
IMDb member since December 2019
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The Matrix Resurrections

A lot better than people are giving credit for...
If you played the matrix online or at least read up about it's lore, watched the Animatrix and really love the matrix for its philosophy, then this movie is more likely to be enjoyable to you. Especially if you enjoyed reloaded and revolutions.

This film, just like the other 3, is primarily about the idea of choice and free will.

The action is less prevalent than the previous films though and I think that's where a lot of people lose interest.

It's a great epilogue to a great trilogy and holds onto the canonical status of expanded lore.

There were a few moments I hated. I felt the acting in the opening dialogue was rushed and forced and I hated "I still know Kung Fu..."

Otherwise, a beautiful ending to the story of Neo and Trinity.


Pretty bad, but does get slightly less bad
Episodes 1 to 3 were traaaaaaaash. After that though, it got mildly better and in my opinion is watchable now. Before it was so bad that it wasn't even "so bad it's good" and it was just cringey. Now it's so bad that I find myself laughing throughout it and telling my friends about how bad it is and it makes me want to keep watching to see what else will happen.

Kimi to, nami ni noretara

Predictable but my girlfriend loved it
Animation was pretty solid, story was pretty good. Predictable but good.

I was calling out predictions from the start and they all came true. Still, knowing what would happen didn't stop this hardened rock of a man from shedding a buttload of tears, and you should've seen my girlfriend

She sounded like she was laughing, I looked over and she was hysterically crying in some parts, so I told her "stop laughing, this is a sad part" which made her laugh cry and then it was fun for me, as I only watched it because of Valentine's Day.

Still, in the end, it wasn't bad and I know she loved it.

If you like shoujo anime and bittersweet feels, this is probably one you'll enjoy.

The Third Man

Great film
I just finished watching The Third Man for the first time about half an hour ago. There was a lot to like about it. The score was interesting, if a bit repetitive and the cinematography was great. There were two scenes I felt were incredible and made the film for me. Orson Welles' first appearance and the shot of Orson Welles lit up by the flashlight in the sewer.

I said the score was interesting but I should mention that by the hour mark I was getting a bit annoyed by how repetitive it was, but my first impression was that it was good.

I'm not going to say it's a masterpiece, it very well might be, especially by 1949 standards, but I can't comment on that as I haven't seen a lot of film from that era outside of Chaplin and the three stooges so, yes this was up there in my experience, but whether or not that opinion would differ of I had more viewing of the period under my belt, I cannot say.

Worth a viewing if you're looking for an interesting film of the day to see either way. Based on its own merits, I'd rate it an 8.5, but rounded it to 8 because I felt 9 was a bit too high for my taste of the film.


Pretty good but also a tiny bit overrated.
I enjoyed the film but the hype surrounding it is a bit over the top. I left the cinema feeling mildly awed and rather depressed, but in a good way, as in the film did hit me emotionally.

2019 was a great year for film, so I think on any other year it could possibly have been my favourite film of the year but when you got films such as Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, JoJo Rabbit, The Irishman and The Lighthouse, it doesn't take top spot for me. Was definitely better than the other 2 films I saw this year, Endgame and Rise of Skywalker though.

The Lighthouse

Oh damn, incredible!
Is it just me or has 2019 been one of the best years for film in a long time?

I don't know what to say, this film is insane.

A short review, but you just gotta see it!

Jojo Rabbit

One of the best films of 2019
I watched half the trailer and thought "meh".

I recently saw it in the cinema (Australia got the film a bit late), and wow, it was probably the one of the best films Ive seen all year (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and The Lighthouse can't be beat in my opinion but it might be third place for me). I normally don't enjoy comedy films on the same level as more serious films, but I did know I loved the comedic style of Thor Ragnarok so I decided to give it a try. I was expecting a comedy film about Nazis to be widely panned as being grossly offensive but I was pleasantly surprised at the reviews and awards it got nominated for, and I gotta say, it satirised the living crap out of Nazi Germany, while still somehow remaining tasteful, full of heart, sweet and heartbreaking all at the same time.

I've seen a bunch of negative reviews on this film, but reading them, they sure sound like a bunch of downers.

The entire cinema was laughing so hard and I was laughing through tears of sadness as well as tears of joy. There were a lot of tears and a lot of laughs.

Amazing film.

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

My favourite film of all time.
Ive been seeing a lot of reviews on here claiming the film is slow with sparse action and some even saying its pretentious... and two of those things, yeah... kinda... but it is a film lovers wet dream. Everything feels deliberate in this film. The pacing is slow, but it also builds the story minute by minute.. There's sparse action, but it isn't meant to be an action movie. Is it pretentious? I dont think so, Tarantino knows his craft and he poured everything he had into this one. He didnt do this for the sake of being artsy fartsy about it. Everything matters in this film, even the minute details that might seem like they were just thrown in.

This is the kind of film in which every little movement of the camera has intention and meaning behind it. It might be slow, it might be like a slice of life rather than a high octane action/drama, but it has those moments too. It presents the audience with every emotion under the sun to feel. If you watch it expecting kill bill, youre not going to get that. Its a paced, measured and deliberate love letter to the golden age of hollywood.

After seeing this film it became my favourite film of all time immediately.

Now, i tried to watch this with my girlfriend today. She didnt take to it the way i did. We got about an hour in and she fell asleep. Take from that what you want.

I still think this is a 10/10 film.

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