
IMDb member since July 2007
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI
Episode 6, Season 1

Just plain bad, and such a waste..
This background story had such potential for greatness. But poor acting from Reva (and a bad storyline in general, that just nobody cares for in the end), good acting, but very poor action scenes from the kid Leia (she runs like a 3y old, and doesn't get caught by 15 adults...please), and just boring light saber/force fight scenes (a rock shower, ugh) don't help. Also the CGI just doesn't cut it on a good screen. The scenes with the mountains in the background look almost as fake as the original stars wars scenes from the 89s.

Wish I could like it more, wish it was more real and wish the production value would have been up to par. But it seems it's just a money grab for SW addicts at this point. Too bad.

Jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy

It's interesting, just not good, unfortunately. Still worthwhile
Great story and background on the life and living of Ye and his mom in the past. Almost nothing on his current/recent life, which is a shame.

The docu in general though..way too long,l and a lot of bad quality video (I understand the reason) but it's just way too much and unnecessary).

Worth a watch though, to get inside the mind and background of a great artist! Just as a whole, not a great docu. Got to work with what you have I suppose.

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