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Good Faith Based Family Movie
The story of mankind in a contemporary world. The young actress playing Tulsa is appropriately smart and charming but also wise beyond her years. The father does a decent job as does the caseworker and rest of the cast but this story is not about acting or vying for awards. It's about the realities of alcohol, drug abuse, pride and selfishness. Along with people who need Jesus but are too proud or afraid to admit their faults and weaknesses. Unfortunately, some heathens have chosen to leave negative reviews even though it's highly unlikely they even watched the entire film much less know anything about the subject matter. If you're looking for a heartwarming, uplifting, charming evening without all the cursing, nudity, special effects, and vulgarity, this makes for a good choice.


An Iconic Classic!
Wonderful music, great singing, and considering this is a production made for the stage and not the big screen but the adaptation works fairly well for the most part. Having been born and reared in Oklahoma and not that far from Oolagah and Claremore, there are some nits to pick certainly. Firstly, the high desert and mountains of Arizona are nothing like the rolling green hills and prairies of Oklahoma and the cast's Oklahoma accents are horrible! Lol! Even Shirley Jones, the only Oklahoma native in the cast has definitely lost her accent. Every true Oklahoman knows the music and of course, the title song is now the official state song as could be expected. I always get a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye even attending the most amateur performance but the movie is enough to make me actually cry!

Professor T

Please don't let the negative reviews influence you against watching this series. I don't care how many iterations there are, this one is quite excellent on its own. Ben Miller is perfectly cast as Professor T and the rest of the cast are good if not as good as Ben Miller. Yes, there are the usual implausible scenarios but don't let that ruin your sense of a good story. The usual schlock of the day with race and sexual orientation issues but that's just become the norm no matter how irrelevant or inappropriate it might be. We enjoyed it and have recommended it to our friends so just watch and form your own opinions.


Bloody Hilarious!
Our first attempt to watch this series a couple of years ago resulted in not even finishing the first episode! But as time went on and we became more familiar with the various actors, we thought a second attempt should be made and are we glad we did so. The first couple of episodes are a bit boring actually but the more we watched, became familiar with the characters and style of humor, the better it got and we were disappointed that there were only 3 seasons plus the ending movie. The characters really endear themselves to you with each passing episode and even the basic premise of the series is whimsical and humorous while also being a bit melancholy and emotional. Kudos to the writers, cast and production team for a job well done in telling this little tale.


Just gets worse.
This series held such promise early on but just gets worse with every episode. Good casting and videography but the ridiculous catastrophes and social commentary has a decidedly left wing liberal bias that at first just creeped in but by Season 3, is full bore propaganda. The role of PM portrays a mentally unstable individual incapable of making rational decisions based upon the role of a top level government official. And his family is a total disaster. A wife and daughter who are complete narcissists along with a son that is totally clueless. The stories are unbelievable and outrageous while the plots and subplots get so tangled that you can't distinguish between them. What a mess.

Trigger Point

Lots of suspense.
Another series where the most unlikable character is the main character played by Vicky McClure. What a disaster she is as a person! Overlooking that element, the storyline is decent but definitely not something that you would want to watch for an extended period of time. Lots of suspense but not much substance. Good acting under the circumstances given the weak plot. I will finish the first series but have no interest in watching the second season. Too many other better series available on an ongoing basis. This is the second dud series in which Vicky McClure was featured. Beginning to think she's more suited to playing in shows like Line of Duty.

One Lane Bridge

Excellent series.
Not sure why there are several negative reviews as this is an excellent series overall. Gorgeous scenery in the heart of where much of Lord of the Rings was filmed and the one lane bridge is appropriately spooky. The acting is good enough and in some cases, very good. Unfortunately, many people don't understand second sight but this is a phenomenon shared amongst many indigenous peoples around the world. And it's inclusion is very believable in the series given its location and history in Maori culture. It also helps to have a bit of an understanding of New Zealand and its cultural heritage. Otherwise, much of it won't make sense if viewed through parochial American lenses.

The Cry

Good but not great.
Although there seems to be many outstanding reviews of the series, my opinion is a bit more subdued. All of the flash back and then forward scenes didn't help and required going back several times to determine the correct time period. I am not a fan of that type of storytelling. And I know I am probably too judgmental but these two people should have never parented a child! They are both obviously mentally ill individuals who should never be trusted with a baby. Jenna Coleman is an excellent actress and if the character was meant to be depicted as psychotic, then she portrayed the role very accurately. He was just an absolutely awful person and again, if the intent was the person to be portrayed in that manner, mission accomplished. This should be described as very dark!

Mies joka kuoli

First time Finnish Series
To my recollection, this is the first time I have ever watched a Finnish production. But, if it's representative of the genre, I certainly hope it's not my first and last! This series is excellent! Great acting, quirky characters, bizarre deaths, a man trying to solve his own murder before he dies! The writing is excellent and the unusual twists just add to the watching experience. This may be the very first show I have ever been able to watch all the way through with solely captions. Definitely worth it though. The humor ranges from almost slapstick to very dark and macabre. And the scenery is beautiful! I have only been to Helsinki Airport where I slept on a bench before connecting to Moscow but the scenery definitely made me want to go back for a longer visit throughout the country of Finland.

Catch Me A Killer

Gets Tedious Quickly!
The first few episodes were good but after about the third or fourth episode, the sameness just descended into monotony. Since this is based on a book, we can only assume it was an autobiography about the main character who is of course, more "enlightened" and able to extract confessions so readily it's amazing that the mass murderers didn't just walk into a police station on their own and say "I am the serial killer you're looking for"! Obviously, South Africa is a violent country and apparently has many mass murders by psychopaths who operate for years before anyone even starts asking questions or attempting to solve the crimes and when they do, the police are so inept and/or corrupt as to be ineffective and a profiler rides in to save the day. Different types of targets but the crimes are all the same and everyone except the leas character is totally incapable of solving the crimes. Boring.

The Fall

Sick and perverse.
The root story is good but the getting there is slow, tedious, borderline boring at times all while being totally obsessed with some of the sickest, most perverse sexual behavior of which humans are capable. And while I have never cared for Gillian Anderson, her performance here was perhaps the worst yet. Okay, I get it that the main characters are all deeply flawed individuals with the usual collection of hangups and hurts. And the only real difference with the two mail characters is a badge. Yet the writers persisted in diving deeper and deeper into psychological babble that made everything and everyone less worthy of their respective roles. Oh well , it was an interesting yarn.

The Madame Blanc Mysteries

Sheer Silliness.
To call this series a detective series is a misnomer of the highest order. Good, lighthearted fun, silly characters, beautiful scenery and banal "mysteries" are the order of the day but somehow in the end, it's entertaining and between the laughs and the easily solved mysteries, it was worth the time to spend an evening watching a few episodes. Apparently Judith and Jeremy are an acquired taste for some but I find them so silly as to be highly enjoyable. My only nit to pick is why Caron will consult with Madame Blanc and then immediately chastise her for rendering her opinion! Do you want to know what I think or not! And does Jean and Dom have a relationship or not? Burning questions! Lol!


Absolutely Delightful!
Everything about this series is well done from the characters to the costuming and sets as well as the inclusion of so many beloved Dickens characters in a delightful and entertaining 10 episodes that could have gone on for more. And whoever did the casting got every single character spot on which was aided by an all star cast of familiar names and faces. My wife wasn't sure she was enjoying the show through the first couple of episodes but by the fourth or fifth installment, she too was hooked. I do believe Charles Dickens himself would have approved of being rewritten in such a fashion as to incorporate so many of his beloved characters and small variations of their original stories. We definitely need more of this type of entertainment!

Monsieur Spade

Hapless and Hopeless
At the end of the day, nothing to see here. This series was a gross waste of beautiful scenery, great cast and even a good story but whoever directed this mess should be banned from ever making another series or film. Oh, it has it's moments but not enough to overcome the disjointed, dysfunctional, discombobulated mess created by horrible telling of the story. If you aren't totally confused beforehand you will be by the end. Even after reading several synopsis of the end, it's still stupid. As for Clive Owen; he ain't Bogey! I will just leave it at that. Surely this series could have been done in such a manner as to make it worth watching but not in its present form. Shame on me for not paying attention to the previous negative reviews.

The Killing

Worth Your Time?
Quite the collection of depraved, mentally unstable individuals who have managed to all come together at the same time and places to depict what could have possibly been an intriguing murder mystery. Frankly, by the time the first murder is solved, you are so mentally drained and exhausted that you really wonder whether it's worth watching or should you have just read a book. The main character (I suppose she's the main), is one of the most mentally disturbed with deep seated issues going all the way back to unresolved childhood memories that it's highly improbable she would ever be hired as a detective. And her partner, also flawed deeply but at least trying to get it together, seems to be totally enamored with a Snoop Dogg persona even to the point of talking like him and teaching his small nephew to be a rap character. There probably couldn't be a better city in which to display the madness than Seattle which is little more than a third world third rate hell hole. No wonder the state of Washington is having huge outflows of people trying to escape the madness. This one actually leaves you feeling just a little bit more than dirty by its asinine conclusion.

The Night Manager

Excellent Series!
This is absolutely the best series in a long, long time. Superb acting, lots of suspense and intrigue with a perfect ending. The few negative reviews here are puzzling and must be from folks who are not familiar with the craft of action adventure. The casting director is to be complimented for assembling the appropriate actors to play each character throughout the entire series. We started watching with some reluctance but that quickly changed in the very first episode and just built layer upon layer of tension and intrigue right up to the very end. I just read where a second series based upon a Le Carre book was in the works which was music to my ears!

The Chelsea Detective

Formulaic but entertaining.
Okay, right off the bat, everyone who thinks that half the population of Great Britain is gay or involved in a mixed race relationship, you will be pleased to know that all of the current prerequisites for a British detective show are present and accounted for. It has become so boringly expected that the initial impression has been lost in translation. Otherwise, this is a very good detective series that doesn't rely on wham, bam, blood and guts to attract an audience and the characters are quite pedestrian to the point of actually being refreshing. No glamour pusses or beef cakes. Just a dyslexic, serious minded head detective with the usual screwed up personal relationship between two people who are too selfish and independent to ever be able to peacefully coexist in the same space for very long before an argument ensues. An interesting twist is the hearing impaired pathologist with a wry wit and pleasant manner. The second banana detective doesn't return in Season Two but I honestly don't miss her and really can't even remember much about her character. The replacement is a bit more memorable and adds some depth to the cast. This is a more believable version of what a team of detectives is probably like although Max comes through with some interesting epiphanies to solve the murders in the end.


Excellent Overall
Okay, this series is not going to be winning any best awards but it is entertaining, dramatic and has its moments certainly. The characters are very good overall and the acting is good to very good by the main cast although the secondary characters and extras can be cringe worthy at times. No one can deny the medical drama and how difficult covering hundreds of square miles in need of medical attention must be. Some of the situations seem a bit contrived and what the purpose of the drag queens serves is baffling, I suppose it does lighten up the mood from having to be so serious and intense. Season Two has definitely morphed into more of a soap opera but still entertaining nonetheless. A few of the medical procedure scenes are a bit graphic and thankfully we don't have to watch anyone actually having sex despite the innuendo. The series does a good job of portraying the types of situations and difficulties involved in providing medical care to a very sparsely populated part of the world.

The Graduate

What Was I Thinking?!
The first time I saw this movie was back in 1967 upon its release and actually thought it was very good. In fact, my rating at that time would have been at least an 8 I am sure. Fast forward to last night and my wife and I decided to rent The Graduate just for something different and we were both greatly disappointed. What a stupid movie. Oh, there are some excellent actors and not even a bad story line. But the humor was quite dark and perverse with an ending that was anything but romantic or a true love story. I suppose it did reflect the values of the time and even the values of today in some locales but certainly not what most people would deem "normal" I would hope. Oh well, sorry we watched it and wish we had just left it in our memory banks thinking still that it was a good movie.

Chasing Shadows

Excellent Detective Series!
Not sure who the idiots were that decided to cancel this series but they were obviously not interested in the quality of the show itself! This short lived series is better than 90% of the detective series that has ever been made. Different, quirky, charming and entertaining are the thoughts that spring to mind when thinking about the series. Oh, it has its flaws and stereotypical characters and situations but the basic premise is certainly intact throughout the whole episode. Several humorous moments several of which are not necessarily intended but funny nonetheless. I will certainly be seeking out other shows with the lead actor in particular.

The Chase

Yes, It's a Soap!
This series would put many of the old daytime soap operas to shame! The whole village is rife with one illicit affair after another and the featured family is no exception. Unfortunately, probably a lot of realism with everyday life in rural England as it is in rural America or probably many countries. Just forget all the various simultaneous dramas going on and view it as a comedic "what's next" and the series takes on a whole new perspective. No, this much utter craziness probably doesn't exist in many families thankfully and it's a wonder we don't see more of the characters punching each other out. Just go with the flow and it's entertaining; expect it to make sense and you won't like it.

A Bad Moms Christmas

Okay, another stupid Christmas movie.
Okay, it has a few laughs so I got that out of the way. Other than sight gags, there is not much to recommend this shallow, vapid, hedonistic excuse of a Christmas movie. Other than a few (very few) of the usual Christmas trappings, the rest is banal, juvenile, borderline obscene at times, attempts to interject some modicum of the real Christmas spirit yet never succeeds at much of anything except for more silliness. The whole cast of characters including the therapist, needs therapy! There is not a single character in the entire movie who has any redeeming qualities whatsoever. That's a rare accomplishment in itself! When it's over, you are left with that "why did I watch this entire movie" feeling!


What a great series!
Funny, witty, charming, clever, entertaining! Why anyone wouldn't like this series is a mystery. No sense of humor I suppose. Anyway, fun, quirky characters and good storytelling albeit mostly pablum in terms of crime but crime is just the medium to bring this group together. There have been comparisons to Scooby Do which certainly does exist yet doesn't detract in any way in my opinion. It's rare to be able to find television shows that are much fun as between political correctness and a preference for more violent crime stories, the current viewers are just not mentally able to wrap their heads around anything resembling actual humor and that apparently even extends to the executives making the decisions on which shows to produce and air. It was truly boneheaded to cancel this series!

The Lost King

Excellent entertainment.
I have no idea as to the accuracy or historical facts of the real events nor do I care as this movie was a totally unexpected and entertaining film about human nature and the quest for "truth" as it dwells within us all on a personal level. It's heartwarming, engaging, slightly unbelievable at times (how does Phillipa keep her job) and just quirky enough to make you laugh and cry inside simultaneously. Being a Yank, this story was unfamiliar to me as our American media never even bothered to cover the discovery of Richard lll remains or if they did, it was just in passing so the details being criticized by many reviewers escapes me as I was ignorant of all the facts and just wanted to watch an entertaining movie. The real tragedy of course is the all too true depiction of a university and the greed which prevails in the academic world today and rather than being institutions of higher learning, they have become bastions of money and power dictating to the whims of self importance and personal privilege.

Cannes Confidential

Takes Patience
This series requires patience if you even make it through the first episode as it's totally infantile with all glitz, glamour and lots of mayhem but little substance and certainly nothing resembling acting. The second episode starts to slowly put some interest in the story but still much weaker than it should be. Finally, by episode three, the series starts to take on some meaningful elements that says it could be worth watching until the end. Normally I would have given up by now but my wife said to hang in there a bit more as she thought she sensed a bit more of an actual story. Hopefully the last three episodes warrant our endurance. The beautiful location and high fashion women certainly help to some degree but remember you have to talk with them afterwards.

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