
IMDb member since June 2011
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


Get Krack!n

Disappointing for this Katering Show fan
I'm a big fan of the Katering Show so I had high hopes for the Kates' new outing. Unfortunately, Get Krack!n misses the mark for me.

One key difference between these two shows is the target of their humour. On the Katering Show, McLennan and McCartney were clearly on the same side. They would sometimes throw a friendly barb or two at each other but ultimately the actors' friendship was evident in their characters. Overall, the target of their humour was not each other but the world around them (e.g. diet fads, hipsters, food celebrities). By contrast, Get Krack!n has a different vibe and tends to rely on conflict between the Kates which I find to be lazier and less appealing humour.

In a similar vein, a lot of the humour of Get Krack!n derives from how bad the in-universe show is... a point which is hammered into the audience's heads at every possible turn and exaggerated beyond any level of believably. By contrast, The Katering Show relied on subtlety and fast-paced writing. Things still went wrong within the in-universe show but it was up to the audience to notice them - perhaps on their second or third re-watch. They didn't need to hit the audience over the head and say "THIS IS FUNNY" - they trusted the audience to be smart and able to get the joke.

As another reviewer commented, the success of The Katering Show might also lie in its brevity. In a 6-minute short, the jokes came so thick and fast that not a moment of the show could be wasted. Unfortunately, the half-hour format of Get Krack!n tends to stretch jokes so thin so as to undermine their payoff.

Unfortunately, it's back to re-watching the YouTube series for me.

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