An enjoyable movie, but as had been said a billion times before, it's not Godzilla This is a highly enjoyable movie, with some good scenes in it, and I have a lot of nostalgia for this movie as well. However, I do of course have some gripes. The biggest one is the huge lack of Godzilla in this film. You'd think that a film called Godzilla might actually feature, ya know, Godzilla, but instead we get a completely different monster that we're expected to think of as Godzilla. Now don't get me wrong, GINO (Godzilla In Name Only, as pretty much every G fan knows) is an awesome monster. He's very well designed, and pretty damn cool. But really, the movie should have been called something else, because calling it Godzilla is false advertising. Heck, the director, Roland Emmerich, didn't even like Godzilla movies very much, making one wonder what on earth made him want to direct one (money). But in spite of all this, this is still a highly enjoyable monster movie.
Now the thing that I like the most in this movie are the scenes with the monster. They're all very enjoyable. First is the scene where GINO attacks a Japanese fishing ship. It's very effective when the monster shows up on the sonar and everyone is freaking out, and then the awesome pause where we hear that ominous groan the creature makes before all hell breaks loose and its claws break straight through the ship. Next of course is when GINO shows up in NYC, with a brilliant shot to reveal him rising from the sea, and a subsequent scene which shows as little as possible of the monster as it rampages through the city streets. Of course there are also the scenes where GINO goes up against the military, which are all enjoyable scenes.
Now for the things that annoy me, apart from the movie not actually featuring Godzilla. For one thing, the characters. They are all 2 dimensional idiots. The only likable one is the french guy, who's name I cannot recall. Next is the fact that they set up the monster as a sympathetic creature, and yet expects us to celebrate when it dies. It spoils a kind of sad moment when it dies, and there's silence, and suddenly everyone bursts into applause. And of course, there are the baby Godzilla's. They kind of felt like an unnecessary addition to the story, pretty much just filler. So over all, I think it's an enjoyable movie with some great moments, but of course, it does have a good number of flaws, and calling it Godzilla was just milking the name, because it was really its own thing. Anyway, that's all I have to say on the matter. Ta ta