
IMDb member since April 2003
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They should officially change the name to LAME.
okay.... so first things first.... I was invited to the N.Z. premiere tonight in Auckland of the new "Fame" reboot or remake or whatever you want to call it. I thought free food, a few celebrities to stalk and some free beers and then the movie to end it all, sounds like a good night. I grew up with the 80's fame on t.v. I saw Leroy rocking it weekly on screen... so yeah I was interested to see how they re-branded this film for the new millennium. To be frank, I was not expecting "Fame" to be an academy award masterpiece but I was still very intrigued after watching the trailer, the music sounded cool, the atmosphere seemed a little charged the trailer was cut nicely... but sadly... thats where all the excitement ended in the trailer.....

This movie is b- to- the -oring.!! BORING! So I will be mentioning some spoilers so stop reading here if that's an issue for you.... got an issue grab a tissue.

Basically they take a bunch of very talented up and coming singers, dancers, actors etc and they cram 4 freaking years of this elusive, over the top, hardest school in the world to get accepted to into a roughly 90 minute film. Every 25 minutes was one year.. starting with a "freshman year" title on the screen... then about 25 minutes later fade to black and "sophomore year" then about 25 minutes later "junior" etc etc... this spread the movie extremely thin... although the leads hair grew longer or haircuts changed so you knew they were older and more mature.

They have the cliché young black guy who is full of torment and angst that his father left him, who sits all melancholy in the stairwell while everyone else is in the cafeteria dancing on tables and plugging in guitars and hitting bongos. There is the young black woman who is being forced to play classical piano by her parents when all she really wants to do is be free and sing her heart out... because no one cares about her needs. There is the typical geeky video guy who always seems to have a camera in his hands when you see him, the gay male ballet dancer who no matter how hard he tries cannot cut it and impress his teacher.... blah blah blah and the young girl actress wannabe singer who starts singing in a little tiny voice all shy and quiet, so you would expect that bam she will find herself and come out of her shell like her teachers have been telling her the ENTIRE 4 YEARS!!!!! BUT NO.... nothing changes... she doesn't get a big voice, stays wooden and timid and shy... I mean seriously I thought this school was supposed to be only accepting the best of the best! They just spent the first 20 minutes showing us auditions and having the school principal tell everyone that thousands audition but only a few hundred are accepted!! There are so many cheesy moments, from the black guy saying "aiightt" to the "I just want my parents to be proud of me" to the boyfriend "I'm just going to sing to you and give you a big hug and then cartoon rabbits will come out and doves will lower a silk scarf around your neck and there will be world peace and God bless you tiny tim"... what?!?! Okay so maybe I'm going a little over board but there was more cheese in this then a stuffed crust pizza from domino's.

I think the biggest problem with this film is you walk away with a "who cares" mindset. The fact that they have approx. 10 main roles and follow them for their four years of tuition which is crammed into 90 minutes of movie is so thin... you just don't care about the characters at all because you don't get to know them. Each person maybe gets about 15-20 minutes screen time max. Then you are left wondering so what about him or what about her or did she make the album or did he get kicked out or did they stay together or how did the father handle the news????!? The story is not interesting, it extremely average, there is ZERO edge to this reboot.... no pizazz no hype no excitement. It's plain dull.

I'm sure that young girls aged between 5-13 will like this, is this who 'fame' is catered towards??? I mean if tweens is the fame target demographic then it may do okay for a week or two. Sadly the biggest audience reaction from tonight's "Fame" premiere was when the "New Moon" trailer screened before the start.

Some good things..... The singing is amazing... the dancing is as you would expect incredible but over all that's it. The acting a big thumbs down, I came away from this feeling like it was a very expensive made for TV movie. The story is all over the place, spread top thin and unlike the trailer again I say there is no edge, It's like a pilot for a new TV series... actually.... is that what it is suppose to be?!?



A touch too much!
Having already been a long time fan or Sacha Baron Cohen' s Ali G television show and having already seen '06 Borat, I was expecting this film to be a little border line in it's humor. It's not so much clever as it is shocking. I mean, I think all the girls in the audience were more shocked than amused when without warning a penis is flopping around the screen. What the!?!? Here in N.Z. this film has a rating or R-16 which is ridiculous. R-18 should be the case but our chief censor has no idea what appropriate is obviously. I'm a manager for a cinema and we have already had various people walk out of Bruno in disgust. I mean come on, give me a break, most of us can all take a joke, I enjoy a good laugh as much as the next person and some.... SOME of this movie is really funny. But the endless barrage of penis/gay jokes and the very explicit Swingers party sex scenes are totally inappropriate and I'm obviously not the only one who thinks this as the opening weekend box office has taken a HUGE dive from opening day. Are we so desensitized with what is being portrayed in films these days that we have forgotten about good morals??? Do you a parent really want your daughter/son going to watch this sort of thing which is basically pornography. What ever happened to good clean fun movies??

Max Payne

Totally agree with this review!!
Sad but true, I just returned from a much previously hyped film VERY disappointed. In a word BORING! I'm fairly forgiving with reviews, I usually give most films the benefit of the doubt especially films based on video games. This film is based extremely loosely on the game. SOME action scenes were cool but most were the same old same old repetitive shoot outs we have seen a thousand times before. The bad guy, I went with a group and we all guessed who it would be as soon as he arrived on the screen. Was this suppose to be deliberate. The acting was so so. If anything this film has definitely increased my desire to see Quantum of Solace thanks solely to Olga the next bond girl. She sizzles on the screen but is unfortunately underused. LUDA-Cris!!! didn't pull off the serious cop routine, he was a lil too cardboard and the fact that I was waiting for a "AAiigghhhttt" to come out of his mouth at any second probably didn't improve matters. I will say that it is beautifully shot, the lighting and atmosphere are great. Some may say a little too dark knightish but hey that was always Max's style.

My conclusion this gets a big 5 out of 10. I will not be buying the DVD on this one.


Seen it twice already!!!
After the hugely, very VERY useless and extremely boring "Daredevil" along with the very much OVER hyped "Spider-Man" which was cheese city peppered with awesome effects....I was beginning to get a little worried that the whole super hero film franchise was in serious trouble. But I totally knew that X2 was going restore my faith and it has. Mr Singer has pulled it off AGAIN! X2 is everything I hoped for and more, very classy. Although I didn't feel it was as humorous as the 1st it has a more in depth story line and the effects are flawless! Nightcrawlers entire opening sequence in the white house is how an opening SHOULD be done. I haven't been this blown away with a movie opening since Trinity 1st appeared in the Matrix! Kudos to you again Bryan Singer and everyone involved in your effects team. I love the references that were made to the first film i.e. Liberty Island and the subtle things such as Mystique's scars from her first fight with Wolverine in X1. Little things also like Hank Mcoys brief appearance on the news are very intriguing. Its great also to see the Phoenix character starting to make her appearance. All the characters were well written especially Mystique who is perfect in her casting!! Along with Hugh as Wolverine, At first I was a little cautious with Hugh being cast as Wolverine but now I cannot imagine anyone else as Wolverine. Basically X2 is a great movie which everyone will enjoy. Fun, thrills, great original effects (Nightcrawler's teleport) and great acting. This is not a sequel but a successful continuation of the X-men saga, I'm already looking forward to X3. Bring on Gambit! Bring on Phoenix! and bring on another success. I saw the midnight premiere last night in Auckland and again today at 3PM ...and it won't be the last. GO SEE IT!

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