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A Carol Christmas

Tori Spelling in a Christmas Movie
Just finished watching this on The Hallmark Channel. Thought it was a unusual twist on the "Ebenezer Scrooge" thing. I have always liked Tori Spelling and her movies! Tori, of course, stars in another version of A Christmas Carol. Most of the time, you see men as the Ebenezer. This time they make a female do it. I like how they switched between the different ghosts/spirits. I also liked seeing William Shatner, from Star Trek fame, and Gary Coleman, from Different Strokes, as a couple of the spirits! If you haven't caught this older movie, definitely go out and rent it! I liked this movie from beginning to end! Way to go on this one!


Excellent movie to rent
I rented this for my son who is recently found interest in 9/11. He was a Kindergartener at the time and had no idea what was unfolding. I liked the way it was told as a "documentary." If there was one movie that I would recommend to see concerning 9/11, this would be THE one! Normally you see a movie it has actors that are well known. This movie had nobody known. Also, you see a movie concerning 9/11, you hear about a fire-fighter or two losing their lives saving people. I didn't feel this had any of that! I only rented this movie and would definitely consider adding it to my collection! Very well done indeed! My heart goes out to the survivors and families of victims of 9/11!

North Country

Charlize Theron movie you shouldn't miss!
I thought this was a great movie from beginning to end! It's about a woman that goes to work in a mine in Minnesota and is sexually harassed. I liked Theron's character that she played in the movie. What I didn't like about it was in the early part of it, we kept jumping back forth from some sort of trial to the present. I thought they could have expanded a little bit further as to what happened with Josie and why she and her kids left to go and stay with Mom. The kids that played Josie's kids were really good I thought. Woody Harrelson was good as a Josie's lawyer she hires to take on the big company. For a little while, I thought the two of them would've had some feelings for each other.

Lies and Deception

Excellent 'made-for-tv' movie
Caught this one on cable the other night. I actually thought it was enjoyable. It's about a couple who are separated after a tragic event years ago and reunited years later. The lady finds out he didn't die until recently. She goes to Detroit with a former cop-turned P.I., to investigate further as to what happened. She gets to know the investigator quite well and ends up falling in love with him. This was a good movie with some lesser known actors who keep the movie going! It stars Madchen Amick as Jean the widow and Andrew Walker as the investigator that accompanies her to Detroit. Definitely worth checking it out if you're into a drama or a good thriller!!

Murder in My Mind

Thriller with a good cast to boot!!
Caught this one on cable the other night. Saw that it Nicollette Sherridan (Desperate Housewives) in it. Figured I'd check it out! It was a good, suspenseful movie! Sheridan plays a FBI agent, even though they don't actually call them FBI agents, that's on the trail of a serial killer. She gets injected with what's believed to be a victim's brain things. I really liked her part in the movie. Peter Coyote plays the Dr. that helps her try and find out who is killing all these women. There's a "taste" of romance in this one. I liked how they didn't really go into that much. They just kept with the story line! If you could catch it, it's definitely worth it!

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Awesome Science Fiction Movie!!
I rented this one the other night. I've heard a lot about it and was wanting to see it! The movie was about a story that supposedly happened around WWII. I thought the acting was good, the story was good, and the plot was really one to follow! Angelina Jolie only had a couple scenes in this one. You would think she would've had a bigger part in it because she was billed up along with co-stars Paltrow and Jude Law. Paltrow played a newspaper who re-kindles a relationship with Law. That kind of added a hint of romance to this one! I like the cameos by Sir Laurence Olivier! I think this movie is a good one to watch and to keep in your collection!

Ladder 49

Good action/drama movie!!!
This was an excellent movie! It's about a firefighter named Jack Morrison played by Joaqin Phoenix. He is in a burning building in the beginning of the movie. I liked the flashback scenes in this movie. They were well-written and well-scripted! His boss, played by John Travolta, comes to the scene only a few minutes later. I like Jacinda Barretts character named Linda. There's chemistry between Jack and Linda. I like the way that they show how he was on the firefighters for his career. This movie keeps you glued to it from beginning to end! This is a one-of-a kind movie! I thought the ending wasn't quite what you expected out of an "action/drama" movie.

Losing Isaiah

Halle Barry movie that you shouldn't miss out on!
Caught this one on cable the other night. It's an older movie that has quite a few stars in it. Halle Barry plays a crack addict-turned mommy that, like a lot of crack people, abandons her baby in a pile of trash in an ally. The baby is found and the story goes off in two different directions. Jessica Lange plays the richer white lady that adopts the baby after nobody claims him. This film also stars Samuel L. Jackson as an attorney later on in the movie. Cuba Gooding Jr. is also in this one playing Barry's boyfriend. I liked this movie. It was on cable and it seemed like it took forever! The ending is well worth the wait though! You don't want to miss this one!!


Really good film worth going out of your way for!
I thought this was an excellent film! It really had a lot of twists and turns that were unexpected! Everybody's character was really good. The cast stars Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman, Jude Law , and Clive Owen. This movie had some good scenes with plot to it and drama rally filled the viewers mind as to the story. I really thought they could've cast a different person to play Julia Robert's character. The story takes place in London, England but Julia Roberts is an American. I didn't understand why they cast her! The movie really takes off from the beginning and doesn't let up until the final credits! I was really on my edge of my seat!

Odd Girl Out

High school troubles, think you've got them?
I saw this movie on Lifetime T.V. It was really hyped up so I figured it had to be somewhat decent. It's the story of Alexa Vega (Spykids) as a teenage girl trying to fit in with some popular girls in her high school. The girls she tries to be friends with end up turning on her and make her feel miserable. I didn't care too much for the lighting job. I mean how many schools and classrooms do you see that are almost pitch black? Vanessa and her mom, played by the lovely and talented Lisa Vidal, have that relationship we see too much of these days. The father of the family, who we never see, is divorced and living somewhere else so the mom is left to deal with all of Vanessa's problems. This is one to watch if you have a teen age girl at home! 7/10!

Down with Love

Renee Zellweger Romance/comedy movie!
I don't know about this one. I rented it the other night after seeing it in the video store. I figured it had Renee Zellweger in it so it had to be good. She stars as Barbara Novak, a young feminist writer who despises men. She meets her match in the form of Catch played by Ewan McGreggor. The two of them have some good chemistry in this movie. I liked everything with the settings, costumes, etc. I didn't think it was one of Renee's better films but I guess it could always have been worse! If you're a Zellweger fan, this is one to watch. If not, don't bother with it! It was a good comedy with some good actors and it was also Tony Randall's last movie.

Taking Lives

Good suspenseful thriller!!
Rented this one the other day and I thought it looked pretty good. It stars Angelina Jolie as a F.B.I. agent sent to Canada to catch a psycho-path killer! It was a different role for Jolie I thought. It was well written and good acting. Jolie's character later on in this one falls for her partner. Bad move! My wife and I watched this one together and she said later after watching it that it wasn't a movie that she cares for. Other than that, she said it was a good story that kept you guessing the whole time and had you on the edge of your seat! I saw this one with the lights off. That kind of added to the effect of the whole thing!

First Daughter

Movie about somebody protecting the President's daughter!
I thought this was an okay movie. It was on cable t.v.the other day so I watched it. I used to to be a fan of Pro Wrestling and I found out that Diamond Dallas Page was in this one! This was about a secret service agent (Hemmingway) who tried in the beginning of the movie to protect the President using her own judgment and not "by the book." Well, that move cost sentenced her basically to go with the President's daughter to a retreat for teens. The daughter feels too much of the pressure of her dad's office is smothering her and her life. She and the agent become good friends after she gets found towards the end. I just had one question though, where was the First Lady or was he divorced? They didn't really show that.

Hit and Run

You better think twice!
I heard that this movie was going to be on and wondered what it was about. It was all about a mom who hits a little girl early on and through a series of events, learns that she made a mistake. At first she helps the little girl but when she goes for help, she comes back to see and hear people talking about what kind of a horrible person would leave someone lying at the side of the road like that. She goes home and is frightened half to death about what just happened. She tries to tell her husband but he doesn't listen to her. It's a good movie that makes you learn to be more accountable for your actions! I liked Lisa Vidal's character of Detective Rico in this movie. She adds more to the movie I think.

The Sandlot

"...this is baseball. You gotta stop thinking. Just have fun."
This is one fun baseball movie! I saw this movies years ago and saw it in a store for around $10. I showed it to my kids and they liked it also! It's about a kid who moves to a new neighborhood and doesn't have any friends. The kids that do become his friends are a bunch of kids who get together and play baseball. Their "leader" is a kid named Benny who sleeps, eats, and breathes baseball! The new kid has no clue how to play baseball so the other kids kind of take him under their wing and show him the ropes! I like the pool scene the best! This movie takes me back to when I was a kid playing baseball with a bunch of my friends! I like James Earl Jones' character in this movie playing the "mean, old neighbor man."

The Slugger's Wife

There's baseball movies, then there's....
I thought this was going to a different movie. When I saw it, I thought it was going to be about baseball. Well, "technically" it was about baseball. A guy walks into a night club with some of his baseball buddies and ends up falling for the singer that was on stage. She doesn't seem interested in him until he offers a wager that they go out together. They hit off for a little while then they get married. The two come from different backgrounds so they really can't understand each other. He wants to play baseball and she wants to sing and perform. They really can meet together at a common ground but where is that fine line?

Mom at Sixteen

Movie with a definite story behind the story!
This was a good movie with a great story! I liked Danielle Panabaker's character in this one. She plays a mom who is still in High School and has her divorced mom takes care of her son while she's in school. In the middle of the two of them is Jacy's sister Macy who is felling the abuse of the mother/daughter relationship. The father of the baby is nowhere to be found. That is, until the middle of the movie where we see Jacy going to see him and tell him that he has a kid! He doesn't believe her and rejects her! Jane Krakowski plays a teacher that talks about teen sex and having babies. The catch is, she can't have any kids. So she goes to a Dr. that tells her she has to adopt! It's definitely a good one to watch!!


Animated movie comes to life!
My kids have this movie. I didn't think it would be good taking a movie that was a cartoon for many years and bringing it to life! It's a pretty decent movie with some pretty good acting! I liked Sarah Michelle Gellar as Daphne. I also liked Freddy Prinze Jr. as Freddy Jones. The story was about the gang that just finished yet another mystery. They all decide not to do any more mysteries together. We fast forward and see that they get invited to Mystery Island owned by Rowan Atkinson who is better known as Mr. Bean. I was very much into the story and enjoyed it from beginning to end! Definitely worth watching this one!


Al Pacino is excellent in this one!
A friend of mine told me all about this movie so I figured I'd get it. I found that it was really good! It was directed by Andrew Niccol who produced the "Truman Show." Al Pacino films are always entertaining to say the least. In this one, he's a film-maker that was nominated for two academy awards but didn't win them. On top of all that, he's divorced with his daughter living with his x-wife! I liked th story line in this one. There's always too much controversy surrounding a leading lady in a film. That is, until you create one for your very own! This one also had a couple scenes with Winona Ryder in it. Good one to check out!

Passion of Mind

Demi and Demi
Rented this one the other night. It wasn't that bad. Starring Demi Moore as a woman who leads a double life. She is in one life in N.Y. as a writer with little to no romance and no kids. She then dreams of another life in Paris with a romantic background, kids, nice landscape, etc. That would be the life that I'd like to have! She has a psychologist in both lives and the both tell her that the other people aren't real and that's she dreaming it all up! Demi is definitely in a good role here as she tries to lead that double life wherever that may be. I would suggest if you like a movie with double roles, then don't miss this one!

Spring Break Shark Attack

Jaws comes to spring break!
This was an "okay" movie. I watched it to see what all the hype was all about. It starred The O.C.'s Shannon Lucio as Danielle. A girl who, against the will of her parents, goes to Fla. for Spring BReak with her friends. She finds out that there are sharks in the water and there are a lot of kids in the water splashing around and having a good time! Her, her boyfriend-to-be, and another guy go out to try and drive away all the sharks. I didn't like the fact that they portray sharks in this kind of light. It's just wrong! What do you expect for a typical made-for-t.v. movie of this caliber though! If this came to DVD, I may buy it to see extras that are on there or whatever!

Napoleon Dynamite

Good low-budget movie!
I borrowed this movie from a co-worker the other day. She said it was pretty funny. I did notice it on the video shelf and wasn't sure because I hadn't heard anything about it! It's a good movie with hardly any story line except that of Napoleon. He's this "geeky" kid who doesn't care what anybody thinks about him. He has an uncle that comes and visits him for awhile and uses Napoleon and his brother for a place to stay. Napoleon also meets Pedro in school who pretty much doesn't have any friends except for Napoleon. I noticed that there wasn't any "big-named" stars in this except for Summer who's played by Hillary Duff's sister, Haylie. This is one hilarious movie everyone should have!

The Pacifier

Good Disney movie for the entire family!
My kids wanted to go and see this one. I figured it was a Disney so it couldn't have been that bad. I liked it! It stars Vin Diesel who is a Navy S.E.A.L. who's mission is to take care of four young kids while their mom, Faith Ford, is out of the country. While he's watching the kids, he's supposed to be looking for a high-tech software developed by the kids father. He ends up doing things outside of the "normal" S.E.A.L. routine and into the kid's every day lives. The kids have a wide range of age from about 1 to 16 or 17. This was a departure for Diesel who normally does action movies. If you haven't already seen this one, go see it!

Big Fish

Another great Tim Burton movie!
I remember when this was in the theaters. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to see it there. It's a good movie though! I really liked the storyline. A son separates himself from his dad until it's almost too late. The father tells a story that is supposed to have been his life. The son, not believing much of what his dad tells him, listens to every word that is being told. Some interesting characters are told in the father's story that is almost believable. Every now and then, you see a flash forward to modern time when the son is getting married. This movie, like any other Tim Burton movie, is a "must-see" movie! I'm glad it was made!

Get Over It

Romantic movie w/ Kirsten Dunst!
Seen this one on the video store shelf the other day. Saw that it had one of my favorite actresses, Kirsten Dunst, in it so it had to be somewhat decent. So I picked it up and watched it. It starts off talking about a guy who loses his girlfriend. The girl is in a play with another guy that the first guy hates. Anyways, Dunst plays an actress, there's a stretch, in the play that has feelings for the available guy. So they kind of hit it off when the two work on parts of the play together. I like Martin Short's character of the theater teacher. He's hilarious! Good one to not pass up! Definitely would recommend this to anyone looking for a good "romantic comedy."

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