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The Harder They Fall

Fun, Well-Acted and Beautiful
Aside from having an all-star cast who perform exactly how you expect them to, there are some absolutely beautiful and creative shots in this movie. It moves along briskly without any real dragging, the soundtrack was fun and it's just an overall good movie. I'm glad this was made, not only because it had some real-life, very underutilized characters in it, but because it's obvious this was more than a few peoples' passion project. You can tell some love went into it.

If you're curious or on the fence, I definitely suggest giving it a watch.

Jupiter's Legacy

It's... Okay.
My husband really enjoys the show, I think it's 'meh'.

The story is fine, the production value is okay. It's another basic superhero show, but I do have some things that annoy me.

I, personally, found it difficult to connect with any of the characters despite the fact that I enjoy so many of the actors in other projects, so as a result, I didn't care about any of their drama. Everyone is just a bit more exaggerated than a normal person would be, so it irritates me. Besides, I've seen enough of the Holier-Than-Now father character, the Angry-At-Her-Parents daughter trope and the Son-Just-Trying-To-Prove-Himself.

And the constant flashbacks! In some episodes, it is, literally, a scene in the present and the next scene in the past for the whole of the episode.

But, again, my husband really enjoys it, so it's up to you whether or not you want to check it out. If it weren't for him more or less taking over the TV to watch it, I wouldn't have chosen to go further than two episodes.

Me You Madness

Both Sides Are Definitely Right About This Movie
The reviewers who've said this is an obvious self-flagellating, movie-referencing, over-the-top, wannabe-clever movie is right. The people who've said this has an awesome soundtrack and some fun moments are right, too.

There are bits and pieces that are absolutely god awful. I, personally, couldn't stand the constant narration or the fact that what she's saying is literally what she's doing on screen. So much of it came across as someone reading a book over the movie and it's constant. There's also an eight and a half minute exposition dump at the very beginning.

The main character is an evil Mary Sue, super rich, loves showing it off and bragging. The only time I enjoyed her at all were the scenes between her and the male lead, and even then it was only sometimes. A lot of their dialogue was nothing more than quickly spoken sentences and repeated phrases for a solid couple of minutes because that obviously equals comedy!

On the other side, it does have moments of actual fun, but they're few and far between. So, yeah, both sides are right, hence the middle-ground rating. I didn't mind it too much.

Close Range

Fun Waste of Time for a Scott Adkins Fan
Look, we all know what kind of movie this is from the tagline, the one that would sound perfect for an 80s action.

Good points first.

The fight scenes are great. Scott Adkins's physicality will always impress me because a guy his size should not be so light and graceful on his feet.

He plays an American in this and the accent was better than I expected.

And the opening fight scene in the hallway was filmed in one take. There are multiple men, multiple intricate stunts and the cameraman is in the thick of it with them, so at the very least, I'd recommend the movie for that. People just don't film scenes like that anymore, instead using enough jump-cuts to make you dizzy. I suppose it's a benefit to having a stuntman being the star.

Negative points...

It is such a cliche plot. No one expects high cinema with this, but every trope you think they might use, they do. There's clunky dialogue, strange music choices and cues, and exposition dumps instead of organic flow to the story. I liked to call the main female character Exposition Angie since everything out of her mouth is, literally, exposition.

Aside from that, it really is just a fun way to waste some time. The cons don't stop me from enjoying it. I've already watched it for the fight scenes a couple of times, so I suggest you give it a shot.

What We Did on Our Holiday

The Kids Are The Highlight
I love David Tennant and Billy Connolly, so I checked this out. As always, Billy Connolly stood out, but I was really surprised by the children. I'm fairly certain half of their dialogue must have been improvised, Connolly too most likely, but they were so sharp, quick witted and funny. They were definitely the highlight of the movie, hands down.

All in all, it's a sweet family movie about adults and how their problems can overtake everything sometimes and how it takes something to snap them out of it, and bring everyone together. I'd suggest this for the simple fact that it's an entertaining time.


It's... strange.
As it's been pointed out in the majority of the reviews, this is a remake of the British version, Broadchurch. The problem is, it's not really a remake, though. That would imply they changed it up, did some things different in order to "refresh" the source material for a new audience, but that's not what this is.

Firstly, it aired DURING Broadchurch's run, which is weird. Secondly, it lacks the same kind of thick atmosphere. I have nothing against the actors for this. i don't blame any of them for the strangeness, but it's clear that, in order to make the scripts "just different enough" certain lines were added where they didn't exist before. It gives the whole thing a very quick feeling. You don't get a chance to sit there and absorb the weight of what's happening.

Admittedly, I haven't made my way through it yet. I'm making myself watch it, though. I want to see what they changed. Supposedly, the killer is different, so I plan to find out, but if you're looking for immersive, emotional and gritty drama, go for Broadchurch, especially since David Tennant and Olivia Colman have such amazing chemistry together. If you want a very typical American murder mystery, Gracepoint is fine.

365 dni

Just Watch Kennie JD Instead
I watch her joke about terrible movies and when she has a new one out, I'll usually check the movie out, too, just to see how bad. Man... this movie is a class all it's own. I get what they were trying to do, and if you take the actual plot out of the sexy scenes, they can be kinda hot, but the reality makes them terrible.

It's another one of those story lines that just pushes the dominant alpha male a little too far, to the point where -rationally- the female lead should run away and call the police. Just save yourself the time and energy.

The Rook

It's Fine as Long as You Haven't Read the Book
The show is based on a book by the same name, which is all kinds of supernatural crazy. It's awesome if you're interested.

The show, on the other hand, seems to want to stay relatively grounded in reality, and as a result, I guess they had to rework A LOT of the source material. As a result, it's nothing like the novel, so if that's why you want to watch the show, just be prepared. They're the same in name and characters only. Hell, some of the characters don't even have the same powers they do in the novel.

As a show, though, it's not bad. I couldn't make myself like the lead, however. She just wasn't intriguing or interesting enough for me to care about whether or not she gets her memories back. Genuinely didn't care. I watched it more for the background characters, but obviously they were mostly pushed aside for the lead.

It's an okay show if you're looking for something to watch in a block. I couldn't imagine having to sit back and wait a week for each episode. It definitely wasn't interesting enough for me to do that.

Still, why not? I liked it ell enough, so maybe you will, too.

The Mummy

"Meh" is a Compliment
This movie is, genuinely, just "meh". There's nothing special about it because it was all driven into the ground. The idea could have been amazing. Sofia Boutella was the only reason I wanted to see this movie because her makeup was amazing, and I like her as an actress, but Tom Cruise Tom-Cruised the hell out of it. Look, I like the guy, but there's a point where studios, directors, and writers should just sit back and think "is he really right for this?"

There's little to no chemistry between Nick (Tom Cruise) and Jenny (Annabelle Wallis). Jenny doesn't even serve a purpose. Nick would have unleashed the monster without her and he secret evil-fighting society would have found him and used him without her. They tried to force some kind of romantic relationship between the two, but when the characters are first introduced, she's berating him for stealing from her after a one-night stand. And yet, but the end of the movie, his "love" of her was what helped him stay human. Really?

But, I can generally forgive stuff like that. It's a movie. You're supposed to suspend belief. I think what I have the biggest problem was the unnecessary CGI. Not the sand storms or the army of insects/rodents that attack, I mean the CGI done to people's faces for no reason. Ahmanet (Sofia Boutella) spends roughly half her time as a mummy with a strange CG mask on. There's like a strange sort of filter they used on the whole of her face, not just the bits that they tried to make rotten. Even after she's whole again, it looks as though they tried to soften her features, and render the marks as well as her eyes when practical makeup could have worked just fine.

There's more bad CGI when Nick is turned. Again, the eyes, when I'm sure contacts, while uncomfortable, could've saved a few million for that single scene. And Vail (Jake Johnson) has a wonky CGI'd eye, too. One is a milky contact, and the other one is rendered to be droopy. It was all just entirely unnecessary and was REALLY hard to ignore once noticed.

All in all, the movie was bland. It's no different than any other Tom Cruise movie where he runs, stuff explodes, and the fate of the world rests on his shoulders. Literally the only Tom Cruise cliche they didn't use was, he didn't ride a motorcycle. Other than that, this could be copy and pasted from one of a dozen of his other movies. It's disappointing because, like I said, it had potential.

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Definitely Worth a Watch
Hobbs and Shaw is filled with utterly ridiculous fight scenes, explosions, and car chases, but it's well worth a watch. The chemistry between the entire cast (and I mean ENTIRE cast, which is rare) is awesome. They flow together like they've always known one another, and it works. The snarky, sarcastic banter between Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham has some genuine laugh out loud moments. Vanessa Kirby slides in seamlessly, her fight scenes are great, and she definitely steals the show from time to time. But, hands down, my favorite character was Hobbs' mother. Maybe it's because I've known a few sandal-throwing moms, but she was so great. My only complaint was relegating Idris Elba's character Brixton to little more than a henchman. He was an amazing henchman, sure, but Idris Elba is such a great actor that I think he could have been given a bigger role in the criminal organization they had in this film.

All in all, I really enjoyed this movie, and it doesn't feel like a Fast and Furious spinoff, which I appreciate. I stopped watching those movies four back because they'd become so predictable and boring. So, if you want to sit back and relax for a couple hours, this is a good way to do it.


Not as bad as people said.
Ron Perlman will always be my Hellboy, but David Harbour and friends definitely worked. Despite what people said and the productions problems, it's still a fun movie to watch. The CGI does look a little clumsy at times, but the practical makeup is amazing. If anything, watch it for the monsters and the soundtrack.

The Christmas Chronicles

I Wish Kurt Russell Was Santa
This was better than I initially thought it'd be. It was sweet, cute, and entertaining. Kurt Russell looks and acts like you'd want Santa to. I loved it! Definitely something fun to watch Christmas night.

Wynonna Earp

Not That Great
This show, honestly, isn't that great. I personally couldn't get into it. A lot of people can, that's fine, but not me. It's filled with overacting and wonky casting. The premise of the story is good (All descendants of the Earp family are cursed to send the reanimated corpses of those killed by Wyatt Earp with his Colt Peacemaker) but the execution of it seems lacking. Again, the casting is just off enough I was never able to become invested in any characters and the overacting is painful in some areas. The only reason I stuck with the full first season was because of Michael Eklund -Bobo del Ray. Eklund plays the character just crazy enough he doesn't come off as campy or ridiculous. If it weren't for him, I'd have given up on the show after the first episode.

The Last Airbender

There Was One Good Thing...
As I said in the title, there was one good thing about this train wreck of a movie: it was visually stunning. The effects were beautiful and mesmerizing and well done, but that was nowhere near enough to save the film.

Like most -if not all- who saw this movie, I am a fan of the series and it was clear Shyamalan tried to shove too much into it. He tried to condense over twenty, half-hour episodes into an hour-an-a-half-long movie, and he didn't do it well. Bad casting, bad acting, bad plot and the mispronunciation of character names (which he said were 'how they're supposed to be pronounced') simply ruined the movie. "Disappointed" is an understatement to anyone who is a fan of the series.

Honestly, I'm beginning to think that the twists Shyalaman is famous for are becoming whether or not he makes a good movie.

Just... don't watch this, and if you do, watch it muted. At least that way you can appreciate the visuals without having to listen to the horrible dialogue.

Iron Fist

I like it, but...
I am a fan of the Marvel/Netflix series, all of them. I love how they're subtly woven into each other by random cameos or mentions of other characters and situations. I love that they keep the situations much more 'real world' than most and the writing and casting is usually impeccable.

My only complaint with Iron Fist is Finn Jones. I have no problems with the actor in his other works, but I feel like he may have been miscast for this particular role. His delivery of his lines and his emoting just don't quite measure up with everyone else in his scenes. The rest of the cast are wonderful and you feel their desperation/anxiety/anger/etc when they speak, but Finn Jones seems more like this was his first acting role and he's trying, but it's just not quite there.In my personal opinion, he's just a bit green for the role.

Other than that, the show is great. The story line moves along briskly and well. The writing is on par with the other shows in this franchise and the fight scenes are beautifully choreographed, sort of like a violent ballet.

Again, my dislike of the lead is only my opinion and he isn't bad enough to detract from the show, so I suggest that if you're curious, give it a go. You may like it.

Too Close to Home

What is wrong with those writers...?
I have no idea how best to describe this... thing. I wanted to enjoy the show, truly I did. It looked promising, but we all know how misleading commercials can be.

Writing: As someone from the south, it's incredibly clear to me that the writers are not just by dialogue alone. Usually, that doesn't matter in the least, and it shouldn't, but somehow in this series it does. They use words they assume southerners use -and a lot of them we do- but they shove them into every line of dialogue to the point it is ridiculous and forces each character to become some strange shell meant to represent a person.

Intense Scenes: Well, they just aren't. I don't know what happened, or why they feel the need to pad out the run-time, but these intense, gut-wrenching scenes that are meant to make us feel for these characters have rung nothing but hollow. The writers don't seem to know when to end it and the scene just goes on, and on, and on, way passed a natural stopping point. It gets to the point you just don't care about what they're saying anymore.

Characters: While they're all incredibly stereotypical, I honestly have to admit I've met people similar, so while they may be "realistic", they are far from believable. Again, this can come down to writing, though possibly over-acting. Either way, it gets tiresome.

The one saving light in my opinion is the character Bonnie, one of the sisters. Thus far, she seems to be the one with the most dimension. It's refreshing, and the children aren't bad either. I only wish the rest of the show was as well done.

I can't tell you whether or not you'll enjoy the show, but personally I doubt it. Still, if you're looking for something mindless with a couple of pretty people to look at, have at it.


Unwarranted Hate
I grew up with the original series like everyone else and there is no replacing that cast. You simply can't do it. It was the perfect combination of people and script. Personally, I don't think they ever should have made this movie because there was nothing wrong with the original and if it had to be redone, it should have been Ghostbusters 3, not a remake.

That being said, I don't think it warrants all of the hate people have been giving it.

If you watch this movie, please do yourself the favor of forgetting the original. If you watch it with those two movies in mind, you'll probably just make you angry, but if you watch it as a single movie, apart from the original, it's not that bad. These women are hilarious and I love nearly everything else they've done. Their chemistry is great. The jokes are 50/50, which is true of nearly all comedies anyway.

There are little nods to the original everywhere and not just the cameos, which is adorable that they kept it in mind, but you really have to watch this as its own. The only thing that truly annoyed the hell out of me was Chris Hemsworth's character, Kevin. He was simply too stupid. There's a level that people can tolerate and still find endearing, but this was beyond that. Honestly, he was too much.

The movie itself was okay. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, but I knew I had to watch it objectively. I suggest you give it a shot if you can do the same. As a reboot, its awful. Way too over the top compared to the original, but as a single entity, I enjoyed it. Again, you just can't compare it.

Now You See Me 2

Just for Fun
This movie isn't meant for those seeking some kind of 'coming of age' or 'heart/thought provoking' movie. This is for people that just want to have something fun to watch.

The plot is relatively predictable with a few nice touches here and there to make you smile and the tricks are over the top. That being said, the tricks are beautifully done, extravagant but fit with the feel of the movie and are fun to watch.

The chemistry between the actors is average. Truth is, Jesse Eisenberg is slightly awkward as an individual so it comes off a bit in his acting some times, but all in all, I enjoyed it like I did the first. You don't even care that Isla Fisher isn't a part of it.

If you're looking for something to pass the time, or for movie night, I suggest this. Like I said, it's just a fun, simple movie and I'm glad I saw it.


Interesting Start
I am hopeful for this show.

Other reviewers are right in saying it's strange the Farrell clan has access to modern conveniences like gasoline and various vehicles, but not truly unbelievable. It's been shown they use generators for the electricity and have no qualms with entering town to steal whatever they choose, which I would imagine means things like gasoline. The townsfolk make it clear they don't ever press charges because 'it's not worth it'.

The casting choices are spot on as far as I'm concerned and the scenery is as beautiful as you'd expect. They leave you with a number of questions after the first episode that draws you into the series enough to stay with it just to learn the secrets of the crazy hill-folk.

All in all, it was an interesting start to the series, and the dynamic between the Farrell clan and the rest of the town looks promising.


Keeps Getting Better
As of now, five episodes have aired. Most of the reviews written here concern the first, perhaps second, episode. Not many have come back to update their thoughts on the series, so the reviews are a bit bleak.

In the beginning, it was stumbling a bit. They decided to go with a different female lead which meant scenes for the pilot had to be re-shot/rewritten and in turn it seemed a bit disjointed. But, for me, I tend to give new series a few episodes before forming an opinion.

The pilot stumbled. The second seemed to steady itself. And from the third episode on, the show's stance has grown more steady and stronger. The actors have slipped into their characters and seem to be wearing them more comfortably which comes through on screen. Now that the writers have decided which direction they want to go, they're doing so beautifully.

John Constantine is a bastard of a character (which is why so many of us love him) and Matt Ryan is perfect for it. He works not only aesthetically, but because he manages to find the perfect balance between jerk and charming, he's brought the character to life.

It's not often I look forward to the day a show airs, but I've begun doing so with Constantine. Waiting for a week in between each episode is more noticeable now because I can't wait to see what they plan to do next.

If you're a fan of the comic book series or just finding it, I suggest you give the show a chance.

Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House

Wow... just.... wow....
I don't know where to begin with this movie. Honestly, I don't. I've never reviewed any title before, this is my first and this movie is so awful I felt obligated to warn people about it.

Until I read the other reviews, I was completely unaware this was meant to be another sequel to the original two. I thought they'd simply gotten lazy with the names. But no, evidently this is meant to be an addition to the first pair.

I have made it fifteen minutes and that's it. I've turned off my TV. They didn't even try. The acting is horrible, stilted and over the top at the same time. Let's all admit that while the originals are great, there's a level of cartoonist behavior. That's part of the appeal, watching irons, paint cans and so forth smash the bad guys in the face without incident. But this... It's like they wanted to go for the ridiculous, and not in a comedic way.

The camera follows around everyone instead of remaining still which can make you motion sick if you're not careful and it looks like the director told the young actors to 'just go with it' without any actual direction or focus.

I honestly can't warn people enough about this movie. If you're like me and tend to want to watch movies people say are bad just to see how bad, I guarantee you won't make it a half hour into this if you try.

Avoid any form of buying, renting, acquiring this movie and turn the channel if it's on TV. They seem to be sneaking it in with the Home Alone marathons this time of year. Just... don't.

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