I'd be a lot better if you'd smack my legs with this bamboo."
This is a masterpiece to many, one of the worst movies to others. Where do I stand? It's a fine line between the both. Tom Green is so insane and I am glad movies like this get green-lit because the scene can get stale. That being said, I recommend watching this with friends to have the full experience.

The Rider

"I believe God gives each of us a purpose. To the horse, it's to run across the prairie. For a cowboy, it's to ride."
This is a slow burn, but a good one. I highly recommend anyone watching this to look into how this film was made. A lot of it is based on the main actor's real life (even the injury is real). Breaks my heart to see people lose the ability to do the one thing that makes them happy, and to be pressured by everyone to get back into it must make it even harder.

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