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Tensions sur le Cap Corse

Only OK
This episode of this wonderful series looks great. The scenery and photography are outstanding. The acting is good. But it ends there. This is one of those crime shows where, for most of the show, you don't know if the criminals are the bad guys or the police are the bad guys. Nothing is clear. I suppose it's the writing that is the problem.

An additional difficulty is that several of the players in the plot are already dead, and the characters argue about their motives and histories.

The ending was improbable and thrown together. Watch it on a day you don't care, just to have the pretty scenery on.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Meurtres à Lille

I loved this!
This was such a great episode that I watched it again the next night. It had a great cast, beautiful location and intriguing plot. Of course, we have come to expect that from most of the episodes of this excellent show!

I did love the focus on art in this episode, both the dark side of a character trait so romanticized and the beauty and difficulty of operating a gallery.

The most wonderful part of this episode is the relationship between the two lead characters. I won't spill anything... just see it!

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Les secrets du château

One of the best!
This is one of the best episodes from this generally excellent series. As I was about a quarter of the way in, I knew I was in safe hands.

The characters are well written and are capable of growth and change. The direction does not get in the way. The photography and scenery and excellent. The script is so good.

And, of course, as they are French, the actors casually wear scarves and look great!

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Meurtres en Corrèze

Decent, but not the best
This episode of "Murder In..." had all the characteristics it should: estranged lovers, a wise older person, attractive young dead people and beautiful scenery.

But the sum of the parts was just ok. The lead actor was stressed to the core through the entire episode, and thus she was a bit difficult to watch. I enjoyed the twists in the "relationship reveal", but never really saw the attraction between these two.

The murder situation was unpleasant, many close-ups and similarities to one man's equally distressing art.

For the most part, I have enjoyed this series. I don't suggest skipping this episode because, honestly, who can get enough, but just know it's not the greatest.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

L'Oubliée d'Amboise

The Present is the Past
This was a good episode. It followed the "formula" for many of these stories: a detective returns to his/her hometown for work, faces estranged family members who may also be involved in the mystery. I enjoy this "formula" very much. It adds so much to the traditional murder mystery and is always presented in an original and authentic way.

The photography and architecture are splendid here. People revere Leonardo da Vinci and the mystery is built around that.

There is not a romance between the detectives, but that does not mean that the relationship is not important and possibly life-changing. The secondary characters are lovely and made for a good ensemble. Acting was, of course, splendid.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Meurtres à Porquerolles

A Good Episode
I enjoyed this episode in the Murder In... series. The leads had good chemistry and all the actors were full, well-rounded characters. I enjoy that French television casually shows things that American TV might shy away from: alternative religiion, cancer, non-traditional relationships. There are famous authors portrayed in their roles as everyday people. Also people, especially women, are allowed to age and to show their age.

The fact that I once described François Vincentelli as an incredibly attractive man and here he is only "ok" attests to his acting skills. Here he is knotted and up-tight, a single father trying to solve murders under pressure.

The plot and writing are good and i recommend this show. I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Meurtres à Strasbourg

Good, Sad, Rewarding
It takes a minute to work out the family dynamics in this episode, but it's worth it. It's a good, solid plot and the actors are good throughout. As is the tradition with this series, there is a detective who has returned "home", a local legend and family members involved in unexpected ways.

Also, as usual, the scenery plays an important and beautiful part.

I find it amazing that French people live i 400-year old buildings and think nothing of it (I might be wrong here!). The house of the father in this story is amazing.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

L'Inconnu de Brocéliande

Worth a Watch
Also called "Murder in Brocéliande".

A very intense show. Follows the tradition of the "Murder In..." series as there is a legend, a difficult family relationship, and a murder reaching back into history.

The cast is good and the writing is decent. It moved along in a cliip and had a good twist. Watch it on a night when you are ready for some tense action... not a laid-back, romantic night.

And may I say, wow, is that "child psychologist" (François Vincentelli) handsome!

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Meurtres à l'Abbaye de Rouen

Not Much Original
If you have not watched many of the shows in this series, you may like this one. If you have watched more, you'll realize that this is a show made of conventions from this series (no spoilers): detective is estranged from family but returns to home town to work, runs into ex, finds out family member is involved in the crime.

That in itself is not the basis for my somewhat negative review. The show was full of unlikeable people. The storyline was ok. The acting was ok. It just could not hold my interest and I had to go back to it over three nights to finish it.

Two things I did appreciate about this show: the subject of art as a valuable and important concern, and, of course, the stunning scenery and photography, especially the night shots of the church with its gates.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Meurtres à Avignon

Decent show for a good night's viewing
I liked this episode. Both women leads portrayed characters that were brilliant in their own ways, which caused interesting conflict but also collaboration. It was good to see an older woman in the lead and in a romantic relationship. I also enjoyed her as a character who wasn't particularly "nice" in the way women are expected to be, yet she survived in her job and in her romance.

The mystery was good, had many layers. There was a good example of religious people who hate in the name of love and how it tears them up inside.

As usual, the scenery and photography were outstanding.

I have one small quibble with this episode, that the older woman and her romantic partner didn't, to me, seem to have any particular chemistry. Otherwise, a good show.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Meurtres en Cornouaille

Watch it when you have nothing else to do.
I am enjoying this series immensely. This was an "ok" episode. If you are interested in the predicament of childlessness (not a spoiler... they go there in the first five minutes), it might mean a lot to you, but it does not interest me. I found the murder story to be ok, but the personal relationships between the detectives and their circle overshadowed the murder plot.

As usual, the scenery and photography are stunning. I'd like to highlight the acting of Narcisse Mame, who plays the young detective. Although he started out playing a minor part, his part grew and I have rarely seen such intelligence behind the eyes of an actor.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku (television device) or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

La vallée des mensonges

Terrible, but you might like it...
The writing on this episode was simply terrible! It says it is from a novel, but I don't think the novel has been translated into English so I'll never know if the novel was better than this show. (I do prefer the French title, which translates as The Valley of Lies.)

I shut this show off 4 times over 4 nights. I was in no hurry to finish it. I am disappointed that the actors and audiences had to endure a program this bad, but good for the author who got her cut.

Why do I say you might like it? The actors are handsome and proficient, the scenery is stunning. The plot isn't even awful... just turned out to be a big ham sandwich. And the most stunning and least believable moment in the show is the shot of the gorgeous home owned by the longhaired, flannel-wearing forest ranger. Can I live in that universe?

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Le secret de la grotte

Strong, with a few issues
I was mixed about this show (obviously part of the Murder In... series, although packaged as a movie). The plot was straightforward at first, but got more complicated toward the end.

The plot involves the finding of a historic cave with cave paintings on it and a replica cave built for tourists. This truly exists in France. We had just been reading about it and it was nice to see it in a plot.

The story did get a little hallmark-ey ad I do feel that corners were cut getting the plot all sewn up and neatly tied together for the end.

Two very strong points of this show; first, the chemistry of the two lead actors and second, the absolutely stunning scenery. It's the best scenery yet of the many episodes of this series. Took my breath away.

Meurtres à Dunkerque

I enjoyed this episode of Murder In... very much. Good acting, strong storyline, colorful cinematography. A bit of humor and a bit of sentiment.

A lot of people (including myself) have not experienced a carnivale, and it was well-photographed. And the Corsairs... well, you just have to see it.

And, may I say that the leading man (Lannick Gautry) is... how can I put it?... handsome!

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Les mystères de la chorale

I recommend this show in spite of a million criticisms. Let me have fun with the criticisms, then I'll hit you with why you should watch it.

There is a style of TV show that I call "boob forward". This means that, anytime the female lead enters the frame, it's boobs first and boobs emphasized. Our lead here is supposed to be smart, I imagine, and does her best to solve the murder, but it's tight sweaters, fast cars and her gun tucked unsubtly in her belt, very much in the style of commercial US TV.

The story, supporting characters and locations are fine. In general, I am enjoying this series.

The plus? Despite improbable last-minute resolutions and a hallmark-style ending, the acting of the male co-star, Nicolas Marié, is so good and so understated that he made all the other issues pale. I came away annoyed, yes, but grateful that I experienced this performance.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

La mort est dans le pré

Tough but so good
I was hesitant to watch this episode (should actually be part of the Murder In.... series called "Murder in Haute Provence") as I read there was some violence. The plot concerns a slaughterhouse and the protesters fighting against it. There is also some personal violence, so be aware if that is a trigger for you. But the show was really great! I'm so glad I watched it, although I admit that during some of the protests, I hit the "10 seconds ahead" button a few times.

The acting in this show is strong for both the good characters and the bad. There is growth in the characters and, of course, amazing architecture.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Meurtres sur les îles du Frioul

Payoff is late, but it pays off!
This is a difficult episode to review. Once again, I can complain that the characters are "unlikeable" or simply not rounded out well enough, yet this episode has a great plot and a good payoff. You just have to wait until the last third of the show.

Add insanely gorgeous scenery and a unique historical connection with the island.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Crime à Biot

Light and Beautiful
Many of the episodes featuring Florence Pernel are mysteries on the lighter side. This one is no exception, starting the episode discussing her fashions and her assistant's love life. I do recommend this episode. Watch it on a night when you need something light and breezy, although it does get a little tense at the end.

It is wonderful to see Stéphane Blancafort who played David in the fabulous Acorn series Candace Renoir.

The two highlights of this show are the house where the main action takes place and the gorgeous scenery and old buildings of the town. They are worth the price of admission!

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Meurtres à Mulhouse

Should have been better
With a good plot, decent acting and beautiful scenery, this should have been a good show. I found most of the characters unlikeable, so did not develop the caring, the investment that I might have. Also, I don't believe a police detective would be allowed to investigate the lawyer who ruined her custody hopes and for whom her brother works.

The shining light in this episode is actor Willy Rovelli who plays Jasper the medical examiner. Is playing slightly gay considered politically incorrect now or inclusive? Anyway, he was sweet, animated and delightful. He wore those flowered shirts we used to wear as hippies and I loved them. I suppose if I was mulling over my fashion history, you could say I wasn't invested in the drama.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Meurtres à Pont-Aven

Excellent in all ways!
I completely enjoyed this episode of Murder In... At first I was hesitant to watch, because I read the summary and I'm not interested in witchcraft or psychic healing, but after the first few moments, I settled in to the story. The acting is exceptional all around. This is one of those lucky combinations of a deep, solid and interesting script, actors superbly up to the task and a gorgeous setting.

I watched this show on a streaming service called Hoopla which shows many of the MhZ network shows. It is a service you get through your public library and watch on a Roku or on your computer. Ask at your library if they have the service. Another fantastic show I watched on Hoopla was Captain Marleau. Please ignore the goofy art they put on the show title!

Le meilleur d'entre nous

I loved this show.
The scenery and the photography were stunning. The story is complicated and tender. I loved the actors, especially the lead (Mariama Gueye) and the innkeeper (Gauthier Battoue). Just finished watching it for the second time. I wish there was a second season.

There were many things in this show that were new to me. The show is filmed in a village that would seem a dream village to most of us. The training of the athletes (skiing and shooting) is amazing.

I have been watching French detective shows and I find them, for the most part, intelligent and well-made. The art of subtitles has improved dramatically over the last few decades.

Ainsley Eats the Streets

What could be better?
World cuisine, with stories and working chefs. Ainsley watching them, interviewing them, then cooking his take on aspects of the cuisine. What could be better? Found it on Netflix. What a joyous man, and what gorgeous food!

Cold Mountain

walked out-- am I alone?
After 90 minutes of watching people get shot, buried, blown up, stabbed and tortured, I left. What an awful, empty experience! Whatever happened to plots, characters? Made me yearn for a good Hepburn-Tracy film. I am a big fan of both Renee and Nicole, and I know war is hell, but this movie is full of gratuitous images I don't even want in my head.

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