
IMDb member since February 2011
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    13 years


Au théâtre ce soir

Amazing show
This show brought the theater in the house of so many people. The cast were good if not brilliant with the best actress and actors of the time, amazing writers... Just a few amongst others : Anouilh, Aymé, Courteline, Feydau, Guitry, Labiche, Wilde, Balzac, Doyle. It was mainly comedies but not always.

At the end when the cast presented itself, it was a tradition in my familly to said out loud : "The costums are Donald Cardwell and the set are from Roger Hart!" and everyone was laughing as they both did almost all sets and costums from the different plays.

When it stopped it was heartbreaking, 24 years of culture disappeared.

Chicago P.D.: Justice
Episode 21, Season 3

Very balanced episode that does not see the world as a good/bad place. Excellent view how justice sometimes works and how depending on the person on your side you can or can not be in trouble. A crime, contexte, facts, history and police and justice work, everything is put in in order to have a clear view of what is happening. And let's not speak about the difference of view between elected and appointed (not sure it is the correct word) civil servant.

A sad but almost realistic vision. As a european, I find this quality too rare in the us productions.

A last word about some people acting in this show and I find very good : Marina Squerciati (Burgess), Brian Geraghty (Roman), Philip Winchester (Stone) and at last but not least probably my favorite caracter of the show : Amy Morton (Platt).

Chicago P.D.: At Least It's Justice
Episode 10, Season 1

Human episode about inhuman things
Well, this is about human feelings, parenthood and justice. Great scenario and very well played. I would have love to see the conclusion of it to be more elaborate but still, great episode.

Chicago P.D.: The Price We Pay
Episode 7, Season 1

The price we pay
By far the most inspiring episode from the start. The last scene is just amazing, Jon Seda and Robin Weigert act superbly! And yes, the title is in the dialog but hell, what a way to put it in the dialogs!

Buffet froid

Unidentified Filmed Object
How to describe the undescrible ? Three men, a killed women, an empty building, a crazy town... And one hour and half of laugh if your sense of humour is dark and crazy enough !


Some things to remember
Ok the story is in part predictable... Scientific bases not accurate BUT it is enjoyable!

Scarlett is amazing but the part I do love the most : the first 15 minutes!

These 15 first minutes should be watched by any student that travel abroad as a warning ^^

Lucifer: A Priest Walks Into a Bar
Episode 9, Season 1

How in hell!
Can a show about Lucifer can show so much humanity!

This story between Lucifer and a priest is a masterpiece!

As for the acting, well... Perfect, brilliant!

I do understand why Tom Ellis do like this episode.

A must see!

Castle: Headhunters
Episode 21, Season 4

Another special one!
OK, throw you usual Castle episode in the basket, this is something completly different and Adam Baldwin (great performance) will bring a completly new flavor to the show.

Had a good laugh with this one!

The Night Manager

I never think I would see this...
But here is a miniseries of 6 hours, not too long, not too short with one hell of a cast : Laurie, Hiddleston. Hollander. Menzies and a lot others I did not know but the acting is really great... The story? Well based on a John Le Carré book (I shall read it) but complexe enough and set in beautiful landscape... So in one sentence, you like spy movies (not the James Bond type, the other one with chess mental games and manipulation), the night manager is for you.

A long time I did not enjoy a show like this one.

Erin Brockovich

Sad story but such a fun
The story is quite horrible as it is a real one but how it is pictured is amazing. Julia Roberts is amazing and I laugh so many times! Funny things is Roberts is a french word in slang for boobs, in this movie it is... let's say appropriate!

Let's not forget. Albert Finney who is great too! So watch it and have a good time!


I had a bad feeling about this...
Well it was true... first time that i saw the same CGI effect for lasers in scifi movies and for tracing ammunitions. RIcochet from a 75mm PK gun on a Sherman at less than 300 meters? Hell, who wrote the script? The loonely toons?

I did not watch the rest of the movie. Cliche after cliche, not one ounce of realism (do not ask for a completly realistic movie but a pinch of it would have been great).

So a disaster... I saw war movies of the 50's without CGI that were way above this crap.


Not the best... but worth watching
Just view this movie again... ok I do agree, it is not the best of the first 4 alien movies, I put the 4th one above this one but it worth a watch.

A big surprise for me was to discover Charles Dance as the doctor (I did not knew him when the movie was released), Charles bring his usual coolness to his character.

The Departed

The movie is ok... but as I have watched Infernal Affairs (the trilogy) several times, there is a building of tension that is missing in this remake.

Several shots are identical to the original and I think that if they start to change few things, they should have avoided to stay so close to infernal affairs.

But my opinion may be a little partial, I admit. Not knowing the original, this movie is ok and Nicholson is... well nicholsonian as usual ^^

Ally McBeal: I Know Him by Heart
Episode 23, Season 2

Face it!
It seems that's the role given to Ling is a kind of deus ex machina that can do whatever she want, obtain whatever she wishes and so on... It makes me laugh everytime!

Ally McBeal: The Green Monster
Episode 21, Season 2

good one
OK not all episode of Ally McBeal are great from my point of view but this one has quite funny surprises... from piano to Porsche to a new business owned by Ling (I will finish by thinking she owns half Boston businesses :))... a funny episode to watch

House M.D.: Two Stories
Episode 13, Season 7

At last....
House is in his perfect environment. With people with the same mental age as him (ok probably a bit older then him)...

Vikings: The Prisoner
Episode 5, Season 5

I am stunned as I though this show can not be worse... quite a mistake. Things that are historically wrong, way of lives that are wrong, tactical moves that are wrong, acting that are wrong... Nothing is right in this episode.

Vikings: Homeland
Episode 3, Season 5

No surprise, nothing new, plans that are so obvious that a 3 years old would not fall into them... Vikings lost almost all its interest....

Vikings: In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning
Episode 14, Season 4

At last
Ecbert and Ragnar are talking again... only Athelstan is missing. It is for me one of the good point of this show, the facing of two different cultures and religion and how people can talk about them. If you prefer an episode for violence or sex scenes, the latter generally does not add anything to the plot, well you will find this episode a bit long...

Vikings: Unforgiven
Episode 6, Season 2

A strong moment
For me the most interresting moment in this episode is in the moment between the king Ecbert and Athelstan. Europe did have lost so much knowledge... some realize it, others just did not knew...

Vikings: A King's Ransom
Episode 7, Season 1

I know it is not a good behaviour but when i saw the scene where Rollo receive the bapteme and the bishop is saying all parts of the body, I suddendly have this strange impression to have switch to Monthy Python's Holy Grail. I did have a good laugh ^^

House M.D.: Alone
Episode 1, Season 4

One of the best
For me, the beginning of the season 4 is probably one of the best sets of episodes for M.D. House (a good sets is the ones with the detective in a previous season). Here, House is really in free wheel, nothing to stop him, he is an absolute jerk without constraints or limits and it is funny, witty and ... well I must admit, absolutly without moral. About the medical case, it is so human... it does give a good balance to our favorite sociopath.

House M.D.: Airborne
Episode 18, Season 3

Two cases..
An excellent episode where you switch from sometimes similar procedures in an higly equipped hospital and an airplane with... well a lot less things to do the same test. Add a full load of panicked passengers, a lady that want to have some fun and our classical team of doctors, shake it and enjoy it!

House M.D.: Daddy's Boy
Episode 5, Season 2

What a shame
OK i had to see this episode again to recognize Greg's father, R Lee Emley, this could of course explain why House has trouble with his father, difficult to have a marines father :) As it turn out later, Greg's father is really a marine as we learn later in the show :) Always a pleasure to see Lee Emley and the others actors do a great job too! Semper fi and regards to the USMC!

House M.D.: Poison
Episode 8, Season 1

Quite a laugh
Ok the main case is cool but frankly i put 10 for the old woman case, I had such a laugh! Shirley Knight is just fabulous ^^

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