
IMDb member since November 2002
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Hank Williams First Nation

about the Cree language scene
First off, let me say this movie was wonderful and beautiful and I'd recommend it everyone! No sex, no violence, no sensationalism...what a refreshing relief!

Like one or two have posted, at the time of viewing the movie, I at first thought I'd have liked to have known what the local politician was saying in Cree. However, I realized that not knowing added to the magic of the film.

Writer/director Aaron Sorensen (as well as Gordon Tootoosis and Colin Van Loon) spoke after the screening in Vancouver, and said they had intended that scene to be spoken in English, but it just wasn't working during the shoot. He told the actor to say it all in Cree, and it's just a delightful scene! I'm glad they didn't give subtitles, because it was a joy watching the interaction between the characters, and listening to the "feeling" of the exchange. Sorry -- hard to put into words!

As it turns out, amazingly the script is on the movie's website. There, the scene is given in the original English. When I saw it I was about to read it. Couldn't bring myself to do it!

Of all the beautiful poetry I've read in my life, and all the movies I've scene, I've almost never had one line stand out so powerfully:

""We might not be through with the past, but the past is through with us" ~~ Spoken by "Sarah" (Stacy Da Silva)

After the film, Aaron Sorensen said that both the DVD and the CD should be out later this year. Keep an eye out for it! You won't be disappointed.



Finally!! I GET it!!
(hello other poster in Canada!) :) I just saw this show, too, and FINALLY a couple of things were explained to me in ways that I understood them! It's not that that was the AIM of the show, but a couple of interviewees just happened to say something, and PRESTO, I got it! I've been trying to wrap my head around travel at the speed of light, etc for decades, and now I get it (more or less, speaking as a lay-person!) I love history, biographies, and have always been interested in Albert Einstein, so this show was really really wonderful.

I want to find out how to contact the producers of this show to commend them on it!

Blessed Stranger: After Flight 111

An amazing piece!
Oh my gosh, I just got finished watching this show!! What a tear-jerker!! :( A show like this highlights the AMAZING talent in Canada, that often goes overlooked. Beautiful Kate Nelligan gave a strong performance as always. The whole show really pulled at the heart strings, but the final scene broke me down! Hugh Johnson did a TOTALLY believable'd really think he IS the character, not an actor. He really should become a household name! A superlative soundtrack. A deep story about people, and a little bit of what is now Canadian history.


Odyssey 5

I miss good sci-fi such as O5
A few weeks ago in the wee hours, I caught my first episode of Odyssey 5 (on the SPACE channel,Canada), and

WAS HOOKED! I didn't quite follow the storyline, but the

actors made the ep, and it has a great atmosphere. Watched another one, and have been telling folks how good

it is, only to find it's already been CANCELLED by Showtime! This afternoon, I saw the pilot episode, and

it's about the ONLY tv sci-fi that has given me goosebumps!

Is it my imagination, or when I was a kid (I'm 40+ now)

was there just MORE good science fiction available, recognized as a thinking man's (er, person's) media or

literature entertainment? You just can't seem to find any these days (Outer Limits manages it fairly often), and

when it does appear, the powers that be nix it. I just

don't get it.

Great premise, interesting characters and outstanding actors....seems like a perfect recipe to me!

Linda Vancouver, Canada

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