
IMDb member since June 2006
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Murder in a Small Town

Stay away from this stinker at all cost!
1 star is generous, this was painfully bad.

WORDS cannot express to you how outrageously terrible this film is.

The script is awful. Really really awful. It was so bland and the actors, if they can even be called that, were all monotone and stiff. If the casting had been better thought out, the script could have been salvaged but the actors just made it worse.

The characters are one-dimensional and the only thing that differentiates them from one another is their relationship to their partners. They have no personality. I wanted to like the show. But the show is just too filled with cliches from other network comedies and I'm just left feeling like I've watched a show I've already seen countless times. It's tiring. But I'm sure it will do well because network TV has nothing else to put on. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I didn't have to hear the tired and overused catchphrase of 'Wait, WHAT?' But they checked enough of the other go-to tropes that it just makes it unwatchable for me. It's tiring to watch.

Deals from the Dark Side

Stay away from this garbage at all cost!
This TV show was one of the absolute worst I've ever seen. And I don't mean that in the sense "it is so bad it was good" like some campy movies may be. Genuinely awful show. It had absolutely no potential whatsoever. Seemed like it was going to be self-aware of the premise, but it was not. Next to no gore, the show is just bad to the bone. One of the most annoying characters I've ever seen in any movie was the obese wannabe bikers. Truly one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Is it dumb? Yes.

Is it fun? No.

Is it bad-good? No.

It's supposed to be a parody or something but it's just bad........

Land of Women

Stay away from this STINKER at all cost!
This movie started oud bad, but wait it's getting worse and I did not believe that was possible. All the high rating is from the film-crew, friends and family as usual. Great show if you like seeing Spanish women arguing and screaming all the time! Other than that, the plot is the standard blueprint for a romantic holiday story, which means that there is rural shots with soft lighting, little depth and clichéed characters. The script is disappointingly flat. Poor acting for the most part, but the lead actress does a pretty good job and one or two of the supporting actors as well. But almost every character is portrayed as selfish and/or mean. The troubled gay daughter role is just a tired political correct side story, and the grandmother is just annoying and not believable as having dementia. That alone could have been a good story, with the real life troubles that dementia creates. But no, she just becomes a whimsical parody. Why they made this a cliffhanger is beyond me - why not just wrap it up in one mini series?

One Fast Move

Stay away from this stinker!
This movie is made for bikers who love racing and excitement around the track. And then of course it's a romance to try saving the boring never-ending racing.

I'm a biker myself but this was unreal and a stupid plot. Overall, the acting contributes to the failure & it makes it difficult to watch past 20 minutes as the acting/performances are utterly embarrassingly terrible. The end had a decent twist but nothing of note. Very dissatisfied with this movie as I was really looking forward to this.

I think the best part of the movie were the last five minutes and I was so excited when the credits finally scrolled.

Lady in the Lake

Stay away from this stinker at all cost!
2 stars is generous, this was painfully bad.

The "plot" is extremely hard to follow and does not really make much sense whatsoever.

Overall, the acting contributes to the failure & it makes it difficult to watch past 20 minutes as the acting/performances are utterly embarrassingly terrible. I'm sat here in utter disgust with the entirety of the film.

Main problem is lack of imagination, just being random and stupid is not enough.

This TV show was a swing and a miss. I got no enjoyment or entertainment out of the storyline and the acting is bad by everyone. A school play can beat this! The dialogue between characters is lame, there is little I can say that will be of any value, other than, don't waste your time with this.

Cruise Ship Murder

Stay away from this stinker at all cost!
1 star is generous, this was painfully bad. The "plot" is extremely hard to follow and does not really make much sense whatsoever. This film is essentially following a guy who's wife disappeared on a cruise ship. This film is essentially a combination of mystery and romance/drama, however it does none of those things right. The entire theater groaned when everyone thought the film ended and it continued on to another scene and some even left prior. I do find it hard to believe that this was enjoyed by people because it is one of the worst things I have ever watched. There is a decent amount of gore and some sexual moments, and all of it was done horribly. I wanted to leave the theater, but I was with a group of people and we decided to stick it out. I would not ever recommend anyone watch this pointless nothing film. Very grueling to sit through because of how horrendously bad it was.


Stay away from this garbage at all cost!
This movie was so bad. It makes OK movies like The Grudge look like masterpieces. First, the one and only good thing about this movie was it built decent suspense in some parts. That being said, the payoff was horrible. We would always get some bad CGI, a copy off of something that was in another movie, or an average death that is filmed horribly just so that the movie won't be R. The character development is THE WORST I have seen in any movie, and that's including all the very low budget horror movies. The detective doesn't have a personality, he's just kind of a machine that spits out dialog. The main character is so stupid, its unbelievable. There have been unintentionally stupid characters throughout time, but none have been so stupid that I had to shake my head at them. The side characters are worse. You just remember them as hot Latin chick, guy friend, and the other friend. Of course, that means you don't care for their deaths. The plot was pretty stupid, they just shove some random crap in their so they could have an ending. When the film ends, it made me mad because they took too long to show credits.

The Veil

Worst stinker ever, stay away at all cost.
Terribly boring, messed up plot, I fell asleep.

This movie is awful. If you can get past the first episode, you are better than most. It is so ridiculous, it's like watching a live action cartoon. There are all second rate actors in this production and the acting is bad.

I didn't really have any expectations, but man, was that awful!

Waste of my time.

The movie started off slow, and just got worse.

The plot holes are massive. I mean you would have to suspend all reality of society to believe some of the things that occur to set up the "story" or "plot" or whatever this thing is.

Was it cigarette commercial? The lead actor was smoking all the time in every episode.

Was hoping for it to get better...nope!

Pure garbage!

So Help Me Todd

Stay away from this stinker at all cost!
Writers/directors should get ONE chance at a project. If they create something like this, and show themselves to be completely without talent, they should NEVER be allowed to make another film. Nobody should fund them. Nobody should go see anything they produce. The writer/director should give up on their "arty" delusion and go get a normal job.

I looked at the reviews here first and decided to give this a try despite the negative reviews, because of all those 10-star reviews. That was a mistake.

Believe the bad reviews.

The 10 star ratings, they are all from the cast and crew.

I didn't really have any expectations, but man, was that awful!

Boring writing, unfunny jokes, boring characters, and a plot that is equally boring.

Bad directing. Bad cinematography. Really bad acting. Boring plot with excessive dialog. That about sums it up.

Worst TV show ever? YES!


Stay away from this Nicolas Cage film at all cost!
Trash adaptation by trash writers The plot holes are massive. I mean you would have to suspend all reality of society to believe some of the things that occur to set up the "story" or "plot" or whatever this thing is.

I didn't expect mush from Nicolas Cage since he has become the worst actor on the planet, but this was worse than anything I have ever watched. The camera crew was running around and did a terrible job with camera shaking so bad that it was impossible to see what's going on. Dark scenes made it impossible to see anything at all. The "plot" is allegorical and so basic. Why do films like this even get made? How do scripts like this get financed? Black mail? I don't get it. Even the acting isn't great.

My goodness the rubbish that passes for entertainment these days is astounding. Find something else to watch!


Terribly boring, messed up plot, I fell asleep.
I looked at the reviews here first and decided to give this a try despite the negative reviews, because of all those 10-star reviews. That was a mistake.

Honestly don't understand what's up with all the great reviews. Are they paid?

I got bored halfway through. The characters were nothing special. Clischeic situations galore. You knew what was going to happen around every corner.

Believe the bad reviews. This flick's a turkey👎🏼 It's interesting that the majority of those reviews seem to know "inside information" on the film-- budget, production info, etc. Seriously... the film group needs to stop reviewing their own film. If the film stood on its own it wouldn't require reviews from staff members. If staff has to give it artificial praise, the film failed.

Bad directing. Bad cinematography. Really bad acting. Boring plot with excessive dialog. That about sums it up.

Heart of the Hunter

Waste of my time, terrible stinker!
Oh my - that was really bad!

This was the most pointless excuse of a movie I have ever seen. I want my time back. It started off very promising and just went all the way down under the hill from there. Acting was terrible maybe because the script was so poor. So sad. I'm so angry I can't give it less than a star. The only thing worse than sitting through it to see if it would by some chance redeem itself, was the ending. Such a waste of my time, energy and electricity. Wish I had read the reviews before watching this mess. My goodness the rubbish that passes for entertainment these days is astounding. Find something else to watch!

Not Dead Yet

Wow, well, that was something. It's boring, stupid, and absolutely unfunny.
I didn't really have any expectations, but man, was that awful! This film literally feels like it was written by someone who has been told they are funny their entire lives, and its just not true.

If you can get past the first episode, you are better than most. It is so ridiculous, it's like watching a live action cartoon. There are all second rate actors in this production and the acting is bad.

Boring writing, unfunny jokes, boring characters, and a plot that is equally boring. Then Gina Rodriguez I like her. I think she's a good actress, but dear god, here she missed totally.

This whole TV show is just nonsensical and stupid, which maybe would be funny if it was written better.

Alert: Missing Persons Unit

What a terrible TV series, a waste of my time.
This show is Awful. If you can get past the first episode, you are better than most. It is so ridiculous, it's like watching a live action cartoon. There are all second rate actors in this production and the acting is bad. Scott Caan cannot act and neither can the rest of the cast. This is more of a TV series that resembles all the ridiculous ones on TV now. Pretty people who of course are trained in fighting, martial arts, multiple languages, etc. Sure. And I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn. I think adolescent light like this, but the storyline is so ridiculous it makes me wonder who gave the green light to even produce this. Avoid this piece of garbage.

Drive-Away Dolls

Stay away from this stinker at all cost!
This movie starts off with 35 minutes of pointlessness. A well off housewife stressed out and concerned. That's act 1. I don't want to write spoilers here so I'll just tell you it doesn't get better, it gets worse and worse and worse.

The plot holes are massive. I mean you would have to suspend all reality of society to believe some of the things that occur to set up the "story" or "plot" or whatever this thing is.

The "plot" is allegorical and so basic. Why do films like this even get made? How do scripts like this get financed? Black mail? I don't get it. Even the acting isn't great.

There are other parts where you will just shake your head and ask: Why. That's the main question. This is utter nonsense. Unless you're into watching a plot that moves in ways that confuse you and make you annoyed, I would avoid this movie. Not good. 1/10.


Worst stinker ever, stay away at all cost.
Honestly, its hard to describe how bad of a script this movie is working with.

Its very hard to make a movie around some unlikeable fashion people, but these writers achieved it. Every character is extremely unlikeable, or extremely forgettable. There's no redeeming qualities or character development between any of the main cast, they're just meandering through the movie at a snail pace hardly progressing to any sort of conclusion in a timely manner. You aren't provided with any answers as to what's the overarching mission is so you keep waiting for some sort of hint in the end. Feels like its more of a drama movie where you get bored to death.

NCIS: Sydney

Terrible stinker, stay away at all cost!
Oh dear, oh dear... Oh, wow, as they say, the time wasted watching this nonsense can never be retrieved!

I don't know where to start.

Written and acted like a bunch of teenagers doing their class project.

A collection of castaway tropes cobbled together by cardboard characters stiffly acted.

Hodgepodge of lazy writing portrayed by stilted actors Bad writing, bad acting, bad directing, bad jokes, and bad filming.

It's so difficult these days to find anything to watch without numerous agendas inserted into the script, that I thought that maybe this TV-series might be different. Well, other than the usual angelic & wise blk people trope, it was far less annoying in that respect.


Welcome to amateur hours. Horrible, don't waste your time!
Oh, wow, as they say, the time wasted watching this nonsense can never be retrieved!

The first 3 minutes were good and gave you great expectations. Then went down hill fast like a avalanche.

This is probably the worst tv series I have ever watched in my lifetime.(I think it's made for kids) Not only is the plot full of holes, it would do justice to a colander, but the acting is atrocious. All you see is relentless pout and white veneers, it is embarrassing.

Overall the acting contributes to the failure & it makes it difficult to watch past 20 minutes as the acting/performances are utterly embarrassingly terrible. I'm sat here in utter disgust with the entirety of the 1. Episode.

Anyone But You

Horrible, don't waste your time!
Horrible, don't waste your time Weak story, unnecessarily extensive vulgar language, and excessive nudity humiliates the actors. Embarrassing movie that degrades men and women and shows no imagination. It is very sad to believe that this movie appeals to people. Downright stupid with no redeeming qualities.

I had respect for some of these actors before I watched this movie. All I can say is that perhaps they will do anything for money. I cannot see any other reason to have participated in this film and I am scared for any teenagers or young adults that are entertained by showing off your body and acting like adolescent fools.

The Castaways

Worst stinker ever made, stay away at all cost.
Oh, wow, as they say, the time wasted watching this nonsense can never be retrieved!

The first 3 minutes were good and gave you great expectations. Then went down hill fast like a avalanche.

This is probably the worst tv I have ever watched in my lifetime. Not only is the plot full of holes, it would do justice to a colander, but the acting is atrocious. All you see is relentless pout and white veneers, it is embarrassing.

But, oh wow, the plot, SO BAD. The writing, even worse.

The acting was adequate, but wow did this drag on and on.

After investing so much time, I really wanted to see what happened at the end.

Oh my goodness, what a CRAZY, unlikely, ridiculous ending!

Please do yourself a favor.... Don't watch this garbage!

Death in Paradise

Stay away from this stinker at all cost!
I was feeling generous, so I'm giving a single star towards its well-executed special effects, but in a world where 2023 has raised the bar to sky-high standards, this film barely scrapes the term 'special.' Let's talk plot, or should I say, the lack of it. This movie's storyline is so nonsensical that it doesn't deserve the dignified title of a plot. It's a baffling puzzle where every piece is missing, and trying to make sense of it will give you a headache.

To make matters worse, the entire cast of characters in this disaster is a parade of annoyance and unlikability. I'm convinced these actors are the remnants of a bargain-basement, last-resort acting class, and their performances are more cringe-inducing than a middle school talent show.

Total Control

The time wasted watching this nonsense can never be retrieved!
This is the most convoluted, contrived, cockamamie storyline I have had the misfortune of trying to follow in a VERY, VERY long time. It's so difficult these days to find anything to watch without numerous agendas inserted into the script, that I thought that maybe this mini-series might be different. Well, other than the usual angelic & wise blk people trope, it was far less annoying in that respect.

Let's talk plot, or should I say, the lack of it. This TV series storyline is so nonsensical that it doesn't deserve the dignified title of a plot. It's a baffling puzzle where every piece is missing, and trying to make sense of it will give you a headache.

The acting is adequate, but wow did this drag on and on.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Stay away from this stinker at all cost!
Let's talk plot, or should I say, the lack of it. This movie's storyline is so nonsensical that it doesn't deserve the dignified title of a plot. It's a baffling puzzle where every piece is missing, and trying to make sense of it will give you a headache.

To make matters worse, the characters in this disaster is a parade of annoyance and unlikability. I'm convinced these two actors are the remnants of a bargain-basement, last-resort acting class, and their performances are more cringe-inducing than a middle school talent show.

To sum it up, "Do Not Waste Your Time" should have been the official tagline of this TV-series disaster. This isn't funny, and it makes as much sense as trying to solve a Rubik's Cube with closed eyes. Save yourself the agony and find something else to watch - anything else.

The Tourist

This is pure garbage, but wait it's getting worse!!
Don't believe the high rating, they are from friends and family of the actors and movie makers.

Oh dear, oh dear... WORDS cannot express to you how outrageously terrible this TV series is.

A utter abomination to the film industry.

In the opening sequence a car is pursued along a highway, then off-road across the desert by a massive road train, which somehow both out-runs and outmaneuvers the car.

I was feeling generous, so I'm giving a single star towards its well-executed special effects, but in a world where 2023 has raised the bar to sky-high standards, this film barely scrapes the term 'special.'


I waited for something to happen, nope just boring trash from start to finish.
I was feeling generous, so I'm giving a single star towards its well-executed special effects, but in a world where 2023 has raised the bar to sky-high standards, this film barely scrapes the term 'special.' Plus, there's a creepy-looking villain who could easily be mistaken for Art the clown's less intimidating cousin from Terrifier.

Let's talk plot, or should I say, the lack of it. This movie's storyline is so nonsensical that it doesn't deserve the dignified title of a plot. It's a baffling puzzle where every piece is missing, and trying to make sense of it will give you a headache.

To sum it up, "Do Not Waste Your Time"

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