
IMDb member since September 2003
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Hotel Rwanda

An absolute must see
The only comment I can give about this movie is - SEE IT. It's one of the most heart wrenching, yet beautiful movies I've ever seen. I really hope Don Cheadle and the movie receive Oscars! The acting is superb and the fact this is based upon a true story only makes it better. You may need some Kleenex as I was overwhelmed for a large part of this movie.

I had the honor of seeing this movie at a preview screening with the real "Paul" and his wife attending - what an absolute amazing experience to be in their presence. This movie will make you rethink everything about what it means to be human and how much we need to think about all our neighbours in this world.

Don't miss it!

Jeux d'enfants

A beautiful piece of work
Many people will comment that movie is reminiscent of Amelie with its poetic vision and loveable characters. Many probably don't realise that the writer started this piece 2 years before Amelie hit the screen.

Whatever the case, this is a beautiful piece which portrays love lasting throughout time in a thoughtful, igenius way...I was lucky enough to see a screening of this movie at the Toronto International Film Festival and hear the director talk about this piece...and it truly is a piece of cinematic joy. I would recommend it to anyone who is sick of the traditional hollywood portrayal of true love..I'm positive you will love it! :)

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