
IMDb member since October 2012
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Wicked Little Letters

Waste of a good cast. Modern slant on historic story nonsense
This was a very disappointing film in many respects. Largely due to a rather poor script and obvious, clunky direction. The cast is a superb list of some of the finest actors and they put in the best performances that the script and director can hope for. But it's an awful film. Rather too obsessed with putting its modern day slant on the historical facts. Although based on fact the writing around the account is just made up nonsense. So many anachronistic elements. The police men are all painted with broad 'what stupid old idiots' brushstrokes. The father is controlling monster. The women are the herois the men are bad. It's really poor stuff and it's a shame that money and time and a good cast were wasted on this.

The Zone of Interest

Less would have been more.
The run time of this film is 1:45mins. I'm not alone in feeling that this would have been just as powerful and perhaps more so if an hour had been cut from it. Perhaps 45mins. Surely by now everyone knows the plot and the symbolism and the message that warns us to not live behind the wall of what is happening today.

The length of the film allowed a certain element of worthy self indulgent filmmaking to creep in and to my mind detract from what started out as powerful and understated.

But there is the nub of the problem for me. It goes nowhere slowly. In normalising the life of the commandant and his family we have to watch 1:30 mins of ordinary life. That's too long. Unfortunately Johnathan and his team would be so wrapped up in the process of making the film they couldn't edit it down to the right length. It's far far too long.

Leave the World Behind

Kevin Bacon takes time out from EE commercials
This has a good cast and excellent SFX. But it's a truly awful script and very clunky pacing and editing.

Starts off reasonably promising for 10 minutes or so and then almost every decision each character makes is less and less credible.

If it's trying to make a social commentary it's muddled and weak.

I don't know the ending because I stopped watching after about an hour by which time the characters were so ridiculous I could not bear any more.

My wife watched it and I heard the ending which was so bad we both laughed out loud. Let's just say 'Friends' is a recurring theme here.

Avoid there are better ways to spend over 2hrs.

Fool Me Once

Fool me one episode. Not watching twice.
Lead actress is poor and the direction very clunky. All in all not worth pursuing. Nothing credible about any element of the plot. Ridiculously ostentatious locations and the interaction between characters is beyond any reasonable expectation. Sort of thing ITV used to do a lot of. Might appeal to lovers of East Enders and Coronation Street.

Sad to see this is No1 on Netflix at time of writing.

No plot spoilers here because I didn't waste anyone time past watching episode 1.

I have to right more to get this posted but there is nothing good to say about this so I'll say nothing more ~~~-----

The Killer

Complicated way to tell a very basic plot.
Not a classic and by Fincher's standards a miss. Just too much same old same old multi lock up, multi identity, multi back up hit man. Who has a personal problem for once. Just no where near credible or believable, which would be okay if the plot and script were good enough to hold our interest. Not even Fasbenser and Swinton could save this and that tells you all you need to know. Instantly forgotten. I'm told at this point my review is too short but like the film there is nothing else to say. Hard to understand why Fincher chose this script to put all his talents and efforts into. Miss miss miss. Minimum character limit barely met.

Boiling Point: Episode #1.1
Episode 1, Season 1

The original short and subsequent full length film were superb. This is a far cry from both. Plot line is ridiculous and immediately stretch credibility beyond all boundaries. Should have left it were it was. This is not worth watching

Sad because I was looking forward for it.

We are supposed to believe a chief owner would leave the restaurant during full service. That investors, who are terrible actors, would interview a cheif mid service. That a chief with no training could bluff his way through service and be rehired the next day. It goes on and on.

Should have had a firm rewrite. Hardly any Stephen Graham and it's much worse for it.

Everyone Else Burns

Simon Bird can't act which is the main problem
Good scripts and a fine premise. A parody of Jehovah's Witnesses and various hard line Christian sects. A talented cast that is let down by Simon Bird who is only capable of rehashing the same character seen in In-betweens. He's got no other range and it takes the whole story line into comedy cliché, where as all the other cast are quite rightly playing the characters much straighter and therefore stronger.

Shame. He was poorly cast. I may stick with it but it's borderline because he continually ruins the plots with his pantomime over acting. Hopefully future casting directors will take note and we won't see him for a while.

The Banshees of Inisherin

Don't expect this to be as good as the reviews hype.
Super locations. Great photography. Masterful Production design. The acting is world class. So why didn't I enjoy this film? Because it promises to say something and goes nowhere. I'm obviously in the minority here but I wish my expectations hadn't been raised so high. It's dark but a slow almost empty darkness. I'll forget this film very quickly. Which is a good thing for me but doesn't say much for the quality of the story. It feels like there was much more there somewhere but it didn't make it out. Perhaps watching it on a rainy Monday evening didn't help. Also please don't go thinking this is a comedy or anything at all like 'In Bruges'. It's very far from funny. It's very far from the quality of that film.

No Time to Die

Bond killed in so many ways.
Such a mess. The plot should be simple enough but it's told in the most confusing way. Bond meets woke and no one wins. It's a shame that this is the way it ends. Rather than go big and celebrate the best of what was a dated format, which was so brilliantly achieved in Sky fall, this attempts to shoehorn some updated concepts into the outdated format. That's fundamentally why it's a huge failure. Bond is the product of mid twentieth century social constructs. Sure give him a final send off but at least be true to the original core character. Very stilted dialogue even for a Bond film. Sloppy uninspired directing. Okay but average action scenes. A few nice locations. The pacing is way off. All in all this is the saddest end. Box office failure was not down to CoVid. The writers and director and producers are solely to blame. A strong contender for the worst Bond film ever made.


How did this get green lit ?
It's hard to understand with all the scripts and projects that never get made that this should have made it to our screens.

It has an array of top class actors and character actors and yet the plot is absolutely absurd.

Crown Green Bowling! Really it's impossible to make that even close to interesting. The class war is old tired cliche and that drives the script.

It's too tedious to watch to the end, and I freely admit to switching off after 25mins. Much more than it deserved.

I wonder how they persuaded the cast to take this on.

This last sentence is purely to take the review up to 600 words because I don't have any more to add to such a wafer thin film


Anatomy of a Scandal

Awful Drama Avoid
The clunky script and the clumsy, obvious, directing test the actors to the limit. Some just pass most.

The directing is particularly lazy and obvious. So many old hat shots and techniques rehashed. Nothing original or interesting in any scene. Always a 'Dutch angle' revolving, fake focus vignette, snap zooms and tracking. Oh dear.

Likewise the editing rehashes tired transition effects between the flashbacks and present.

The plot is quite similar to a feature film that revolves around The Bullington Club but it can't remember which one.

The dialogue is very badly written which always puts actors under great pressure to sound convincing.

A court room drama devoid of drama.

It's poorly lit and is really quite close to soap drama in every way. There are so many better things to watch. Avoid.

Ted Lasso: No Weddings and a Funeral
Episode 10, Season 2

0-0 In extra time.
An example of an idea that should have finished in one season. The first season had purpose and direction. Great scripts, acting (mostly) and good plot arcs.

The second is just too lost and flabby. I've stop caring and after episode 10 stopped watching.

Apple TV plus cancelled for a while.

Alien: Covenant

Same old same old.
Ridley the recycler. Take some old rubbish and make it into new rubbish that is roughly the same. Over and over again. Please stop. Please stop Please stop.


"An hour is 2 years"
On this beach an hour is equivalent to 2 years. An obvious.analogy for describing how it feels to watch this film.

Script is dodgy, which is apparent when one hears very accomplished actors really struggling to deliver the lines with any conviction.

Direction and editing is clunky. If I was in a cinema I'd have walked out. As it was I left it running whilst checking my phone.

This is yet another disappointing film from a vastly overrated director.

The Gentlemen

Hilariously awful. Richie is stuck in the 90's.
Guy Richie made a good film once. Since then he's been trying over and over again to make another one. Each new film is a little bit worse. This one is a new low. It's so bad it works really well as a pastiche. As if The Comic Strip' of all made a Guy Richie film.

Directing by numbers from a numerically challenged director. But really it's the cringingly rubbish script that hits rock bottom.

Richie really really wished he was a tough old fashioned gangster. He's not.

I Give It a Year

Richard Curtis style rom com by numbers.
Nothing new to see here. A rehash of all Curtis style rom come but without Curtis. Old fashioned and predictable comedy. Okay to watch on your 8th Co Vid isolation day.

Don't Look Up

Writers who direct their own scripts rarely make good movies
This is an unfunny comedy which attempts to make a social comment on western ( mainly American ) society and values, by using an end of the world scenario.

The most astonishing part of this film is the cast. Why did all these great actors sign up to such a turkey of a script?

It's so bad that the end of the world would be a welcome distraction.

Don't bother.

The Power of the Dog

Most boring film I've watched since The Piano.
Dull and slow and pretentious. But that's a Canpion film for you. Awkward dialogue which all the actors struggle with. I stopped after a very trying 70 mins with an hour still left to go.

Nine Perfect Strangers

What happened to Nicole? She used to be good.
I have read the book this series is loosely biased on. I say loosely because the book has a tight suspense thriller plot. This is a puffed out, padded, vanity project for the two main 'stars'. The series is elongated to a wafer thin plot that is turgid and slow. Kidman is all wrong in her portrayal of the character as written in the book. I don't know who is to blame here. She was a fantastic actor and in this she is unwatchable. Certainly should have dropped the Russian accent as it's hopelessly off.

There is no suspense, and it's not thrilling. Gratuitous sex scenes repeatedly pad out the story. The location is beautiful as is the photography. The rest is just a by numbers adaptation that everyone involved in should be ashamed of. None more so than Nicole. Come on your better than this. At least you used to be. Give it a miss.

Sixty Six

Indulgent rubbish from a TV commercials director.
Paul made enough money selling toothpaste etc to blow it all on an indulgence about his past.

Boring film that I'm sure he and his family enjoyed.

Page Eight

Very dated. Very cliche ridden. Lazy writing and directing
What a waste of a cast. David Hare must have written this in a couple of hours. Wafer thin plot. Stilted dialogue. Poorly developed characters.

So a spy who is unsuccessful in marriage (Smiley) who loves jazz (Palmer) and collects Art. Falls in love with a woman 25 years younger than him, who falls in love with him.

The Prime Minister has a bad secret. Americans and Israelis have bad secrets and illegal torcher sites.

Cambridge chums who trust each other to find the bad moles and make it public.

If you think you've heard all of it before it's because you have. And every single film that used these plots was way way better than this one. Hare should hang his head in shame. The cast must have regretted signing on for this. The acting certainly suggests this. Avoid.

The Midnight Sky

Proof that you can't make a good film with a bad script
So much care has gone into the cinematography, design, special effects, casting and acting. One would expect that this should be a success. The reason it isn't is largely down to a terrible working of an original novel into a very weak and unfocused script. It has more holes than any Blackhole theory. It is slow and bleak yet at the same time obvious twists and strangely empty resolution. I really could not wait for the end. That's ironic because the end is largely what it's about.

Whilst the set design and effects are superb the science is way off. Even the average person knows one can't survive being submerged in artic waters and then walk around with wet clothes and open face. The sling shot back to Jupiter's moon is total nonsense. As indeed is the notion that humans could colonise any of Jupiter's moons. The flaw is the script, it's a mess, all over the place.

The human story is deeply depressing, compared to Interstellar which is more accurate scientifically and far more uplifting. I have great admiration for George Clooney but this is not his finest hour.

Ad Astra

As empty as space
Some reviewers pompously proclaim that we doubters just don't understand or appreciate the magnificence of this film. Well they are wrong wrong wrong. Rather than compare it to 2001 or Interstellar I would say this is more like Gravity. Sure the visual effects are exemplary but these days we all take that for granted. Zero gravity acting is run of the mill. The problem is the story and script are just weak and the director wrote it so he can't see that and therefore can't improve on it. It tries so hard to be important. It mimics Apocalypse Now and Interstellar and many others. But it's a hodge podge of pretentious plagiarisms. Some scenes are just laughably absurd, moon bandits!! What a lot of technical time money and expense wasted. How on earth did this script get green lit? Don't bother.


Drivel - couldn't get to the end.
So he writes the script - directs it - stars in it and surprise casts two hot women to be in love with him.

Plot is awful. Characters one dimensional at best. He is a better chef than he is Writer Director Actor. He should stick to making sandwiches on the food truck.

Don't watch.

The Irishman

Enough with the mobsters already.
Same old same old. Marty seems to make the same film over and over again. Little new her. Okay some interesting special effects to make old actors look young but is that a good idea? Would The Godfather have been better if they didn't change actors? No.

Straight to TV film which is less entertaining than three episodes of The Sopranos.

An obsession that's been indulged because it's a sure fire box office hit. Not because it's any good. He should move on or get therapy.

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