
IMDb member since November 2023
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Secrets in the Ice

For the love of all that's holy. Get a new narrator.
Some of this subject matter is really interesting, but this format of getting 'experts' reading scripts with zero conviction is painful. I'm looking at you Abandoned Engineering.

It's so obvious that they're reading a script they read two minutes ago.

Nothing is as annoying as the voice over though. The exaggerated intonation is beyond annoying.

The stuff is interesting enough on its own, you don't need to deliver the voice over like a 1920s fairground huckster.

Please please please fire this ham and get someone with some delivery skills.

In conclusion.

Lose the faux experts and get another voice over.

Megalithic Underworld

Waste of time
I love history docs and learning about our deep past, but this effort is all over the place.

There are some interesting locations and monuments I've never heard of, but the dates and theories are so random and convoluted nothing makes any sense. Is it 10,000 years ago or is it medieval? Is it the pagans or Middle Ages? Who knows. I gave up caring.

And when Erich von Däniken rocks up and everyone starts hinting at aliens and ancient machines, I checked out.

And don't get me started on the sound design. Again, all over the place. Whoever did this was either deaf or high.

Honestly, how does stuff like this get made.

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