
IMDb member since March 2012
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Black Beach

Script Writing OUCH.
Poorly written and confusing story. Difficult to follow. Difficult to feel empathy for anything. Action was just a slow burner, lots of mafia style killing in one part but no real explanation. I think they were trying to portray the brutality of the military. But I failed to understand its purpose to a very weak plot. Yeah, the movie deserves low ratings and should even be lower. Don't waste your time. I think you can find better ways to waste time than Black Beach.

The Tale

Laura Dern just won The Academy Award Best Actress
This is a serious powerful movie about sexual abuse of children. It is adult deceit and complicity with complications that provoke thoughts of the metoo movement. The Tale is told from the precpectives of childhood and adult reflection as simultaneous lives. We are adults because we were children and our adulthood is formed by how we were children. That adult abuse has profound affects is understood. The movie "The Tale" should not be ignored. Older children and adults, male and female alike should all view this movie and together as parents. It is that powerful. Laura is my candidate for best actress award because of this movie. The movie itself should be nominated for best movie.

21 Thunder

Just terrible trashy soap opera
Very bad and I love football. Maybe they should let the English redo the whole damn thing. I could not watch another episode beyond the first.

Bad Writing and bad acting. How anyone rates this more than 1 is beyond me. Watch it if you are very young and.... on second thought just do not watch it at any age. It has no redeeming points. The show has been contrived to take advantage of football lovers. It fails on all points.


A slow burn stunner. What good "art" movies should be about.
If you like Ethan Hawke, you will enjoy his performance in this is great and should have been award winning. Sally Hawking's performance may have even been better than Ethan's. If nothing else, the acting is worth the watch. But this movie is beyond the performances of Ethan and Sally. A true story of Maud Lewis. The story is about the ability to overcome severe handicaps and prejudices to accomplish a life of meaning. The accomplishments are despite the poverty in which the couple are immersed. It is a stunner of a movie and among the best I have ever seen. It will stay with you for a long time.

A United Kingdom

Great Movie and Hidden Jewel.
This is one of those movies that is flying under the radar and deserves to be seen. It is a wonderful story, well scripted, well acted, and has terrific cinematography. The fact that is a true story makes one wonder what the hell we have been learning in school when we have never been taught this type of history. I give this a ten and really it deserves it. It is a shame people have degraded the rating for some reason other than the fact that this is good cinema. It is a very deserving movie and is like the movie Hidden Figures or Queen Katwe, it is important for history. I am a white conservative and think everyone should see the movie.

Septembers of Shiraz

A History We All Need to Remember
If you are old enough to remember the brutal history of the deposing of the Shah of Iran, this movie provides a small slice of the life during this takeover. The conversion to theocracy in Iran led to draconian measures placed on its citizens and to opportunists of the supporters of the regime to enjoy personal triumph at the cost of those who had been successful in their own lives. We should not forget that Ayatollah Khomeini was the new "god" and had usurped the Shah. His ideals were not unlike a fundamentalist Taliban ideology. The demand to follow the koran and force the end of Iranian "westernization" was foremost the demand of the new regime. The fact that our protagonist is a Jewish jeweler with considerable success under the Shah led to jealous behaviour on the part of the new guard. It also portrays some heroic moments by honest Irani citizens as they help the forsaken jewller.

The movie was well made and well acted. It has a very good script and that fact alone makes for a good movie. It has thrills, tension, and suspense. It is emotional as anyone watching the movie will recognize the brutality against fellow humans and remind people to be wary of dictatorships be they a Shah or a religious figure. Hatred is hatred by anyone. The movie provides a better insight into the current Iran.

Watch the movie if not for the history lesson, then because it is a good movie. Above standard at any measure.

Promised Land

Just a big Middle East Propaganda Show meant to dupe Science.
A movie made by Middle East interests does not bode well for honesty. The movie is a total misrepresentation of fracking processes and does not even attempt to portray the truth. Promised Land is supported by zealous environmentalists who either should know better and do not accept anyother truth or the people who support such trash as this movie and Gasland are all dupes to a persuasive anti fracking group.

The Middle East wants all of NA to rely on their oil forever. Shame of Matt Damon but then I guess ethics can be bought for a price. Avoid Promised Land. It is poor entertainment and it is very poor science. Take time to learn about fracking, you may be surprised with the truth.

Desert Flower

Damned Important Movie "Stop FGM"
The movie is autobiographical and makes the grade as a well made movie. It is easy to understand and follow. There is a story that is compelling and rewarding. I liked many aspects of the music and cinematography.

However, the movie is important because it has a shocking affect on the viewer with regard to the widespread use today of a barbaric practice of female genital mutilation or FGM. It is a practice steeped in obligation most often based in religion but also cultural. Watching the movie demands the viewer make efforts to speak out and stop the practice. That can mean just shouting out to our politicians and demand greater controls in these areas most often targeted for foreign aid money. How do we get religious leaders to scream at the people and reject such barbaric Hadiths and interpretations. Watch the movie and be moved.

Our Girl

Good British TV
I have been watching British TV over the past couple of years and came across this series by fluke. In North America we do not have anywhere near some of the good British series available. Perhaps the NA plots will add more character in the future but today we watch a series centered on a plot and we know it will end in usually a good way. That is not to say there is not some good NA TV because there are some super series available. The Brits add more depth with character and less with the plot and inane action of killing a dozen people every show. Anyway my wife is Brit and she likes the British shows so I am along for the ride.

And what a ride the show Our Girl offers. You should watch the prequel show to get set up properly. A girl from a neighborhood that places her in a dead end situation. Her family is not supportive of her wishes and she busts out on her own when she reaches 18 years of age. She dumps her male boyfriend who seemed positioned to dominate any female through actions and religion. Her lot is directed when she finds herself in front of a recruiting office. She is desperate not to follow her mother's demise of catering to a bum of a husband who looks to not work and scam welfare as means of living.

The story follows with the TV series and it is based on her mission to Afghanistan and becoming a medic with responsibility she would never have had in England. I hope to catch the full series and love to watch this girl grow as a human. It is well done with a good script and acting. The production is first rate and my wife loves it. Fluke or not, the series deserves full merit and should be an aspiring film to young people.

Jan. 2015:

I was checking IMDb to see when series will resume. I did not see any continuous series for 2015. Hope they can write enough material to expand it. Great series and deserves a longer run.

The Rover

Stark and Boring
Do not waste your time. The reviews are over-rated. Why do Aussie movies always involve such barren and stark stories. This movie lacks a real plot or explanation.

The movie is so somber and not once does it present the viewer any relief. Suffer from the start to end if you dare to watch this boring and awful movie. Expect no comic relief, no interesting scenery, no interesting music, just a constant beating.

Unreal and unwatchable.

I do not want to continue a review of such repugnant topic. Watch the Road if you need to watch such topic. it is just over done.

The Bridge

Best TV Drama Anywhere
Without a doubt, The Bridge is the best Drama on TV today. Diane Kruger's character is unique and fresh. The characters introduced throughout the show are so good and well acted, it is a show worth watching just based on character. However, it is also well written and caries a story line that makes one yearn for more. If that is not enough of a reason to watch the show, then listen to the music and enjoy the cinematography. This show contains all the elements one enjoys in a story. Yet there is no superman to save the day. The protagonists, Marco and Sonya are both carrying burdens of extraordinary interest. Both are injured emotionally and yet struggle as we all do to weigh the differences between right and wrong. Sonya is afflicted with a disease that makes it impossible to veer from the truth. Paired as a partner with the Mexican police officer Marco, it is a very dynamic relationship. Watch the series and enjoy the many deep layers of human relationships. It is that good.

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