
IMDb member since August 2007
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Terminator 2: Judgment Day

The best second to none I put this movie up there with The Dark Knight and The Princess Bride Return of the King/Lord of the Rings Close Enounters and Raiders of the Lost Ark then there was Terminator 2:Judgement Day with a talented cast and an awesome director,probably the best film ever .Could you have imagine what James Cameron would have done with the reboot of Star Trek ? J.J. Abrahms did an excellent job however.Why hasn't anyone listen to me yet,it's time to reboot Space: 1999 .And Mr.Cameron a remake of the Abyss might be in order ? My favorite movies I just above but here goes anyways: 1.The Princess Bride *****perfect. 2.Close Encounters of the third Kind*****perfect. 3.Raiders of the Lost Ark*****perfect. 4.Terminator 2:Judgement Day*****perfect. 5.Superman*****perfect. 6.Lord of the Rings/Return of the King*****perfect. 7.West Side Story*****perfect. 8.Empire Strikes Back*****perfect. 9.The Abyss*****perfect you notice I put two Cameron films on my top ten favorite movies . 10.Back ro the Future part 3, Only because like the Abyss it had a beautiful actress in it Mary Steenburgen . 11.I'm added one more for Mary's sake because sometimes shes underrated as an actress I thought she was terrific in Time after Time another *****perfect movie............

The Princess Bride

hello there !
One word , perfect . Rob Reiner at his best , Billy Crystal funny , Carol Kane , funny , I love seeing Andre the Giant here as well as Peter Falk as the Grandafather telling the tale of the Princess Bride . The most dazzling special effect were not the effects , but of Robin Wright herself , she was the perfect princess , and I hope Hollywood reads this , all these remakes , Battlestar , Star Trek V and others do not attempt to remake the Princess Bride ; it was unique , different and special , it was fantasy true as it were , adventure and fun and romance too , do not remake The Princess Bride , if you do , I'll never watch a movie or TV program again :) ... thankyou for a perfect movie .

[email protected]

The Princess Bride

hello there !
One word , perfect . Rob Reiner at his best , Billy Crystal funny , Carol Kane , funny , I love seeing Andre the Giant here as well as Peter Falk as the Grandafather telling the tale of the Princess Bride . The most dazzling special effect were not the effects , but of Robin Wright herself , she was the perfect princess , and I hope Hollywood reads this , all these remakes , Battlestar , Star Trek V and others do not attempt to remake the Princess Bride ; it was unique , different and special , it was fantasy true as it were , adventure and fun and romance too , do not remake The Princess Bride , if you do , I'll never watch a movie or TV program again :) ... thankyou for a perfect movie .

[email protected]

Space: 1999

Space :1999 -Time to Remake
Now we come full circle so to speak , we've made Baattle Galactica again , Star Trek in Dec , and more are coming out , Land of the Lost and V: The Second Coming , so why is Hollywood afraid of remaking Space:1999 , with today's technology and the use of more nuclear devices , doesn't it seem more real to remake Space:1999 with a possible return flight to the Moon , call it Space:2020 or Space:2112 the future is now people , it's here before us . They have the money and know how to remake Battlestar , why not Space:1999 , remake:) It's about time .

You have the directors and stars , I would to see Sam Neill play a Barry Morse type character , or Tom Weller as a Tony Verdeshci type role and Zooey Deschanel as the Barbara Bain type character , haven't yet decided on the character of John Koenig , I think Christian Bale would be great as John Koenig .

Please remake Space :1999 , it's important .


Peter Jackson time to Remake Jaws
Jaws is one of the few movies outside science fiction and Star Trek I like , it had the characters , story lines , art , acting , a shark , people screaming , I did like A Goobye Girl , Stir Crazy and a few others outside of the science fiction realm , but they would have to had caught my attention , and like A Clockwork Orange or The Shining with Jack Nicholson , Jaws caught my attention . Peter Jackson you were great as director of the Lord of the Ring trilogy and King Kong , would you have the inkling in doing a remake of the shark , I think you would be wonderful as the director , Steven Spielberg knew what he was doing , but he has to worry about the new Indy film out and how it is going to do against films like Speed Racer , but Jaws was perfection all the way , the remakes were laughable at best , the ones that came close to Jaws were not even Jaws related , they were The Beast and Open Water . Thankyou Steven Spielberg for a movie like Jaws ; I never went swimming again :)

Planet of the Apes

Even in Mask A film Can Be Good
Even wearing monkey masks , the characters seem to come alive in Planet of the Apes with Roddy McDowell and Kim Hunter as Cornelius and Zira and the hundred of extras were outstanding , not to overlook the great acting done by Charleton Heston , but can you imagine what it's like wearing that make-up everyday .I loved Planet of the Apes and two of it's sequels , Battle for the Planet of the Apes and Conquest .

Need something to watch for New Years Eve , this is it . perfect in every way , like Mary Poppins was . Have we all forgotten how sweet that movie was . Disney's true classic , like Dumbo . Why we're on the subject of Disney , you did a great job with the creatures in Narnia , can't wait for Prince Caspian . If Disney reads this or Peter Jackson , somewhere someplace someone's doing a remake , can you imagine if Peter directed a Planet of the Apes movie or Disney ,what possibilities abound .Or here's an idea for Peter , what about Tom Thumb or Gulliver's Travels or a redoing of my favorite movie , The Mysterious Island .


Alec Newman was perfect as Paul and William Hurt was excellent . Saskia Reeves was beautiful as Lady Jessica , the mini series in my view is one of the top three mini series ever , next to Roots and V , I also thought Julie Cox was wonderful too .

Everybody was terrific , the story lines were top rated and I like how thy created the worms ; if there is to be one more remake , I doubt it could be better then this one :)

There is no way their going to top this .

Even Children of Dune , the sequel was the best there was .

Ten out of ten stars is putting it mildly .

Dune should be added to the registry ; they added E.T. and Close Encounters , why not Dune :) Thankyou Frank Herbert .

AND Happy New Year Everyone .


now my top ten horror movies :)
Poltergeist ****** , must-see .

The Shining ******** , what more need to be said , starring Jack Nicholson . Jack will always be King, even at a Laker's game :)

The Fly/Vincent Price version *****, excellent ." Help me ."

Kingdom of the Spiders , William Shatner and a whole town overtaking by spiders :)*****,excellent .

Ghostbusters ***** , excellent , may not have been scary scary , but funny scary sort of way .

Aliens , ******, must-see .

JAWS , Steven Spielberg at his best ******* ,perfect .

Halloween , the original with Jamie Lee Curtis ,***** ,excellent .

Damien :Omen 2 : I know this will be a shock , but when Damien finds out who he is and runs out of the Academy , that was great , but then he knows who he is and all hell breaks loose ***** , excellent .

Saw , what I only heard about it , have not seen it except in trailers if I was handcuffed to something and a saw was my only way to cut one of my body parts off , I couldn't do it :)***** , excellent .

I know I said ten , but a notable is V: The original mini series made me on the edge of my seat when I saw Diana eat , or pretending to it a rat V is the best at both science fiction and horror ******* perfect . Thankyou , Kenneth Johnson .


Who would have Thought
Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice , who knew what a wonderful career she would have , and like fine wine , she's gotten more pretty with time . I loved her movies , especially Beetlejuice , Heathers and Dracula , Beetlejuice always made me laugh . But Dracula was still overlook at the Oscars that year for best picture :( Heathers always reminded me of the girls that turned me down in high school .

But Winona Ryder has become a gifted , rare gem in Hollywood .

One was a unique find . Well done , Winona , Bravo I give you ten out of ten stars ********** I'm glad I'll be seeing in upcoming Star Trek conventions ; all those that are starring in the next Star Trek better be warned , once your in a Star Trek movie , your part of Star Trek . . But myself I would not mind meeting Winona , I have Marina Sirtis , Chase Masterson's , Julie Caitlin Brown , Grace Whitney even Nichelle Nichols and the queen herself of Star Trek , Majel Roddenberry . :) Thankyou . But I need Winona's autograpgh now :)

Time After Time

Here are my top ten movies for science fiction .
Time after Time ****** , perfect.

The Abyss ******* , masterpiece .

Empire Strikes Back , ***** , excellent .

Star Trek ll : The Wrath of Khan , ***** , excellent .

Mad Max , **** , very good .

Close Encounters of the Third Kind , ****** ,perfect .

The Andromeda Strain , **** , very good .

Logan's Run , **** , very good .

When Worlds Collide, ******* , masterpiece .

War of the Worlds , ***** , excellent .

But the top two are the best of the best .

Other notables are Andromeda , because I like Liv Tyler . The Lord Of The Rings/ Return of the King only , and The New King Kong , directed by Peter Jackson . *** , good .

Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack

give the old some credit
Let's think people , quit bad-mouthing the original , for it's time the original Battlestar series was a masterpiece , even still with all the stars , story lines and art . Lorne Greene was great as Adama and Richard Hatch was perfect as Apollo and Dirk Benedict was funny as Starbuck , but I dare say , not as pretty as Katee as Starbuck .

I loved the episode with the Pegasus and Greetings from Earth was good John Calicos was great as Baltar , War of the Gods , the best was Experiment in Terra , I thought that was a tribute in a way to Heaven Can Wait , then you had the women of Battlestar , not to compare them to let's say Tricia who is outstandingly beautiful as Number Six , but Jane Seymour's beauty could not be compared to . Let alone Loerrta Spang as Cassiopea was fantastic .She had beauty that a rainbow would be embarrassed by . I loved the original as much as the new .

Can you imagine if John Calicos had a number six ? :)

Thankyou for listening .

Battlestar Galactica

what more can you say
Battlestar Galactica was flawless in every sense ; characters were there , story lines were fantastic , direction was perfect .

My favorite episodes are as follows ; 33 and Six Degrees of Separation , both parts of Kobol's Last Gleaming . Second Season I'd enjoyed , Pegasus and Scar and Downloaded . Third Season I like :

Unfinished Business ,Mealstorm and Crossroads , both parts .

The characters I like the best were , Number Six , Racetrack and the ever beautiful Sharon . I would say , if the powers that be weren't canceling the series , it may have lasted six to seven seasons . Bravo , Just like MASH or the original Star Trek , this is the way TV should be made . :)[email protected]

Lost in Space

Still the best today , the Black and white Episodes
From the moment we see the Jupiter 2 on the launching pad , Dr. Smith trying to sabotage the flight of the Robinson family to Alpha Centauri I was hook as a viewer and a fan , but only of the black and white episodes , they only two color episodes I enjoyed , which were The Anti-Matter Men and the Junkyard Planet .

The black and white episodes I enjoyed were The Derelict , The Raft and The Oasis , which saw Dr. Smith at his best ,One Of Our Dogs is Missing and My Friend , Mr. Nobody and Attack of the Monster Plants , I did enjoy Return From Outer Space , but it could have been a classic like The City on the Edge of Forever would have been in Star Trek .

I give the first season of Lost in Space ten out of ten stars . The second was six out of ten and the third was three out of ten .

Unlike some fans I did enjoy the movie Lost In Space , people are always redoing or remaking in Hollywood , look at Battlestar Galactica or Superman and Batman , even a new beginning for Star Trek in 2008 .

If most of the stars from the Lost in Space movie are still around do a sequel , or recast a new movie , but that's what life is about .

Taking a chance now . Long Live Lost in Space :)

Happy Days

Happy Days was Happy Days , enough said
Ron Howard , Henry Winkler , Erin Moran and the rest of the cast made up one of the best , if not the best TV series since MASH , style and directing , other characters that came onto the show like Laverne and Shirley and Mork from Ork , even both Al's that ran the diner where everybody hung out , all made up a gem of a TV series , besides Dawn Wells from Gilligan's Island , I must admit I had a crush on when I saw her , then came Erin Moran . Happy Days I never missed an episode when it came on , they made us laugh and cry and always taught us a lesson about life . Where are these types of TV shows today ? Need more shows like Happy Days , MASH to teach us and educate us :)

Happy Days are here again :) In DVD form :)

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Probably have seen more times now then Star Wars :)
I thought Dead Man's Chest was fantastic, amazing and simply fun . Never thought I be a Johnny Depp fan , but am now :) I've always been a pirate fan of sorts , even in real history .Keira Knightly is a beautiful Pirate as well , not since Robin Wright in the Princess Bride has there been such beauty that graces the screen ; there was a Pirate in the Princess Bride too , right ? We need more movies like theses Pirates of the Caribbean movies and the gem of all movies , The Princess Bride , I've always been a Trekker most of my life , but now as I seen Kiera Knightly as a Pirate , I could change :).

If anyone listening , they've done Baby Loony Toons , Flintstone Kids and why not a Pirate show in the same nature , we could how they became Pirates when they younger , wouldn't that be something ? A young Capt. Jack Sparrow ? Too bad your ending it with At World's End:( Hope to see Kiera in other movies soon , she has a rare and talented gift . Besides being one of the top five beautiful women in the world today :) Long Live Pirates of the Caribbean movies:)

Godzilla, King of the Monsters!

why don't anyone take this movie serious
I thought this Godzilla movie was and still is the best , even for it's day , with Raymond Burr it was superior movie .

Even today , if they made it a serious movie , like Peter Jackson's King Kong , Godzilla 1954 gets 10 out of 10 stars from me ********** , we saw what could happened if we use nuclear weapons time and again , but this movie is the best to say what would happen , just like movies like Them or The Day After , if we can't manage ourselves , we can't manage the world we live in :( . Look to the future people , it's all ready the twenty-first century , how much longer can the human race avoid it's own fate or it's own destiny .

Long Live the King himself :)Godzilla .

The Day the Earth Stood Still

The Greatest
Robert Wise has got to be one of the top five directors of our time ,with the exception of Star TREK: THE Motion Picture , his movies have made us laugh , cry , sing , and dance and even smile when we left the theater .

And The Day the Earth Stood Still , next to West Side Story , is one of his bests , actors were great , the story was out of this world . Even the ending was up there with the ending of West Side Story , when Natalie Wood grabbed the gun from Chino and said ,'' looking at Tony's body and then at the two gang members ,'' It wasn't guns or knives that killed Tony ,Riff and her brother , it was hate . Same message could be seen in The Day the Earth Stood Still , when he tells everyone before leaving that nuclear weapons if not use right or correctly could destroy or kill . Two of the best films of our era , directed by one of the greatest directors of our time .I love movies but I love movies that entertain as well as can teach us also .

[email protected]

p.s. hope the new Day the Earth Stood Still movie in 2008 can live up to the original , probably not , but good luck ; piece of warning , DO NOT REMAKE West Side Story , like One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest , Gone With the Wind , Empire Strikes Back and even Star Trek : The Wrath of Khan , these movies should be not touch in any way , or remade , West Side Story was a gem of a movie ; a rare find , if Hollywood tries to do a remake , I'll be really let down . Never , Never touched West Side Story . You do not have the stars today that could even match the stars back then like Russ Tamblyn , Natelie , Rita Moreno, the actors who played Tony , Ice and Baby John ; one of a kind movie starred one of a kind cast :) Your remakes haven't done too well of recent years and good luck with reimagining Star Trek .

Conquest of the Planet of the Apes

Second best in the Planet of the Apes movie , but still a damn good movie :)
How often do films or movies get away with talking about issues before the censorship get hold of them , the direction , the special effects and even the customs that people wore in Conquest of the Planet of the Apes were the best of it's time and era , and having Roddy McDowell as the mighty Caeser was excellent , I have enjoyed Roddy's acting for long time now , even during Fright Night and Legend of the Hell House , the original version . And Conquest had a sensitive issue to tackle ; slavery and it did it well , Don Murray was perfect in this movie as was Hari Rhodes , even seeing future WKRP star , Gordon Jump as the one that auctioned off the apes as slaves was great . But as like most movies go as far as movie series are concerned , the Planet of the Apes should not have to take a back seat to anyone ; even the Star Trek or Star Wars own movie series , Planet of the Apes was one of a kind , unique and very different for what it was and Conquest was one of the better ones , next to the original starring Charlton Heston , who can ever beat something that is perfection anyway :) [email protected]


the next best thing :") sliding , could be possible?
Jerry O'Connell , Sabrina Llyod , John Rhys-Davies , Kari Wuhrer , and Cleavant Derricks were the best of the best in one of the greatest TV series of our time , sliding from dimension to dimension was always fun to watch , my favorites were Invasion , In Dino Veritas , Greatfellas , The Exodus , both parts , Revelations , one of my personal favorites , Last Days , Season's Greetings , and of course Roads Taken , and my other favorite Requiem , because it had the ever beautiful and talented Julie Caitlin Brown guest starring . But Sliders had adventure , action, romance , mystery and each episode was different , never the same .

Sliders was unique , awesome and having one of my all time favorite characters on it every week , Wade Wells . Even before Kari was starring in Sliders , Sabrina was starring along with four male actors week after week , a woman in a man's world it seemed .

But Sabrina was the best , sorry guys , besides Dawn Wells on Gilligan's Island or Marina Sirtis on Star Trek: The Next Generation I actually had admired Sabrina ; she was beautiful as well as gifted . All these actresses had done what other actresses fail to do sometimes star on what would seem to be a male oriented program or male related programs that was meant for males in general as far as ratings and such goes , because still it seems in TV that males are sixty percent of viewers these days as it turns out .

And the three actresses that I've mention , especially Sabrina , are three of the most beautiful in the world .

Always a Sliders fan , have all five seasons recorded or on DVD if anyone reads this . Hello Jerry O'Connell , you did a great job in inventing Sliders , one of the greatest television series ever ; along with MASH, BONANZA , N.Y.P.D BLUE AND OF COURSE , STAR TREK .

Jerry if you catch this comment , why not a reunion of some sort ; most of the stars are still alive

Why not a Sliders movie ? You left us hanging at the end of season five you know . [email protected] You need a script , Jerry I have written one or two stories of my own . More like fan fiction Sliders stories , but they're good ones . :) Thankyou again for Sliders .


The best comedy of our time
I thought the original Ghostbusters was still and is still the best comedy/horror movie ever , even all these other spoof movies they did on horror movies can't compare to Ghostbusters ; Ghostbusters had the story , the direction and the cast which in my view , is still the best to date . Bill Murray is funny when he is uncontrollable just like he was in Groundhog Day as well , I think the top five comedians of our time have to be Charlie Chaplin , Bill Cosby and Mel Brooks , The Little Rascals ; sorry Three Stooges and the other comedy teams of that time , I always thought the Little Rascals or Our Gang were the best , and now Bill Murray , along with Dan Aykroyd , Rick Moranis , Harold Ramis and the ever beautiful Sigourney Weaver reminded me of an older version of the Little Rascals , they're very familiar . To bad Ghostbusters II did not succeed where the first did , can you imagine what they could have done if there was a Ghostbusters III movie or even a live action series , the possibilities were endless and still are . But none will ever even slightly compare with the team of those fantastic actors and actresses .

Ghostbusters is the best comedy horror movie ever .....

five out of five stars , perfection . ***** [email protected]

The Shining

Jack at his best
I think Jack Nicholson is at his best when he plays people who are caught up in extraordinary situations or circumstances ; two of his best I still think are : The Joker in the first Batman movie with Micheal Keaton , where he is played the homicidal manic and arch foe of the Batman and Jack Torrance in the Shining , he excels as an actor when he portraying crazy people or slightly not so normal people and he was perfect in The 3 Witches of Eastwick , as many have said , Jack is King . I believe Jack Nicholson is one of the greatest top five actors of our time , next To Marlon Brando , Robert Duvall , Al Pacino and the queen herself Audrey Hepburn . Thankyou Jack Nicholson for one of the greatest horror movies of our time ; next to Jaws , the original Halloween movie and the first Saw movie . And my personal favorite , the original , The Fly with Vincent Price , I'll never forget the image of the half human ,half fly stuck in the spider's web screaming , '' Help Me , somebody Help Me . Who could ? :)

Quantum Leap: The Leap Back - June 15, 1945
Episode 1, Season 4

The Leap Back , perfect leaping Episode .
This was Quantum Leap at It's best , especially the switching personalities of Sam and Al , that was great , and seeing where it all happened , finally seeing all the characters in Sam's life . And seeing Sam's wife too, Donna ,beautiful lady and a most beautiful actress that portrayed her as well, Mimi Kuzyk was or is a beautiful actress as well as gifted and talented too .

Quantum Leap , like MASH , Star Trek , and Sliders , were great TV as well , they were what science fiction and comedy was about , . Let's hope the new Journeyman on TV this fall does as well . Too bad Battlestar Galactica is going off the air, that was perfect science fiction and drama combined . So long to everyone on Battlestar Galactica . Thankyou also .

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Spielberg's classic still makes You believe in UFO'S
Even twenty years later , this movie is fantastic , awe inspiring and totally believable ; I liked both Richard Dreyfuss in this movie and Terri Garr as his wife . The other cast members were awesome as well . Melinda Dillon was also great here as well as Francios Truffuat too . I loved Steven Spielberg's idea on how first contact with an alien race might actually happen and that they would take human beings back with them to wherever they were going , presume their home world .

Close Encounters of the Third Kind , to me stands as one the top five movies of our time , next to The African Queen , Casablanca Gone With The Wind and Empire Strikes Back . Thankyou Steven Spielberg .

This was , as far as I'm concern , perfection . [email protected]

p.s. , if Steven Spielberg reads this or anyone else , why not a sequel A voyage with Roy Neary so to speak , a viewpoint on how he would see the universe through his eyes as he was taking on board the mothership and everything else that followed .

It would be interesting to see what ever happen to Roy's children and how it affected them in different ways , especially his wife .

When Worlds Collide

this is not a comment on the best sci fi movie made .
i liked this movie , it had action, adventure , romance , characters you could believe in , and the special effects were great for when the movie was release , now a remake ? Why ? That's like trying to do a remake of West Side Story , you could try and come only second best ; what's the matter Hollywood getting boring with itself ? Why not fresh new ideas like Stardust , or even new writers , come on get with it or Hollywood isn't going to be around much longer . I don't mind remakes when they make sense like the Spider-man movies , or even Revenge of the Sith ,or even when they got my favorite stars in it like Julie Caitlin Brown or Liv Tyler , more Brown and Tyler please , even more Jessica Alba , beautiful women , but no scripts for them , what happen to movies like The African Queen or Rocky or Jaws or Close Enocunters of the 3rd Kind , only exceptional sequels I'd enjoyed were the Star War movies , or Indiana Jones movies or even Star TrekII:The Wrath of Khan , get with it Hollywood , if a remake is worth making , then make it , not just for the money , but for the story as well .I hear Logan's Run is coming out next year , and a redoing of Star Trek so to speak; let's hope they work please , long live Hollywood . :) [email protected] and thankyou for whoever invented DVD's , my collection is about a hundred right now . '' Just added to my collection , Spider-man three and Ghost Rider , make it hundred and two . Why didn't anyone like Spiderman 3 , I thought it was good and Nicholas Cage was perfect as the Ghost Rider . Thankyou .


i like it , reminded me of the way the six million dollar man should have been
Robocop deserve better audience then it did it was a fun movie , a misunderstood hero . Peter Weller was great as Robocop , the directing was near perfect , settings was fantastic , since everyone is doing make overs as it were , Battlestar Galactica , Star Trek ; anyone listening out there? A new Robocop ? We need more heroes these days . why not a new Robocop ?

Peter Jackson would you do it? Everybody was great , the best . in Robocop . Good job ,well done . Rkallao. Why not Dean Cain as Robocop ? He has the built just like Peter Weller did , but Dean is a lot younger then when Peter did it , imagine what Dean Cain could do as Robocop ?

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