
IMDb member since March 2012
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    12 years



Too bold for uptight America
Granted, the DVD I rented began to skip about halfway through the film and I didn't see the whole movie, I believe that the only reason that this movie doesn't get the same reviews as Borat is because the American audience is too uptight. Yes, the movie is gross and at times cringe-inducing. Some of the more extreme scenes could have been hampered down, but I believe at the expense of the humor. Posters say they have never met anyone like Bruno, however have they ever met anyone like Borat. Neither exist in the real world and that is why the movie works. Cohen is a brilliant improviser and always two steps ahead of his targets. Some of the pranks don't deliver, but that's okay. I admire his audacity. For all the people who say it was too gross, imagine if the film was filled with explicit heterosexual sex, I'm sure the reaction would be much different. The aversion to this movie is primarily because there is a deep seated disgust to homosexual activity within the American psyche and even the most tolerant liberal is likely to be disgusted at some point. That's okay, that is why the movie works, it asks us what it is and why we are appalled.

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