
IMDb member since January 2007
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    17 years


Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang

More magical nostalgia with great cast and charm
What I love about these Nanny Mcphee movies is that I don't even need the excuse of a child to watch them with! The actors involved are all perfection and though the story lines are simple the experience is rich, entertaining and beautifully executed. There's more special effects in "Returns" than in the first movie which adds to the magic. Maggie Gyllenhaal's British accent is so faultless that I didn't even realize it was her! The face was terribly familiar but she was so perfectly portraying the young harried country mother that I was pulled into her performance straight away and completely lost myself. What a delightful talent. Emma Thompson's portrayal of the quietly fierce Nanny complete with omni-brow and warts enchants us again, acting with mostly her eyes - and a tooth! The children are especially good (which you cannot say about the Narnia movies) and are directed with fun and intelligence. Great cameos - what a cast! I love these movies.

The Break-Up Artist

mesmerizing awful.
The break Up Artist - looks like and sounds like a bad porn movie - but sadly, without the sex, which might have made it more interesting. They may as well have used reality TV "actors" as the premise was embarrassing and as low-brow as is humanly possible. And obvious. I was so shocked by the awfulness of the look, acting and script I actually couldn't turn it off. I hoped it might improve but it got worse and worse. I hope that it was as cheap to make as it looked for the sake of everyone involved. I almost wakened my husband 3 or 4 times with my gasps of horror at this terrible ordeal. I actually made it to the final long-awaited embarrassing scene. It was done. Who pays me?

Toryboy the Movie

Jaw-droppingly Embarrassing
John Walsh. What an embarrassment to both the labour and tory parties and to politics in general. And to TV and film. And especially to comedy. This hour and a half was riveting in it's awfulness. John Walsh had the opportunity to truly expose the shocking laziness of his opponent but instead uses the time to promote himself along with another half-wit sidekick who bores us with his own "take" on this interminable race. John wants to become the MP for a depressing part of the UK populated by clearly confused Brits, Middlesborough. The movie is filmed in the style of The Office, with cute asides that are jaw-droppingly embarrassing. It is repetitive, plodding and downright dumb.

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