
IMDb member since January 2010
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    IMDb Member
    14 years


The Ref

i thought a comedy was supposed to be funny
This film falls at the first hurdle for me. It isn't funny at all. I was going to switch it off after 20 minutes but decided to give it another ten in the faint hope of a laugh. It's clearly supposed to be funny but just isn't. The basic premise is that a burglar falls through a trapdoor which is part of the security system of a house he is burgling. The next thing we know he's in a supermarket sticking a gun in the back of a hostage. How he got out and why he wants to take a hostage isn't explained. I'm prepared to suspend reality for films , particularly comedies but this just doesn't make any sense. What relevance has the Police Chief saying that his cops are useless? Maybe that's supposed to be a funny bit. The ingredients are there for a comedy, i.e. gunman taking very argumentative family hostage - but he doesn't need to be there, He could walk away at any time. My advice would be - don't waste your time.

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