
IMDb member since November 2009
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One of the best film ever made in Bollywood .
This is a technical genius of Indian Cinema. One of the best films ever made. One film I personally can even think of parallel y in terms of quality would be Omkara. Dev D is not a film but a reflection of Indian youth as it is in the new century. If there was something called a psychedelic film this would definitely be the one. The soundtrack itself through out the film creates a unparalleled atmosphere. Blended superbly is the story and the characters. I am not a movie critic but I have seen IMDb top 250 and exhaustively Korean, french , Italian and Brazilian movies. This movie stand apart from the rest. There will never be another Dev D like there will never be another Avatar or Schindler's list. The only reason this film did not get worldwide recognition it deserves because it is an Indian film maybe and there should be more exposure of Indian films.

If you are not from India, and you are reading this review, watch this film once. Please make a point of watching it with headphones on or good loudspeakers. Watch it at a time, when you are most relaxed and trust me, you will never forget this film. I can personally guarantee that any Indian worth his taste in films, have not watched this movie less than a couple of times.

Enjoy the film. I don't write much review, but I like sharing the happiness i get from watching great films. More so, if i can share it with someone not from my country. Dev D is a reflection of India of the 21st century. A India you may have not seen or thought off. This will change your perception of the country to a large extent and will definitely be one of your favorite movies of all time. Blurays are available with subtitles. But trust me, except for some dialogues, the film will reach you beyond the barriers of language.

If you are in your 20s, or early 30s, and if you have not watched Dev D , you cannot say you have watched world cinema.

I think Schindler's list should be IMDb's no. 1 film and i think Dev D definitely would deserve a place in that list's top 15 if it was watched by the world at large. So watch the film, you will love it, share it with your friends. After-all that's what watching movies is all about. Enjoy with a drink or whatever makes you feel good. :) Adios..


Avatar : A tribute to human imagination
While watching the movie there were moments i felt sad because i could not grasp the complete beauty and detailing that was presented on the screen. If you watch Avatar there will be instances when you will feel you as a viewer may be failing to justify the film because your senses will be overwhelmed.

This may be a simple film for the viewer but when one thinks of the imagination of the writer and the beauty and perfection put in the characters, one can only conclude that this film is a tribute to the power of imagination of human beings (James Cameron in this instance).

As a film Avatar is a journey to immense beauty, adventure and out of the world experience. A film that will definitely last in the memory of the viewer for a lifetime and is undoubtedly one of the greatest films ever made. Its a treat for viewers of all ages and you have never seen anything remotely close like this ever.

For me this is one of the best films i ever saw. 10 years down the line many technological advancement may come in film making and even James Cameron may deliver something outstandingly brilliant but Avatar and its beauty is unique and is unparalleled even by its creator.

A film to watch many times to grasp its entirety. There will never be a film as unique in its beauty as Avatar. ( if not its sequel)

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