
IMDb member since October 2011
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Miami Vice: Little Miss Dangerous
Episode 15, Season 2

Most Memorable Miami Vice Episode
I recall being absolutely spellbound by this episode's vividly haunting conclusion. Tubbs carries this one and Crockett plays wing-man in one of the best episodes of the entire series. We are carried into the sleazy world of Miami's strip joints, barely-of-age prostitutes and nighttime danger. A serial killer is preying upon johns and leaving crayon drawing calling cards with the victims. Tubbs is drawn towards one young, beautiful and emotionally scarred sex worker whose hot-headed boyfriend stands out as a prime suspect. Set almost entirely at night and with an accompanying soundtrack that amps up the tension and intrigue, Little Miss Dangerous is Exhibit A in what made this television show so special. The usual undercover drug investigation yarn is cast aside for this one and the result is one of the darkest episodes in the Miami Vice Canon with a sledgehammer of a conclusion. Fiona captures the tortured psyche of Jackie and manages to make her one of the most sympathetic and memorable characters ever to appear on this classic 1980s television program.

The New Mutants

About What I Expected
No, its not a great movie. But it isn't terrible either. A very predictable tale with some decent special effects. Acting is okay. Anya Taylor Joy stands out as Magik and her character is the most interesting of the bunch. There is nothing new being offered here but its about what I expected based on the trailers.


Strange and Unfulfilling Movie
Based on the trailers I had a feeling this movie would be a bit unorthodox and thought I would be disappointed. Ultimately, I was. Too slow, no real narrative to speak of and little in the way of historical accuracy. Not as bad as some are claiming but Hardy is an an amazing actor in high demand for film projects. He shouldn't be wasting his time on semi-experimental movies like this. Don't fritter your money away on it but in a couple of years when it hits late night cable you may want to check it out just for Tom Hardy's performance. The sole saving grace of this otherwise forgettable movie.

The Turning

So Much Potential..Unsatisfying Ending
This movie is not as bad as people are saying it is. Today's film- going audience, by and large, wants to think very little and interpret even less so the poor reviews do not surprise me. I also suspect that very few of these amateur movie reviewers have any idea that this is supposed to be a modern version of an 1898 ghost story written by Henry James. The acting in this movie is quite good, the costumes, set and cinematography are all top notch. But the pacing gets a bit botched as the film progresses and the ending is far too abrupt. I get the feeling that the director chose from one of two possible endings and chose the wrong one. Unfortunately, this ruined an otherwise interesting movie. Read the story first and then watch this movie if it happens to be on television one night. But I would not recommend paying for it.

Survive the Night

You'll Wish You Hadn't Survived This Movie
Where to begin ? Terribly written with abhorrent dialogue, nonsensical shifts between family drama and survival 'thriller'. This movie is absolute garbage. Bruce Willis obviously does not care about what kinds of movies he participates in any more as a survey of his body of work over the last decade shows. This is a slow burning nightmare. Not even worth the $1.99 that I reluctantly shelled out for it On Demand. Avoid at all costs.

The VVitch: A New-England Folktale

Visceral Horror
One of the best horror films to be produced in the last decade. Great performances, time period perfection. Paranoia and devilry at its finest.

Magnum Force

Good but not great
As far as Dirty Harry goes this movie ranks third after Dirty Harry and Sudden Impact. I like the movie a lot but it would have been better if the vigilante cops all had a different specialization to make them more distinct from one another. For instance, one is an expert with a handgun the next one an expert with a rifle, another with explosives etc. This could have made things more interesting. But for it's time, this movie is quite well done.


A Very Good Movie
I've always been fascinated with Terry Sawchuck. Growing up in Canada and idolizing goalies since the age of nine. Knowing the details of his life always made me wish that someone would make a film about him. If movies can be made about Rocket Richard and Gordie Howe then surely Sawchuck is deserving of the honor as well. While I wouldn't describe it as a fabulous movie it was a fine effort and does an excellent job capturing the idiosynchrasies of the era in pro sports and the physical and emotional hardships endured by professional hockey players during a time when missing a game or two due to injury could mean the end of your career. I think the main actor did a fine job capturing Sawchuck's notoriously sullen disposition and moodiness. Telling it like it was instead of trying to glamorize his image was the right way tell the story. On the down side, I find it a bit disappointing that we couldnt see Sawchuck wearing the Motor City's famous logo on his jersey. Probably due to budget constraints the movie had to make due without official NHL logos and this takes away from things a bit. I'm also not crazy about the way they ended the film and thought it could have been done better. Overall though it's a movie that real hockey fans and especially goalie fans should see. I'm certain that most will appreciate the effort.

City of Industry

Slick Sleeper That You Won't Forget
Harvey Kietel has has some memorable performances over the years. Who can forget his potrayal of a self destructive, utterly corrupt and morally conflicted police officer in Bad Lieutenant? Or his tough as nails gangster Mr.White from Reservoir Dogs ? In this movie he gives us Roy Egan, a weathered, almost weary lifetime criminal with just enough gas left in the tank to take care of business one last time. This movie flew largely under the radar. I recall the evening I went to see this at the cinema with two friends. It had only been out for a little over a week and there were only a handful of people in attendance. Unfortunate that it is not as well known as many of Kietel's other movies. The cast is stellar with great performances from Stephen Dorff, Timothy Hutton and the ever beautiful Famke Janssen. City of Industry also features a great soundtrack, excellent film locales that give the story authenticity as well as grit and enough violence and revenge-driven rage to satisfy any fan of crime thrillers. Sure, the basic storyline ( avenging a murderous double-cross among thieves) has been done a thousand times. But the strong performances and stylized nature of this movie gives it a real crime noir feel that is unique. Check it out if you missed it the first time around. And keep your eyes open for the Lucy Liu who has a small role in this as well. One of her earlier screen appearances.

La marca del Hombre Lobo

Major Nostalgic Werewolf Flick For Me
This unashamedly B grade movie has a special place in my heart. It was the first werewolf movie I ever watched and it was the first time I ever stayed up to watch The Late Movie on cable television ( it aired at midnight on Saturday evenings). It wasnt until over 30 years later that I would get a chance to watch it in color because in 1980 we still had a B&W TV set. Vampires fighting Werewolves ? Check! Creepy European Gothic atmosphere complete with authentic castle? Check! A nice touch of Euro erotica featuring large breasted damsels with beautiful skin tone ? Check! Great fun. And I was lucky to see something like this on television because I guarantee you it wont be shown on North American cable anymore. Enjoy it for what it is.

Solo: A Star Wars Story

A Decent Effort But Far From Exceptional
After indulging in the Star Wars movies yet again over the Christmas break and sifting through a few reviews, I found myself needing to make a couple of comments on this film. First off, a very good effort put in by all involved here. Good direction and a pretty interesting story overall. Very good acting, especially by Woody Harrelson. But there is one feature of this movie that really bothers me and I am sure that I am not alone in this regard, and that is the pitiful attempt to portray the forging of the relationship between Han and Chewbacca. The bond between these two is one of the most well known and fabled in all of science fiction/fantasy cinema. When I heard about the production of this movie I was so excited to finally get to see an on screen telling of the first meeting between these two. How did the Wookie come to love this human so much that he basically swore a lifetime oath of loyalty to him ? Those familiar with some of the literature regarding this backstory had an idea of what to expect. And although we dont always get exactly what we desire when it comes to this sort of thing. We usually expect something that is close to the mark or at least worthy of the characters involved. I dont want to go into detail about what the canon storyline says about Han and Chewie's first encounter and ensuing relationship dynamics. But let's just say that this movie fails miserably in this regard. Lifelong path of loyalty because someone helps you out of a pit after being held prisoner together for a mere two days ?? There was no effort whatsoever on behalf of the studio or scriptwriters to do this aspect of the story justice. I was incredibly disappointed with this aspect of the movie.

Das komabrutale Duell

Gore For Gore's Sake
So this movie has been given the distinction of 'goriest movie ever'. OK..well does that mean it has to be absolutely horrible and have no decent acting or storyline twists ? I'm a lover of macabre cinema and watch a lot of extremely violent movies, as well as movies about controversial subjects. I'm not afraid to push the envelope a little bit, more than the average viewer, perhaps. But this movie is just gore for gore's sake and really is just plain gross. Its not even worth watching in my opinion. I gave it a three just for the distinction it carries, but other than its designation as 'goriest movie of all time ' there are no real reasons to watch this movie. Its not even put together very well and the plot is only in place to support a horrific splatter fest on screen. I am glad I didn't pay for it..and I can see why it was included as a free 'bonus' item in a shipment I won through an Ebay auction. The bonus will be the $2 I sell it for at a garage sale, I guess.

Angels with Dirty Faces

Among the Best Of Great Gangster Films
I've watched all of Cagney's gangster films , and this one is the best. It delivers the best message, has the best acting and also benefits from the best cast assembled in any of Cagney's depression-era crime flicks. Rocky Sullivan's character is one that reverberates with us all, even the most hardened of criminals ( who aren't psychopathic) can relate to the ideas of regret and wishing you could so something good and atone for your misbehavior before leaving a world that was always rotten to you. Similarly, even a person who has led a life free of crime almost always wishes there was some way to atone for something they have done at a certain point in their life. Redemption is a concept that hits home with everyone. Bogart plays his part as the deceptive 'pal' perfectly and with his trademark style , but is out-shined in this movie by the sensitive Father Jerry Connolly( portrayed by Pat O'Brien) - Rocky's childhood friend, a man who is fighting for the hearts and minds of a group of teens; fighting with the allure of Rocky's tough, flashy, never-say-die lifestyle and image. Watch the brilliant camera work during the scene where Rocky is being led to his execution, the shadows, the grim, defiant expression on Cagney's face, and then, the most famous scene of all - a scene shown only in shadow. Its a fantastic end to a classic movie.

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