Reviews (3)

  • this is one of the strangest pieces of anime I have ever seen. I don't know if I'd consider it "good", but if you are a rabid anime fan, I'd recommend renting it.
  • This movie was obviously written by a graphic designer (much like myself) or someone in a similar position who has a vast understanding of programming jargon and corporate culture, but doesn't actually understand what is being said or the politics behind it all. This will appeal to people who don't work in this environment, but to people who do... well. They're just going to laugh at the sheer absurdity of the title credits.
  • Breakfast of Champions is one of Vonnegut's best novels and it was just butchered. The story is about a man who is suffering from a case of bad chemicals rotting his brain. The movie failed to truly convey the fact that the man was slowly, almost imperceptibly to himself, going insane. The movie succumbed to the Fear and Loathing, overly trippy approach to to a very subtle story. BOC is not Fear and Loathing and should not have been treated as such.