
IMDb member since August 2019
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A rather decent movie in a sea of garbage
As a Mexican who loves Mexican cinema, it has been disappointing to see the current state of mainstream Mexican cinema in the last 10 years. Good movies either don't get released to the mainstream or all we get are lazy and predictable comedies that often make good amount of money. Don't get me wrong, this movie still suffers from many of the problems almost all Mexican comedies have suffered from recent years: 2-dimensional characters, predictable jokes, and a dull writing in general.

However, because of the extremely low bar, I would also argue that films does better than many of its predecessors like Cindy La Regia or Lady Rancho. First, unlike many other many other Mexican comedies, this film actually ridicules "Whitexican" culture. For those who don't know, "Whitexican", refers to those Mexican people that are usually rich and white who reject Mexican culture, overly westernize themselves, and usually only associating themselves with European or American culture. The film actually encourages the audience to embrace their Mexican identities like when the protagonist talks with Mexican slang such as "chido" because I'm a sole believer that Mexican Spanish slang is one of the best languages that can be put to film as seen with movies like Y Tu Mamá También, Amores Perros, and anything Luis Estrada ever made. Moreover, this film doesn't over rely on sex jokes, cheap slapstick comedy, or the overuse of curse words, instead, most of the jokes have some originality to them while some of them are a little awkward but still passable. I think all the main actors bring a lot of charismatic energy to the screen that make the rather mediocre main characters more fun to watch, specially Regina Blandón.

On the other hand, even though that characters didn't have much depth to them, the writers did avoid using the usual stereotypes that can be seen in many other Mexican comedies. For instance, when I thought that Loreto Peralta's character was going to be the classic whiny rich girl stereotype, I was pleasantly surprised by the extra level of self awareness that her character brings to the film.

In addition, the soundtrack is great and the editing also not bad as it really makes the first act seem a lot more interesting than it actually is on paper. Finally, even though the moral of the story is delivered like it was written by a 3rd grader, it's still a good moral: social media can corrode us and makes us forget about who we truly are and who we truly want to be.

Overall, this film left with a good taste in my mouth and I think that's already doing better than many Mexican comedies. Is this the best comedy Mexico has to offer? No, of course not. I believe that even in recent years, many indie Mexican comedies have done a way better job than this. But...if we are talking about mainstream Mexican comedy, I think this a step in the right direction.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Hilarious and enjoyable
It is a little bit long for what it is but nevertheless Leo's acting is just so on place and amazing and the funny are simply hilarious. If you are someone who enjoys movies simply based on good acting then you should give this one a try

Doctor Sleep

Not close to The Shinning, quite enjoyable, and a little bit off track.
I think everyone can agree that this is not better or even close to the shinning so I will just leave it like that. Here are my pros and cons of this film (my opinion)

Pros: 1. It is quite enjoyable and managed to keep me interest throughout even if it was 2 and a half hours long. 2. Cinematography and color grading. Even if this ones may seem un important they what make a film memorable from a visual point of view and it did a good job

Cons: 1. Doesn't feel like a horror movie anymore. I say this because when I walked out of the theater I felt more like I just watched a Fantasy/adventure film than a horror movie. In The Shinning the "action" scenes were there because they represented his madness which end up being terrifying but in this the action scenes just feel like the classic bad guy vs good guy parts of a blockbuster. 2. Whats wrong with the girl? I think that their representation of a girl of a little girls is extremely inacurate because, I mean, what kind of little boy/girl acts like that, by the end of the movie she was just this heroine kind of existence that is super mature and can handle everything better than the adults around her. I seriously don't think thats how children would react to that kind of situations in real life

Eighth Grade

Enjoyable, special, and most importantly: relatable
This film truly explores and represents teenage hood in an accurate way unlike other Hollywood teenage movies were 25 year-olds play high schoolers trying to pretend to be so. This film is acted by an Eighth grader and written by someone who actually gets today's teenagers. Besides that, this movie's music, cinematography are just very special in their own way making it remarkably memorable. I think people who might dropping bad reviews on this movie are just mad because it is "innacurate" for them, but we need to remember that we are born in different generations and we are not the same and as a 14 year-old I can confirm the accuracy of this film.

Ad Astra

People are focusing too much on the plot of this movie
A lot of people are dropping bad reviews because of the inaccuracy of the science in the movie, but ignored the awesome sound ambientation and imagery and the character development of the main character. This movie feels more like a surrealistic art piece than a common sci-fi blockbuster. Even if this movie does note each the level of interstellar it is still worth watching

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