
IMDb member since February 2024
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Salem's Lot

I've had better Yeast infections
What are we doing here?????? This movie was horrendous. The casting is bad. The elements of horror were bad. The overall feel of the film was bad. Lewis Pullman brother. Why do you always look like you have a dip in your lip? You did solid though and I think you can act. It's probably the only positive I have to say about the film. Everything felt sloppy, rushed and amateurish. If you are gonna attempt a reboot, remake or sequel to a classic film at least do it right. I sat through this wondering what I was missing on the Golden Bachelor. How sad is it I rather watch a couple of 70 year olds make-out then sit through this turd burglar.


I rather watch my parents go at it then sit through this again
Let's make a historical film and hire as many good actors as we can. I mean good grief every other scene I was seeing a familiar face. Good for you Nolan brother. It's interesting for a while and my low IQ kept up for awhile but the runtime on this is 3 hours. I'm probably at a mid 7 if it's 2 1/2 hours. I felt it dragged on too long. Moral of the story..the government bent over Oppenheimer in the end just like they are doing us middle class now. Emily blunt was nuts. Josh Hairnet running around with his good looks and magnificent hair couldn't save it. Cillian Murphy Was good although at times he looked like a reverse aged Vampire. I'd rather watch 3 Jackie Chan movies then have to sit through this again.

What the Waters Left Behind: Scars

Mexican band meets Mexican cult.
This film was odd. Generally I watch a trailer and if it peaks my interest I watch it. I just started this with no info on it. I expected more nudity in a goth rock band running into a Mexican cult but whatever. It works at times and other times the "Action" or scary parts are horribly filmed. A lot of weird looking people in this film and 1 goth Mexican who is a looker. I folded my 4 loads of laundry and clipped my toe nails while watching this. A Mexican goth band tours small towns somewhere in Mexico or Spain..who really cares. They run into a cult. The "Band" are full of guys who have obviously never been in a fight which is hilarious to watch and play out when they are attempting to be tough. 5/10. It's fun at times..other times I felt like I was going to have a seizure due to the bad pacing and acting.

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