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Une belle course

Feel good story
It's a feel good story that allows a friendship to be build between two unlikely people - an elderly woman called Madeleine and a taxi driver half her age named Charles. Through conversation and flashbacks the movie lets you learn the life history of Madeleine and through their conversations you're also getting glimpses of the life Charles.

All in all, the story is decently good. The only minor drawback point I have with the plot is the last bit where she leaves all her money to Charles when she dies, which feels cliche and unrealistic. Come on- they have build less than a day rapport! Even if Madeleine likes Charles as a person, it is completely unrealistic that she leaves everything to him instead of, say, a domestic abuse organization or another cause that has impacted her life more greatly than him. She wouldn't even have known if he'd ever come back or if her lawyer ever tracked him down!

The very last scene seems to imply that Madeleine commited suicide through electrocution with a dangling cord? I'm not sure if that was what the filmmaker was going for, it's left in the middle because the ending credits come up before we get confirmation. If it's a suicide, then that seems fitting for a character like her, as she had expressed throughout the movie that she didn't want to be pushed into an old folks home and she had made one (failed) suicide attempt before in her life after her only son died.

Lastly, the background music is nice to hear, but I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't use any songs in French language. I get it that the filmmaker would use a song in English language for those scenes with the GI-lover Matt, but all the other scenes? Seems like a missed opportunity to showcase French music along with the Parisian scenery, but I suppose that's part of the unfortunate trend of creeping Americanization happening across the entire European continent.

Mo Si Ke xing dong

Hits all the right notes.
This action-packed crime movie hits all the right notes. It was suspenseful when it needed to be, of course also action-packed when it needed to be, but it also hit the right emotional cues when it had to. Even the music used was on point.

This story is loosely based on the real history of the infamous Trans-Siberian train robberies and rapes of 1993, and I loved the 90s vibe of this movie. How they dressed and the make-up was pretty nostalgic for me, but the socio-economic feeling (horrible for Russia after the USSR collapse; a wild, wild east for China, which was extremely poor, but had crazy economic growth rates), which we got glimpses from was also on point.

Hanyu Zhang as a veteran actor as usual did great as the righteous cop team leader. Huang Xuan was charismatically evil as the train gang leader. And Andy Lau did well pushing the emotional beats as a bad guy whose daughter was taken from him by Huang Xuan's character - plus, I also liked the nice little detail of how the parents from Andy's character had to return from Indonesia to China in the 60s (everyone who knows their history would understand WHY his parents had to flee Indonesia back then).

Good movie. Would recommend to anyone who likes a good action-packed crime thriller.

Avatar: The Way of Water

I liked this movie.

Yes, the story is simple and the characters aren't especially complex, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The story was still gripping to me and I actually liked the plot slightly better than Avatar 1.

Not that this movie doesn't have its own similarities. This one had moments that reminded me of James Cameron's Titanic. But the similarities of Avatar 2 did not feel as on the nose as they did in Avatar 1, which felt to me completely like Blue Pocahontas in Space.

The children (very often I find that child characters are badly done in action movies) did not annoy me either. There were actually moments when I liked them too, so that's good as well.

Naturally, the most important thing about this movie is, just like the first one, its visuals. I have no complaints about them this time either, but the truth is that the 2nd time around the technical aspects were not as impressive or awe inspiring as it was the very first time I experienced it, so there's not much more to say about it than "we expected it to be great and it was".


Good action scenes
I especially liked how the action sequences were done in this movie. They were the best type of eye candy.

The characters and their development were much weaker, sometimes eye rollingly cheesy, sometimes a little too woke for my taste, but that's standard Marvel fare these days and despite the woke factor they were not dislikable, so I'll give it a pass. Plot was also on the weaker side as sometimes it was a little bit draggy and too much exposition, but it did help expand the Marvel verse mythology, so I'll also give that a pass.

Chang Jin hu : Shui Men Qiao

Good war movie
Almost as engaging as the first movie. The action is as good, if not better than the previous movie. The characters that the audience knows and loves from the previous movie return.

This time, however, they won't stay, so to speak. That is also why for me personally this movie was less enjoyable than the previous one. The previous one ended on a more optimistic note, which is rare in Chinese entertainment (especially Chinese war movies), so I enjoyed that divergence immensely, but this movie is threading the well-known path towards the bittersweet ending. It's still good, but more by the books.

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Saved by the nostalgia factor
This movie was not a masterpiece, but it was solidly entertaining and the biggest reason for its entertainment factor was the nostalgia and surprise cameos of other Marvel heroes.

I loved all the villains of the other Spiderman franchises, and I loved seeing the Tobey-Spiderman (he got old!) and Andrew-Spiderman interact with our resident baby-Spider, Tom Holland. Surprise cameos from Matt Murdock of the Daredevil MCU Netflix series and Eddie Brock from Sony's Venom were also appreciated.

That being said, this movie is unevenly balanced to say the least. Most emotional scenes were on point (e.g. Aunt May's scene was very impactful to me), but some fell flat. A lot of good action scenes that had me on the edge of my seat, but also some yawn-inducing blurry messes of CGI. Some of the humor was funny, but some of the lines also felt awkward.

The weakest part of the movie was probably the plot. Basically the entire movie consisted of "who caught the idiot ball now?" because a lot of characters were acting dumb and irresponsible. Peter was the main culprit in this (but I can forgive him, since he's still just a kid) and the second worst offender was Dr Strange. Don't think too hard about the plot, just turn your brain off or pretend that all the characters have had one too many glasses of alcohol and that's why they have poor decision making skills, because if you analyse the movie too thoroughly, you'll take out the joy and it won't remain entertaining.

Enjoyable movie for those who are fans of all the spidermen franchises. Sometimes nostalgia is all you'll need to keep entertained.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

The American side was to the point, Asian side felt off
The best parts of the story are those that were set in the USA, as they gave a nice and on point glimpse into the culture of Americans of ethnic Chinese origin. But as soon as the story moves on to Macau, and then to a "mysterious unknown location in China" where the Ten Rings are located, and then even further into the mystical "Chinese" village called Ta Lo, the movie missed the mark further and further; and it becomes increasingly obvious that this story is told entirely through an American lens, because the "Chinese" parts seems more like a flanderized/Disney-fied version of Chinese culture (which isn't very surprising, considering that this movie is produced by Disney). Also, while China does have outsized influence on East (and to a lesser extent South East) Asian culture (the same way that the influence of Ancient Roman culture is outsized in regards to Europe), Disney seems to think that Chinese and Asian is basically interchangeable, which is a common perception in Hollywood, but not actually true.

In other words, the last 2/3 parts are an orientalist fantasy version of Chinese-ish "culture", a poor facsimile of Chinese-ness that's devoid of anything truly Chinese in heart or spirit. It (just as many other renditions Hollywood has made of "Chinese" or "Asian" movies) felt jarringly off the mark.

That being said, the movie also has its good points. The actors are pretty good and engaging, especially Tony Leung is on point in his acting. The more dramatic/emotional moments of the story are also properly balanced out by the humor to make this into a nice and quick, lighthearted watch that we all know from Marvel's brand. The action at the start is also pretty good, though the last 1/3 part suffers from the usual CGI-fest that you can expect from most superhero movies. And there aren't many pacing issues in the movie either.

All in all, a solid watch for the average Marvel fan. But a disappointment for people who are used to seeing Asian movies produced by actual Asians from Asian countries.

Jin ji jiu yuan

Good action movie
It's a good action movie with well-executed and thrilling action scenes. The main lead is likable, the main sort-of love interest is also likeable, and the kid character is adorable - but in a milk toast-y kind of way, because ultimately none of them are very memorable.

I think, however, that the story would probably have been more effective in showcasing the Chinese Coast Guard, if the movie went in-depth on one single rescue mission rather than go for multiple rescue missions. A missed chance, in my opinion.

All in all, recommended mostly for fans of action movies of the rescue team variety. Also good enough for a one time watch for anyone else, who has a slow day.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Mid-credit scene steals the show
Just as in the last movie the main positive point continues to be the funny banter between Eddie and Venom, while the plot continues to be on the weak side. Since we've already seen all this banter before in the first movie, however, this second movie doesn't add much to the franchise, though it remains an entertaining (if forgettable) movie. The main draw of this movie is actually its mid-credit scene, which turns the entire Venom series into a crossover with the MCU franchise, especially in light of the upcoming and much hyped "Spider-Man: No Way Home" movie, which is going to explore the potentials of this multiverse.

Zhong guo yi sheng

Good medical drama based on real event
The same director that gave us the excellent movie The Captain (2019) is also directing this drama, and some of those cast members also returned to work on this project. As I had previously loved The Captain, I thought that Chinese Doctors would likely be a good movie too and I was not disappointed!

This is a pretty good medical drama of a real event with a lot of tense moments that gives the audience a feel of how the atmosphere was like in Wuhan during China's first COVID-19 outbreak there. It also illustrates pretty well all the logistical hoops epidemic outbreak management have to go through and the pressure that medical front line workers undergo during such crisis, not to mention the effects that the outbreak had on ordinary people.

Realism is given high priority. The Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital and the main character of this movie, Zhang Dingyu, really exist and, yes, Zhang Dingyu does suffer from ALS in real life too. I commend the scriptwriters for going in-depth with their exploration to accurately recreate the events that happened. For those who have some knowledge of Chinese, it's also a nice small detail that the doctors kept their regional accents; for example, the doctor Tao Jun speaks Mandarin with a Cantonese accent, because he's from Guangdong; I felt that these regional accents (which are often omitted in Chinese movies) gave more authenticity to the setting of this movie.

Basically, if you love stories based on real life crisis events wherein professional staff have to work under extreme pressure to save the day (which I do), then this type of movie is definitely for you. Lovers of pandemic movies will also enjoy this movie, as it is based real events that happened during a real pandemic. I read from another reviewer that the Soviets have designated for this type of movie about "social interacting between people who works in particular industry or professions" a particular genre called 'Proizvodstvennaya'; while I've never heard of that genre before, I fully agree with the sentiment that we need more of that type of movie, because I love this!

Chang jin hu

Good war movie
All those 1-star review bombs are exposing the current climate of McCarthyist sinophobic hysteria in the west pretty accurately.

For anyone not suffering from McCarthyist hysteria, this is a decent movie with well-crafted, tense, and dramatic action scenes. It also does it's job of illustrating the theme of ordinary people being capable of extraordinary heroics feats and self-sacrifice when under existential threat.

Also, a good choice to feature Mao Anying's participation and death in the narrative. It showcases that the social class he was born in as Mao Zedong's son mattered nothing, because death is equal to all when fighting a war.

Less well done were the scenes of the American side. The directors and script writers did provide at least a couple of scenes of American soldiers talking about home life, and I thought this was a good choice to provide the American side with some humanity. But the actors were really chewing the scenery here, especially in their line delivery, which was unfortunate. I think, however, that this can mainly be attributed to the fact that these actors are far from being A-listers. Unfortunately, China still has not build up a decent pool of ethnically non-Asian quality actors, so I foresee more of this happening in the future.

Now a bit of historical context here on China's motives for partaking in this war: A few decades before the Korean War, China had been brutally invaded by imperial Japan through the Korean peninsula, which started off the theater of WW2 in the Far East. Given that this history was still fresh in the minds of the Chinese at the time, China was very sensitive to any happenings on the Korean peninsula. For that reason, they warned the American side multiple times not to cross the 38th parallel or they would force China's hand. The Americans thought the Chinese were bluffing and crossed that line anyway. This (and the American fleets that had gone to the Taiwan Straits in the summer of 1950) convinced the Chinese that the USA would try to invade and colonize China after taking control of the Korean peninsula. To preemptively stop this threat, China decided to set up the People's Volunteer Army to defend against the existential threat.

The Suicide Squad

Entertaining absurdism
A lot of absurdity on the screen, most of it entertaining.

Story is forgettable, but this movie is better than the previous Suicide Squad (2016), in part because its 3rd act is better. Enchantress was a boring and lame villain and the CGI mess she caused was hurting my eyeballs; whereas Starro was at least visually comical to watch, though neither villain had any depth in character.

Cheng hua shi si nian

Interesting cases...
... good chemistry between the main characters, fun side characters, nice costumes & set pieces, excellent choreography of the action scenes (NB: we may thank Jackie Chan for the exciting action scenes).

While the drama series is not perfect, there's little to dislike about it. I certainly enjoyed the show.

Jian du xian feng

Poorly made Rambo-copycat...
... with a dumb, brain numbing storyline about a drug gang that I can barely remember and action scenes that are also not very good.

Also, it makes zero sense for the only female action figure to be carrying a bow and arrow in a massive gun fight shootout. She could've grabbed dozens of guns from dead bodies in various scenes, but never did. The only reason they inserted her into the movie was to evoke the image of Katniss Everdeen, which is just completely cringe.

Black Widow

Tried too hard...
...with the action scenes to make Black Widow appear indestructible when she's not. She's a well trained, but ultimately still ordinary human being without super powers.

Other than that, the film is entertaining, but not memorable, and rather unevenly paced.

The sister, Yelena, was the better character, more enjoyable to watch, but Natasha herself was not bad either. The post-credit kind of cheapened the movie to make it seem like a promotion of the upcoming Hawkeye series and the woman with the purple hair lock seems to be a stand-in for Coulson.

Good for a one time watch, not recommended for a second time.

Zack Snyder's Justice League

Definitely an improvement over Whedon
I wrote in the Whedon review that Superman felt out of place; well, he's no longer out of place in Snyder's cut. Pretty much all the complaints I had of him in Whedon's version have vanished in Snyder's cut:

  • The most important complaint from the Whedon cut being that he seemed too OP & completely overshadowed the other members, which combined with his space-Jesus status made him completely obnoxious. In Synder's cut, he's still OP & still space-Jesus, but his OP-ness is not overshadowing the other members abilities and contributions, who also get to shine in the spotlights with their share of heroism. The team work feels much more balanced.

  • The other big complaint I had with Superman was that in the Whedon, it seemed as though he was brought back wrong and was ax-crazy, then Lois Lane was heavy-handedly inserted into the story for no other reason than to bring him back. In the Snyder cut, Superman did not seem ax-crazy but extremely on edge because of his confusion about being brought back from death and his violence was provoked by Cyborg, who accidentally started the attack when he couldn't control his automatic self-defense system. Furthermore, we spend more time with Lois Lane in the Snyder cut and experienced her grief, so she did not feel forcefully inserted into the movie in the Snyder cut.

  • Superman as guilt motivation of Batman also no longer seems shoehorned in the Snyder cut, but a logical follow up.

  • Thank heavens the Snyder cut no longer had Superman make the condescending claim that he "likes justice". That, combined with portraying him as unquestionable light of the world while also beating the JL up, made him in the Whedon cut both jarringly hypocritical and obnoxious. In the Snyder cut Superman's portrayal was much more balanced, as Superman was still portrayed as hope, but at the same time also clearly as having the potential to be a threat.

Other improvements from Snyder's cut include:

  • No more oversaturated orange color!

  • Overall better fleshed out characters and plot that make much more sense!

  • No more jarring tonal clashes between humor and dark mood to give you whiplash. There is still humor and the occasional quip, but toned down and balanced with seriousness to suit the mood of the film. (I do like quip-y dialogue that Whedon is well-known for, but he inserted it so forcefully in a movie that already had established a very different tone under Snyder's direction that it very visibly clashed on screen in a very ugly way.)

  • Whedon's sexist jokes with Wonder Woman were taken out!

  • Much better cinematography, the scenes had way more atmosphere in them. (Whedon is really bad at this; he's better off delegated back to the small screen.)

  • Action scenes are better!

The "I still like it":

  • I loved Aquaman and Wonder Woman bash bro team up during Whedon cut and I love their team up EVEN MORE now. They are excellent action bros.

The bad:

  • Snyder really should've left Martian Manhunter out of the movie. He adds zero value to it and as a serving of easter eggs was just obnoxiously in your face. In an already 4 hours long film, he is just too much.

  • Luthor's escape from prison and yacht scene adds nothing to the plot, or the character development of the main characters or of the main villains. It's a tease of a sequel that will never come. Again, too much added in an already 4 hours long film.

  • Some of the music seems really cheesy.

  • I like the new lamentation chant of the Wonder Woman theme and for the most part I think it's cool, but in some scenes it seems misplaced and because the chant is so obvious and recognizable, it becomes jarring to the scene.

The "okay...":

  • Shiptease moment between Batman and Wonder Woman during the mouse scene makes me wonder if Snyder had planned to go the way of the early 2000s cartoon. Not necessarily bad, I don't mind it, but it kind of went nowhere.

  • Joker dream scene. On the one hand, it gives Batman some extra depth and by appealing to the impact of Robin's death, but on the other hand, it might make an already 4 hours long movie feel overstuffed and doesn't add to the film's plot, but feels like a sequel hook.

Artemis Fowl

Why name it Artemis Fowl at all?
It's nothing like the books. If you're going to invoke the lame "creative inspiration" excuse, then you might as well make an entirely original movie. Why use the same names when it otherwise has zero association with the book series? Lame cash grab by Disney, lame story (my attention flagged midway through, of not earlier), lame characters that are nothing like the book & even lame CGI usage. Blah!

Jin Gang Chuan

Very gripping war drama
Very good war drama. Has good action and I love how they filmed from both the POV of foot soldiers, the American warplanes, and the gunners side to get a close-up of what it was like on the battlefield for each perspective.


Disney x Bollywood-style = Aladdin
The movie looks like a cross pollination between Disney's magic with Bollywood's colorful musicals, especially the costumes and dancing.

Like Beauty & the Beast before, it hews very close to the animation movie with only tiny deviations.

Enjoyable for a one time watch, but the cheese can become quite thick.

Zhong guo ji zhang

Great movie based on a real event
Very enjoyable to watch! This movie is based on the real life incident in which Airline Captain Liu Changjian piloted Sichuan Airlines Flight 8633 to safety after its windshields were busted. If you like thriller dramas about professional crew saving people's lives from malfunctioning vehicles then this is the type of movie you'll definitely love.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Not perfect, but I had lots of fun over the years.
It took some time for me to binge the last few episodes, but I finally got to them. The ending did not go out with a bang, but it was still satisfying and also a little bittersweet, after all this time.

There were high points in the show and some meh-points as well, but rather than for the plot, you watch this show for the characters. They grow on you and their friendships grow on you too.

Wu shuang Hua Mulan

When I heard that the Disney Mulan 2020 was brought out on Disney+, I googled for info, but then stumbled upon this little gem.

Though not as gripping as the 2009 live-action Mulan with Zhao Wei, this one is still a pretty entertaining movie and the fight scenes are good (plus it has a few nice comedy moments scattered in-between). The only real minus points I can find are the rat scene (in which the CGI was a little jarring); the last battle scene in which the two last standing hadn't eaten for 15 days yet could still fight off a full army like superman was a little too unrealistic; and the very last scene in which the coward encountered wolves, which I thought a little unnecessary to add.

Xin hai ge ming

Interesting as a history lesson...
... but not as a gripping movie experience. It's also difficult to follow for people, who are not already familiar with this history, because of all the names being thrown around of historical figures, which, except for the Jackie Chan character, aren't exactly fleshed out very well. It would probably have been better to cut this up into a series of movies that focused on the various characters and events separately, but at a more in-depth level. Right now, however, it's a bit of a jumbled mess.

Jian hu nu xia Qiu Jin

Genre confusion does not spoil the fun
The movie can't decide whether it wants to be a biopic of the revolutionary heroine or a kung-fu flick, but (for me personally) that doesn't make the story and characters any less gripping or the kung-fu any less exciting. Worth watching, if you're interested in Chinese movies, kung-fu flicks, historical flicks and/or feminist movies (that are of greater substance than the "strong action womyn kills evil man" stereotype).

Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn

Fun, but not memorable
It's a good popcorn movie with lots of humor and fun action scenes to keep you entertained, but it's not one of those deep movies that will continue to leave an impression after you've seen it. Visual style was colorful, as if someone had popped a few pills, but it suits the Harley Quinn character. Narrative style was disjointed, but (again) it seems to suit the Harley Quinn character, since she has a few screws loose up in her head.

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