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Manhattan: Jupiter
Episode 10, Season 2

Just what on god's green earth did I just watch?
The one thing I kept asking myself through out this entire series is: Whats the point of making this show about an extremely well known event when almost all of it is just made up nonsense. This isn't even "well some characters are made up and are a combination of multiple to save time" .. no this is just straight up insanity at some points. Are we supposed to walk away thinking all these scientists are just morons? They couldn't even work together on the most simple things from day 1? But in reality it was one of the most amazing feats of teamwork and a modern country getting behind a single goal and working towards it together. This show is almost like making a show about the Apollo moon landings and the two years leading up to it.. except everyone is backstabbing each other, the bosses and generals are evil, everyones having sex with eachother, neil armstrong purposely sabotages a test flight, and on the day of the takeoff buzz aldrin climbs the to the top of the ship and just starts unplugging stuff mumbling about "gotta give the russians a fair chance or we will be the only ones meeting aliens".

The real story is interesting enough but instead its just sprinkled in so someone with no prior knowledge of this will have no idea whats true or not. So what is the point? If they wanted to just use this moment/event as a backdrop to tell a really interesting fictional story then ok lean into it and just be up front about it. Instead its both and u just dont know what to believe. Oppenheimer is in the show here and there but who is running the show at Trinity? Some random fake character who they had lead the whole thing.. while oppenheimer pouts in his car.. and appoints the backstabbing sex crazed only woman scientist to fly to Tianin and coordinate the hiroshima bombing. So did that really happen? No.. it didnt. Its just rewriting history for no reason as this does nothing for her character. By the end the audience feels for Frank and is on his side. Compared to literally every other character on the show hes the only one who the viewer can root for.. everyone else is just insane or unrealistic. And frank was the best acted role by a mile.

There came a point when charles isaacs wife.. the head man's bisexual ex-wife.. where she does the fourth or fifth messed up thing that no one watching would agree with. But then they almost want u to empathize with her and make her into some sort of victim or hero fighting the good fight. But she herself was THE WORST person ever.. why would we feel bad for her? Her husband goes on a work trip one weekend.. to a nuclear reactor to help win the war. Possibly the most important vacation taken in the country that weekend. And she somehow got so jealous in just a few hours (after being obsessed and having sex with him nonstop for months) that she goes to a bar and has a lesbian experience that night. This little housewife then ruins her female lovers family and life, their love, her marriage, eavesdrops on seemingly everyone whenver she wanted, blackmailed them, threatened a woman on the phone leading to her suicide, and met her husbands estranged father just to get offended when he suggests going into business together after the war. But she has more money than she can ever spend from her family.. so she doesn't understand that is.. well thats literally the American spirit and capitalism. Maybe would have brought him and her husband back together again with a family business. Instead she throws the money in his dad's face and says heartbreaking things to him bc thats what she does. She is death. Destroyer of worlds. Thats how the show should have ended.. with the trinity explosion reflecting in her eyes as she transforms into satan.

Because the show just ENDS when the mushroom cloud appears. And the most loveable character shoots himself in the head. As the spy gets away AGAIN. And thats the series.. thats it. Just ends at ep10 of season2 because only 1,000 ppl were watching this show every week. In the end.. i enjoyed most of the show.. because i had my hand on the fast forward button to skip all the stupid relationship nonsense and other frustrating things.

Tengen toppa gurren lagann: Temê ra zen'nin yu atari shi ya gare!!
Episode 6, Season 1

The last of the mediocre episodes before a run of greatness
This episode has some recap scenes as well as re-introducing characters we had met a few episodes earlier at a location perfect for more boobies fan service. At this point in the anime its a fairly average show.. some fun scenes here and there. Cool art design and very fast paced arcade style series.

Some parts are extremely childish and silly... the english voice acting kinda adds to this as the conversarions between the two brothers is very juvenile...and silly? If thats the right word for it. Very predictable conversations similar to every other anime show like this you have seen.. even the zanyness of it gets a bit tiresome. But from here the show takes a big leap.

Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor

Found footage horror movie acting
Even going into the movie our bar for acceptable actors is already quite low.. and im sure the producers or director repeatedly told themselves that the bad acting wouldnt matter or be covered up by the fact its all found footage of internet detectives being their corny selves. But... its just unwatachable after ten minutes or so. The main actress is just not a good actor. None of them are. I dont believe a single word they say and I definitely dont believe the girls are in a relationship. When the guy joins the movie and says hes not a internet sloth instead of a "sleuth" i knew i messed up deciding to watch this garbage. Even the two actors who did the documentary interview scenes were bad.. or perhaps just the script was. No one talks like that or says things like they do which one would think is the easier part to write and act but it just doesnt work. After the first 20mins if u decide to stay its to see the freaky clowns chase these actors around for a bit and maybe enjoy the costume designs.

N.H.K ni yôkoso!

One of the most misunderstood and unappreciated animes
I started watching this Im guessing for the same reason a majority of ppl begin watching it: the hikkimorri aspect. It sounds like an interesting angle for an anime series especially considering how many ppl in the anime community itself may in fact be hikinomorri's. Even though constantly mentioned through out the show we really never spend any time "hikkinikimorri'ing" around the apartment or whatever thats not what the show is about. Similar to The Sopranos this show mainly operates on the level of a comedy pure and simple. The sopranos may be about the mafia and everyone watching is tuning in to see ppl get whacked but thats really not what Tony and his gang are.. they're posers that cant even speak italian not ever even been to Italy operating a little gang in new jersey constantly getting into stupid situations trying to be something they're not.

Similarly in NHK every other line could be and should be taken from a comedic angle poking fun at anime tropes, the average shut-in into hentai, and common insecure thoughts present in most young mens minds. If this was converted into an american tv show it would be starring a young Ben Stiller as Tatsuo because every thing this awkward young man does is just hilarious. The convos with his nerdy neighbor, trying to hide his hentai porn mags but they always fall out of his hands and open in front of his mom/crush, and always thinking every inconvenience is a conspiracy against him. I suppose you could read into the show and take everything literally and think its about mental illness but its really not. His raging hormones and incorrect insecurities made him follow a clearly depressed woman on a boat to a deserted island with suicidal people before he even considered it was a bad idea. He just wants to stop hikkimori'ing!

Heels: High Flying
Episode 8, Season 2

Incredible end to a great second season
Some may have not liked the slow start to the season but all that went away when the episodes about the history of what went down were killer and very emotional. This was a great ending to the season with an unbelievable cliffhanger thats so good I personally don't know how Im gonna be able to wait til season3. I really appreciate how the showrunners know whats working (similar to wrestling in real life) and give it to us. Mike o'malley as Gully is easily one of the best parts of show and its nice to see what a huge part he has in the series now and it not be a one dimensional stupid bad guy who ends up losing. Instead hes smart and entertaining.. and the audience finds it hard to disagree with most of the things he says and easy to root for. The partnership between the two and seeing them work together is much better and true to how wrestling and WWE really is where real life and the fictional story blend into one and the audience doesnt know where one ends and the other begins.

The one thing I will say as a negative about the show is even though its 8 episodes that are 50 minites long it still feels like not enough and the season ending too soon. I figured we had another two episodes left but i guess the wait begins now..

Heels: The Journey Is the Obstacle
Episode 2, Season 2

One of the best shows on TV today EASY
Doesnt matter if you arent into wrestling or think its all just fake nonsense... this is a well written show that is superbly acted and manages to achieve such large swells of emotion in just half an episode. The finale for last season was a perfect way to leave the story and season 2 has been brilliant with the first episode being all flashback from before the finale allowing us to learn more about the characters and the story before the show started. The writers are very self aware .. in their own show they basically make fun of the finale via the opposing promotions social media and it works.

The Good Lord Bird: Meet the Lord
Episode 1, Season 1

A perfectly cast historical comedy
Not really sure how I came across this show but the it being about John Brown drew me in because of his... colorful and interesting story of being a wild religious zealot championing the good deed of ending slavery by any and all means.. especially violence.

Ethan Hawke is in rare form here injecting comedic undertones in every thing John Brown says. The show is a comedy first and foremost with a great cast and ensemble of perfectly cast guest appearances unlike lizzo in mandalorian 3. By the end of this first episode you really are left wondering how there is 5 more hours of this as the first episode had zero filler and coherently told a complicated story whos plot would pass as a full movie to some.

There are many laugh out loud moments my favorite being when ethan hawke flexes his comedic chops when he makes every other thing an hour long sermon or when he nods to a slave approvingly when saying he will take the fight all the way to Africa.

From: Forest for the Trees
Episode 8, Season 2

Finally the kind of episode we have been waiting for
I gave the episode a 10 because compared to the other episodes of this season especially episodes 3-6 it is light years ahead. It almost frustrates me though because I wonder why many of these things were not done earlier in the season.. theres only two episodes left in season 2!

I love the idea of there maybe being ppl involved on the inside and it was interesting how the show started shining a line on different ppl like Victor and Sara and revealing quirks they have that might not be as innocent as we thought like vixtor not entering the house.

Jade screaming and chasing victor down is kind of how we as the viewer have felt all season. Why cant these people just share one iota of information with eachother calmly? Either someone starts screaming or we step into a big pile of sassy and someone just walks out of the room. But in this episode we are getting some answers. Up until now there has literally been zero progression, let alone any conclusions, from the questions that arose at the end of last season. They even started more even zanier situations and further questions without resolving anything.

Having more and more crazy and weird things happen is fine i suppose if at the end of the story you can tie it all together. It makes sense if the ending to this story/show is already written but its not and every writing team that takes over in the future will have to figure a way as painless as possible to tie it all together. So stop adding new ingredients to this soup it was interesting enough, we need to see the light at the end of a tunnel soon and this episode we got something to chew on. Is Donna in on it because she always just appears to throw water on everything the moment ppl start working together?

From: This Way Gone
Episode 4, Season 2

Season 2 should he studied as what NOT to do
All things considered season 1 of From was a surprise hit for them and they quickly got to work on season 2 to capitalize. Its an interesting idea that would work best if concluded in three seasons maaaybe 2 but god almighty these clowns absolutely dropped the ball. The last thing this cast of extremely different skill levels needed was a literal bus load of new bad actors playing one dimensional characters. Perhaps they needed to check off more boxes in terms of a more diverse cast I dont know but after episode 2 the last 3 episodes might be the worst episodes in recent modern tv history. The potential interesting ideas in all of our heads are more interesting than their decisions. And the characters all behave in such an unrealistic manor it drives me up the wall. Havent seen your love for months and think you never will? Oh shes here now too! How INCREDIBLE! But by the next episode their first scene together they are so angry at eachother theyre unable to communicate simple explanations like gee idunno "HEY IVE BEEN TRAPPED HERE YOU FOOL THERES PEOPLE THAT WALK AROUND AT NIGHT KILLING EVERYONE AND YOU CANT ESCAPE" Its gotten to the point where scenes with certain actors or characters are an automatic skip for me. The teenage daughter always screaming and running from point a to point b exhuding her poor acting skills chewing up all the scenery with it. Or the other young lady in love with boyd's son.. her scenes are repetitive, poorly written, and dont move the needle or reveal anything we care about.

They never used the radio again? They never trapped one yet?? Wouldnt that be the first thing to do with these stupid one minded creatures? Couldnt they have created better defenses by now considering these creatures dont have tools or use technology? Make a damn wall or dig a trench around the town/homes? Any of these small details would be interesting ideas to see bc the viewers are curious how life would be in this town but we get nothinggg we are led to believe these idiots were dying nonstop until they decided to hang talismans in their homes and hide. Some hippies hide up the hill in a mansion and have sex and drink! But no one does anything! All we have is "the box" as the one cool detail about their new world.. now we still have ppl measuring tree distances and no one sharing their findings. Its not a thinking mans show. Not anymore.

From: Belly of the Beast
Episode 7, Season 2

They really must think we are idiots
I truly cant believe how mind numbingly bad this show has become this season. I am embarassed that I reccomended it to people after last season because the writing and acting may literally be the worst on tv right now. It has all the bad traits from lost where they just keep throwing new stuff at you thats crazier and crazier, but theres no resolution.

The biggest problem though is the acting which is compounded by unrealistic writing of conversations. This causes every single character to be INCREDIBLY unlikeable im starting to hate them all except Boyd and the dad. Who had three mins on screen this episode.. again. I cant help but wonder what that actor thinks bc him and Boyd are the only two actors (and maybe his wife/jade/victor) who seem to be cast appropriately and are not out of their league. The cast has such a dramatic variance in their skill level it is jarring. And new characters like the bus driver and angry drone boy get 1minute and say 40 of the same words per episode.

Kenny is getting so annoying and his love the nurse is quickly approaching him as equally annoying. The characters are just so unlikeable and its because they shove two of them into a room and have these low level actors tackle this terrible script as best they can.

The worst part is that the idea for the show is interesting enough and you can take it in many interesting directions but their choices have been lazy, repetitive, and getting pointlessly more and more far fetched.. which makes the ultimate conclusion inevitably be a lesser and lesser payoff. When we finally do find out what's going on its going to be stupid and entirely supernatural meaning anything is possible. What everyone was watching for was to see how the story would turn out and whats going on... maybe it has a more logical answer and involves other humans or maybe it was more scientific and would be explained by jade how all their different locations and times are related to the theory of relativity and the time space continuum was ripped bc of one common thread linking every single one of them.. or something wacky like that. But now we know the answer will be something the writers at the time (in the future if the series is picked up for another season) think up that fits with what was already revealed without mucking it up too much with plot holes. Maybe theyll bring Palpatine back .. maybe he is Victor's fa-ther?

The Bear: Review
Episode 7, Season 1

The one shot sequence
At some point 3/4's of the way through you suddenly realize the camera hasn't cut in a while and from what I could tell there weren't any tricks done to get away with it so Im assuming most of the episode was shot in one very long take. This episode took this series to a new level. Some of the first episodes were really confusing and so short I really could not figure out what was going on at all. But now the show has found its stride and the first season ends very strongly.

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