
IMDb member since July 2022
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Baby Reindeer

A very tough watch
Possibly the toughest series I've ever watched, on so many levels - not least the fact that it's based on a true story.

Really had little idea where it was going, and was expecting something quite light hearted, if I'm honest.

Light hearted, it isn't.

It's a great cast, and the acting is very good.

I found it very difficult to like any of the characters at all - and going back to the fact that it's predominantly true - I found myself questioning some of the decisions that were made by the main protagonist.

I also found myself wanting to watch some of the scenes (including the stand up routines) through my fingers.

Episode 4 is particularly tough.

All that said, it's totally engrossing, and brings some huge issues to the fore.

The Gentlemen

Style over substance
Representative of what is becoming standard Netflix output; expensive and lavish production with nothing beneath the veneer.

Half decent acting, but pointless - one dimensional - characters.

Cliches abound; upper class thickos and ne'er do wells (never without a glass of whisky in their hands) wall to wall 'Mockney' gangsters (Ray Winstone is going to get himself typecast if he's not careful) bumbling stoners (is anyone really that stupid) 'travelers' who steal things (but are really salt of the earth) and a variety of villainous 'Scousers' (I really like Pearce Quigley, but his accent seemed to veer from one end of the East Lancs Road, to the other) Romanians (heavily tattooed obvs) and others (I think there were Columbians and Belgians in there somewhere too).

It was almost as if Ritchie had started out with a tick list; Drug dealers? Check. Boxing gym/fights/promoter? Check, check, check. Lots of brown alcohol in expensive glasses? Check. Bent prison system? Check.

The list is yawningly endless.

Look, I know it's just a story, but are there really people in the UK who EXPORT drugs to the continent? Really? They ship drugs to a bigger landmass, with a better climate for growing weed - and they can do this cheaper?

By the way, who was in charge of continuity? One minute it's winter, then summer, then winter, then spring, then winter. Check out the beaten boxer too, one minute he looks like he's had the whole makeup team working on his eyelids, then ten minutes later - nothing!

I get that people will love it, but it's rubbish.

The Outfit

You can't go wrong.....
.....with pretty much anything Mark Rylance is in.

I remember the reviews for The Outfit, when it was released in 2022, in fact I'd read so many of them that when I saw the film was now on Netflix, I actually thought I'd already seen it.

I knew that it was all set in one location, I knew there were some dramatic twists, and I knew it was a story about organised crime gangs fighting between each other in 50's Chicago.

I wouldn't say it's Mr Rylance's finest role - he saves those for the stage - but it's still head and shoulders above most actors.

As others have said, this would make a great theatrical production, but as it is, I'd say it's worth 90 minutes of anyone's time.

Check it out.

Killers of the Flower Moon

Having been massively disappointed with The Irishman, I was half expecting a similar drawn out affair, but this was a much better class of movie.

The costumes and styling alone are worth an Oscar; every single character - from the Osage to the FBI - looked authentic, without being over styled.

The shot composition and filmography were also pretty faultless (apart from maybe the bedroom scene in the middle of the fire, which I didn't find particularly realistic) and the acting from every single character, was perfect.

You generally know what to expect from Scorsese, and this time he delivers it perfectly.

There are always going to be complaints about a movie which is over 3 hours long, but I thought it was just right - hell, watch it in stages if you need to.

There are a lot of characters involved, and it's a bit of a task to remember some of the names of the supporting cast - and who did what - but it's such an engrossing watch.

Now, where can I get my hands on one of those amazing blanket jackets.....

Leave the World Behind

Marmite movie
I think you can probably guess from the reviews, it's a movie you will more than likely have a strong view either way about this film.

At first I was left feeling slightly dizzy from the funky camera angles and tracking shots, which pretty much continued throughout the whole film.

I think the 'ominous music vaults' have been plundered to their maximum too; I was constantly waiting for something truly shocking to happen.

All that said, I enjoyed it; the two hours twenty certainly didn't drag, the acting was pretty good and the cinematography and cgi were both impressive.

It would be wrong to suggest that all those who left negative reviews maybe didn't 'get' the overall message of the film, but it's definitely a message I get from some of them.

Ultimately - as with all movies - you have to watch it yourself, and make your own mind up.

I thought the ending was perfect.

I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore.

Definitely worth a watch
Literally stumbled across this whilst scrolling through Netflix, and chose it for the fact it wasn't a two and a half hour grueller.

We were not disappointed; okay so it starts at a pretty slow pace, but it is still really 'watchable' and totally engaging.

A gentle humour permeates every scene, and pretty much every character, and you really get drawn in to where it is leading you.

The film has that great mix of the mundanity of life, mixed in with the unexpected.

Okay, so it's a bit silly at times, but it's really well shot, it's really well directed and there's some great acting.

Fab film.

The Killer

Make your own mind up
Boy, these reviews - the room is totally divided.

I loved it; stylish, funny, tense, well acted, beautifully shot and with the best soundtrack you'll ever have the pleasure of listening to (especially if you are a person of a particular age - from Salford).

It certainly has its shortfalls, at times you could drive a bus through the 'plot' and the reality of the real actions of hired killers against those of Fassbinder.

What the hell though - as with most films of this genre, you need to remove yourself from reality, and just enjoy them as a piece of work/art.

Thoroughly entertaining.

As you were.


Gem of a film
Is there anyone in the world who doesn't love Bill Nighy? This film and screenplay could have been written specifically with him in mind, as he fits the character so well.

Beautifully acted, great styling and production, loved it from start to finish.

It might not be the fastest moving movie ever, but it runs at just the right pace, and captures the whole essence of that time in history (post WW2) perfectly, from the mundanity of work in London's County Hall - almost like something from Orwell's 1984, or Kafka - to the daily commute from 'somewhere in Surrey' the film works perfectly.

If he didn't, then Mr Nighy really should have received some sort of award for his performance.

Luther: The Fallen Sun

Went from bad....
.....rapidly downhill, to rubbish.

Nonsensical from start to Finnish (pun intended) with no explanation about anything.

Those 'city traders' make some dosh, I know, but I'm not sure they make enough to set up a whole evil empire purely to allow 'normal' people to satisfy their bloodlust.

Luther was a really good television detective series, and in two hours fifteen minutes, that whole legacy has been destroyed.

I just read some reviews on here, and one of them even blamed the terrible ones on Gary Lineker - seriously.

Apparently, if you look up the definition of cliched rubbish in the OED, it leads you to a trailer for this.

Read a book, wash your hair, clean your oven, dehumidify your flat - anything is better than wasting more than two whole hours on this.

The English

With a gripping and realistic storyline, great acting, fabulous production and quality cinematography, you'll need to go some distance to find a more worthy Emmy award winning series.

Any number of the actors are deserving of such, from Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer, Rafe Spall and Stephen Rea all of who give perfect performances.

The plot moves at just the right pace, as you travel across the unchartered North American Plains, revealing more about each character, as it unfolds.

Revenge is wreaked throughout, and it can be pretty violent and bloodthirsty at times, but it never seems gratuitous.

Quality viewing.

Im Westen nichts Neues

Superb production of one of the most famous films of all time.

From start to finish, the film oozes pure quality, from the acting, the settings and the overall production.

The battle scenes are incredible, with such intensity that you get drawn into the horror of battle, and build up such a empathy for all the characters, you forget which 'side' they are actually fighting on, and realise the futility of normal people, fighting other people's fights.

If there was ever a film which showed the misplaced bravery, and the pointlessness of nationalism, this is it.

It also emphasises the stupidity of those who were in charge - most of whom survived - and who went on to populate the world with their stupid offspring......

Hugely relevant.

Strangeways Here We Come

Oh dear
Terrible waste of time and effort.

Kept waiting for it to get going, it was so disjointed and 'jerky'.

Didn't care about any of the characters at all; not a bit of charisma between them, and couldn't pick out a single bit of decent acting.

Michelle Keegan is a really good actor, but not in this.

Had great potential, but fell way short of the mark; I'm also from Salford - so really wanted to like it - but I'd really recommend avoiding at all costs.

I'm wondering if some of the other reviewers on here actually watched the same film that I did.

90+ minutes of my life that I will never get back....

Bullet Train

Way off track
Neither funny, nor engaging.

Some really annoying characters, with annoying accents.

It won't be winning awards anytime soon; at least films like Kingsman have an amount of subtlety and humour in between the fight scenes; this was just like one long fight scene.

I realise it's not a film to be taken seriously, but I think you need a certain degree of believability, Bullet Train has not one iota.

Some real cliched scenes, cliched characters and cliched dialogue, proving just about anything can be made these days - makes you wonder how bad the Batwoman film must be..........

I'll be waiting for the replacement bus service.

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