
IMDb member since March 2011
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Enemies Closer

i am generous enough!
i am the type of movies' fan who tries to now what kind of movie he is about to watch before watching it, in order not to have expectation from pop-corn movies or fighting ones and be prepared to be astonished by exceptional films. That's me and because of that i have enjoyed Oscar films, as i have enjoyed JCVD's and Seagal's movies amongst else. But, this one? Saw some mercy for God's shake! I shall not give any spoiler but some advice to the Belgian (once) super-fighter Mr Jean Claude: If there is no money for a descent scenario if there is no descent director if there is not enough budget to hire some descent actors for the other roles if there is no plan for a movie to be filmed at descent locations in daylight or at night with descent machinery if there is anything like what you offered to play n such a fiasco, ...then PLEASE DON'T PLAY IN A MOVIE LIKE THIS AGAIN!*

*and if you play, please realise that you are not 40 any more, you are 54 d@mn it, act like a 54 years old!!!

Now You See Me

excellent action movie
thank god i didn't stay on some of the audience critics and actually watched this film! Let's clear this out. This film ISN'T an Oscar contender, this film ISN'T a sequel of Kislowsky's trilogy nor Fasbinder's movie. IT IS CLEARLY A ROAD MOVIE BUT THE "CARS" ARE 4 ILLUSIONISTS. There are excellent twists in the storyline and there are enough explains for anyone didn't see it coming and how it happened. There are not "jump out of the car" scenes to save a hero, there are not helicopters getting safes away, there are not unexplained impossibilities and therefore there isn't any reason to be miserable after seeing this film. Except if you went to the theater and you thought you are to watch the "repetition" of "The Green Mile" or "The Godfather"... This is a descent action movie with some exaggeration in it, but all of these nice paired with the film and it's scenario. watch it prepared what you are about to see, and you will never gonna be disappointed...

The Lone Ranger

excellent movie. Actually, a true cinema movie. fun, action, drama, entertainment, food for thought, ethics. everything. Depp is one of a kind once more. I don't know whats the critics problem about, but it was worth any single penny i spent to see it and i may have it to my movie collection like... forever.

* photograph very good.

* scenario good enough.

* humorous and not getting you tired at all.

* a nice ending.

everything i ld like to watch a movie.

must see!

Pacific Rim

"kind of a film"
well, it was a big question for me before watching that film, what should a sci-fi blockbuster looked like to carry this 7,2 rating. If a proper 4,5 or 5 rating was there, its most likely i wouldn't ever watched it. After all, i try it and actually i finished it. Oh my goodness, i watched the entirely film! Something like a miracle. Boring, pure acting, predictable, zero background, a total lie. maybe a "3" rating if anyone is willing to watch an unspeakable "light" film with super hi tech CG, and nothing more. To eat some pop corns and leave the theater with nothing but almost 2,5 hours without thinking and anxiousness. But if anyone wanna watch serious cinema, even a blockbuster with some decent plot, should never, NEVER, spent a single dollar (or euro) to watch this "kind of a film".

Man of Steel

good as a pop corn movie, nothing more
with an exception to the "prequel" story-line that tells us something about crypto and what happened before Kal El's coming on Earth, the rest of the movie is nothing more than a mediocre film, even for a fan of Super Heroes movies. Snyder is trying to make a different character, not achieving it at all. OK, Clark is not a naive reporter, actually he is not a reporter at all, he is becoming one with the titles of the film's end. exceptional fx but that's all. nothing more. It is a movie full of "scenario gaps". I like Crow as Jor El, the guy playing General Zod and i found the rest of the actors insignificant for the movie. Great loss of Kostner's name, poor choice for the main Character (Superman/Clark). It is a movie to watch once to have it seen, nothing more. Anyone can not watch it again, it is completely indifferent.

P.S.: i ve seen all spiderman's, all superman's, the avengers, captain America, all iron man's, all batman's, all hulk's and thor 3-4 times each movie but i may not see that film for a second time. If u know what i mean...

XIII: The Series

bad try for "resurrect" and continue a great mini series
having watch the first two episodes (mini series) back in 2008 i was thrilled to learn that they actually did give a chance to "resurrect" xiii, as they gave us a lead-in in the final 2 minutes back then.

my hopes for a decent spy/advntr series died after the first episode and i quit trying to find a bit of interest in the first 20 minutes of the second one. Then, i just closed the "chapter" and delete it from my watch-list.

awful "resurrection" of a well promised two episodes "pilot", terrible action, and most of all, it was more predictable than a two years' child's effort to sing Pavarotti...

The Siege

most interesting are the reviews!
excellent and kind of prophetic film. There is holes in the script, but such a pro-telling film it is awesome to watch!

i enjoyed it but what surprised me most were the reviews of simple people written before 9/11, that it was a scenario unreal that never could be real! Pity, that is why 9/11 happened, because no one believed that the fear could intrude in his life and did NOTHING to prevent it, NOTHING to prevent power been held by evil people and when the evil intruded the US was too late.

Neither Arabs are all fundamentalists nor Americans are all stupid and racist. The problem for our society is to find them and do anything, with every cost, to show them the reality and make them responsible, peaceful people.

Catch .44

When they grow up...
When Aaron Harvey grows up certainly wanna be Quentin Tarantino. As for now, he is nothing but a bad copy/paste guy...

When Malin Akerman grows up wanna be Uma Therman. As for now, she is nothing but a promising blond mediocre actress...

When Bruce Wilis grows up wanna be David Carradine "Bill", as for now he is nothing more than "Die Hard's McClane"...

When Catch 44 grows up wanna be Kill Bill (or any Tarantino's film), but as for now till forever it is not anything than a waste of time...

The only thing surprised me was how Forest Whitaker was persuaded to be a part in all this mess. I thought he's better than that...

Battle: Los Angeles

mediocre and nothing more
i am a big fan of disaster movies, alien invasion movies and generally all kind of good sci-fi blockbusters. So i can say that i was totally prepared to watch an alien invasion movie, i did not got on the theatrical multiplex to watch an Oscar contender. getting out of the cinema i felled so tired that i couldn't say. It was boring and i expected every single scene before it came. OK, it was a good couple of hours with pop corns and coke but not as good as other blockbusters i 've watched before.

fx: good but not best

acting: not a slight above mediocre

scenario: you know it before even buy the ticket

end: gimme a break, of course you know it

totally 5/10 and very generous

Grey's Anatomy: Song Beneath the Song
Episode 18, Season 7

perfect zero despite a full ten...
BRILLIANT idea!!! If the producers and directors were trying hard to find a way to totally destroy one of the seasons' best episode (if not the best) they did find the ultimate idea indeed. The made this promising episode absolutely horrible. I should make a note here, it was the first and only episode in 7 years that i DIDN'T watch normally but by FF-ing continuously and trying desperately to spot the dialogs! PS. I am also a fun of Supernatural series. Last year they had an episode made to be alike a documentary. I thought back then that it could be the worst ever episode in all series i ve ever watched. But i was tragically wrong. S07E18 of Grey's Anatomy took the record and it is sure that if the record changes hands again, then it will be the day that The Asylum co. (this joke company) will be the producers of the new record's episode. SPECIAL TNKS to the crew (producers, screenwriters, directors, actors) who made the impossible look possible by ruining, burning in asses such a crucial, emotional and hart-breaking episode!!! congrats...

Battle of Los Angeles

It is a tragedy that there is people filming these crap and worst of all, some people pay money to buy or rent bullshit like that... Horrible... parody... bad effects... something like actors but definitely NOT ACTORS tricky title to fool the fools... unbelievable bad scenario... there was not ONE minute of at least BAD filming... all of it was JUST GARBAGE... take this for granted. it may be the worst film you ve ever watched, and that only IF you manage to watch this all... i just FF it to see if the end could be such a crap as the whole film. And surprise!!! it was worst!!! for god's shake do not try to watch it, it is mind-mixer and make you feel sick

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