
IMDb member since June 2004
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Les Miserables

The worst version rather in respect of Victor Hugo
In reaction to the reviewer qualifying this the best version he has seen I feel obliged to point that Victor Hugo is not respected here ; Cosette had a peaceful childhood and appears with Hollywood pretty dresses, and Gavroche,the kid from the miserables (people in misery starving) which becomes an emblem dying during the revolutionary barricades against the oppressive crush from fortunate class and bourgeoisie, is reduced here to deliver a letter ! Try reach the director Raymond Bernard trilogy, with Harry Baur as Jean Valjean. You will discover reality, not "let's not hurt audience" casting or look. Another more faithful version is the one with Jean Gabin, but with so clean miserables ! No, the trilogy by Raymond Bernard, shown from decades on French TV, recently restored by Cinematheque Francaise, seems to be the Victor Hugo book alive. No concession, misery is there, corrupted houses, characters alive rather than actors on parade. This trilogy is beyond art, it is life, as Victor Hugo described it.

Ah! les belles bacchantes....

Lovable spoof on revue in rehearsal
Robert Dhéry (as he did again later on Theatre with "En sourdine, les sardines", a reference title to his movie "Vos gueules, les mouettes") offers a spoof on a revue in rehearsal with behind the stage problems of many kind, from undelivered costumes (what lead the movie to be restrained to minors of 16)as with a plumber. After a short introduction showing the police (Louis de Funès) eager to check if decency is respected, the rehearsal is shown in real time through the movie, and the fact it is a rehearsal allows unexpected auditions (and bad ones) as imposed by relations. Amateur (Colette Brosset) ruins a number, but there are also classic typical quality numbers with good rhythm as the "bath cabins on the beach" with the game of doors (un)expectedly showing or not the girl inside (what follows works by chronometer as Dhéry was found of all-visual number), another well-staged classic number is "the monks at dawn". A specific audition, where Dhéry plays on stage a silent musician along with Michel Serrault and others from movies "Branquignols" or "Bertrand Coeur de lion", (number re-used with new actors in "Vos Gueules les mouettes") comes from his play "La Plume de ma Tante" interpreted for months in London. Princess Anne of England came five times to see them then invited them to play that act at a private evening in front of Queen Elizabeth.(from Dhéry biography) Her Majesty expected a boring classical music act but understood quickly what she was offered. She promised to come see the play. Dhéry thought the play would be ended shortly, but more than five months later had to ask English spectators to offer their seats for the Royal visit. They accepted if they could stay aside and watch her entrance. During that "royal" show, (from TV interview of Robert Dhéry) another "by the chronometer" act around a "pissotière" (typical french - of the time - place for an "urgent need" for men)was apprehended as in the theater a fat laugh from someone unspotted was arriving regularly. Just before the act Dhéry was told no one could do anything to prevent it, as it was.. Prince Philip. Later "La Plume de ma Tante" was asked for Broadway, and received a Tony award for "Best musical of the year", in the same category than "My Fair Lady" and "West Side Story". Dhéry all surprised said "But we're not Americans.." and was answered on stage "Now you are !". After a long time in New-York (visited in theater by Harold Lloyd - Colette Brosset 's idol -, the Marx Brothers, Danny Kaye and lots of others, invited home by Harpo) with many appearances on TV talk-shows, Dhéry and his wife Colette Brosset decided not to stay in America as he had promised before to film "La Belle Américaine", so they came back to France. As a critic didn't like the previous directing of Robert Dhéry, he let Jean Loubignac direct "Ah! Les Belles Bacchantes". The same critic all-smiling asked him after release "But what not direct it ?". Robert tried to remind him it was because of him what was offered superb denial "I cannot have said that !". So Robert Dhéry directed his next movies (some along with Pierre Tchernia). Robert Dhéry died on December 3, 2004. The only time he didn't me laugh. Look at "Ah! Les Belles Bacchantes" with the flavor of its time. JcBernardo

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