
IMDb member since October 2019
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Tech Billionaires: Mark Zuckerberg

Absolute drivel & propaganda
How do people not see through this propaganda.

This is a self-serving & narcissistic view of a megalomaniac psychopath who is intentionally harming (particularly) young people.

We are in the age of the Technocrat & the subject of this "documentary" is a vile human & an egotist.

Preying on vulnerability of people, silencing alternative opinions & intentionally interfering with democratic process this person should not be celebrated, it should be reviled for the vile person he is.

From been convicted of creating false narratives with "fact checkers" who his company owns on more than one occasion to trying to enslave young people in is insidious "metaverse" we should be seeing his trial for crimes against humanity - not a puff piece.

Oh and who is Roxane Schlumberger? Apparently the most elusive documentary film maker alive.

Meg 2: The Trench

Braindead Gen Z tripe
How do movies like this actually get made?

Terrible CGI effects.

Stupid dialogue, stupid people doing stupid things.

While it is understandable this is leave your brain at the door "entertainment" the stupidity of the whole movie makes it hard to bare. A shark attack and people just laughing & joking, armed mercenaries just casually walking through a holiday resort & people looking at them as if it a "little strange", people running in all directions screaming - the same people over and over, back & forth? Just stupid like the audience it's targeted at.

No idea what's going on in the world when movies like this & Barbie are what's considered "summer movies".

This movie and most of the movies in the last few years reflect the level of intelligence of the upcoming generation - minimal (and that's being kind).

The future for movies (& the world in general is bleak, very bleak)

Lack of compelling story line, lack of engaging storytelling, wooden acting, unlikeable characters.

This movie has no redeeming qualities.

Fast X

For a series that started out fantastically the last 4 were absolute drivel & "Fast X" is no different.

Apart from the poor acting (particularly when Dwayne Johnson joined) in the series it seems like these people have become super heroes of some sort.

It was possible to suspend disbelief at some of the stunts in the earlier movies - at least they were done in real life & not on a green screen with heavy CGI.

It seems like the later movies were written & directed by 10 year olds for 10 year olds. No story line of consequence, unlikeable & unbelievable characters, laws of physics don't apply, how do these keep getting made?

This instalment is nothing more than a green screen & CGI explosions which look fake. Also a schizophrenic movie which is like 3 different movies that don't work well together.

The lack of writing & directing skills in Hollywood is clearly evident in this movie (& the previous 4) along with piss-poor continuity

The only saving grace for this movie is Jason Momoa - he is fantastic & probably the role of his career. He reminds me of Heath Ledger as the Joker (and before anyone has a hissy fit, I'm not saying he was as good as Heath by any means, I'm saying the character reminds me of Heath's character).

Stan the Man

Absolute drivel
How do these crappy movies even get made?

Written by, starring (& perobably funded by) STEVEN CHASE and this is TERRIBLE...don't waste your time

Stan Mann (Steven Chase, who also wrote and directed) is a multi-millionaire whose life is only about ladies, gambling and booze. He lives at a 5-star hotel where the staff tends to his every need. Yet at his heart, he's a generous man that people seem to love. However, after getting messed up in a gambling scheme, he loses everything with one bet. And then, well, he gets shot.

Stan Mann (Steven Chase), a new money multi-millionaire, whose life consists of ladies, gambling and booze, lives at a 5-star hotel where the staff tends to his every need. Known as "Stan the Man" for his extreme generosity, he gets mixed up in a casino gambling scheme with Russian Mobsters and in one fateful bet, Stan loses everything. Planning to drown his sorrows in a bottle, Stan is critically wounded in a liquor store robbery, where he takes the bullet intended for the store clerk, Kristi (Anne Leighton). During a near-death experience in the ER, a slightly resentful Angel gives Stan 30 days to change his ways and redeem himself, and find his one true love.

Keep Breathing

How does this crap get made
Actually really enjoyed the 1st episode and everything went down hill from there.

There is no substance to this mini-series.

The main character is wholly unlikeable.

All the flashback sequences are nothing short of superfluous..

The writing on most media platforms now is pretty diar and all the same - manure.

The Gray Man

Steaming pile of....
What a steaming pile of manure.

Don't know what else to say about this movie. It was just bad.

If you want to leave your brain at the door or if you don't have a brain this is the movie for you.

None of the characters are likable and you won't care what happens to any of them - it's just a bad movie which rips off every action/spy movie of teh last 30 years.

In from the Cold

Absolute drivel
Bad acting Bad script Bad directing

This appears to be directed at children. The level of intelligence of this show is insulting to anyone over the age of 13.

Just bad, bad, bad.


Absolute tripe
Terrible movie.

Bad acting.

Bad script.

Bad premise Jus bad all round and I really like JDW.

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