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Young Justice: Death and Rebirth
Episode 26, Season 4

One of the greatest episodes of the Series
This episode was great, the action was good and fast paced. Episode had so many great moments. The team working together, Superman and Superboy vs Zod and Lor was an awesome moment. I also liked all of Superboy flashbacks both those with Superman and Miss Martian.

The wedding part was also great, it was good to see heroes all happy and be at peace. Also just loved seeing Superboy and Miss Martian finally getting married. It's even better if you watched the show from the start.

Finally I loved all the set ups for next season. Was wondering what Savage would do and he took all the kryptonians from the phantom zone. We also see Zod's wife leave and she will raise Lor and get revenge on Superman and Superboy. Then the best set up, we see DarkSeid's new Furrires. We get see Marry Marvel again and the big reveal of supergirl.

Also Lor's death was so unexpected and brutal.

Just such a great finale, action packed, good twists and set ups for the future. This is easily one of series best episode.

Young Justice: Zenith and Abyss
Episode 24, Season 4

Best episode of the season so far
Episode was amazing, it brought all the stories together in this one episode. I like how they brought characters from others arcs in this one making them useful and making the arcs feel more connected.

So much happened in this episode, Zod, his wife and Superboy all getting released. The team in zone trying to rescue superboy. Megan finding out Superboy is alive. All the heroes joining and going to a planet to red sun just Incase any kryptonians get out. Then Lor coming at the end, hurting all the heroes and Lor finally letting his father.

Just so much happen and it was done so well. The intensity, the pacing. Also gotta say loved all the flashbacks and the dialogue between Superboy and Kaldur'ahm.

Cannot wait for what these last two episodes.

Young Justice: Beyond the Grip of the Gods!
Episode 18, Season 4

It's all coming together
This episode was solid but the last few minutes really made it great. This is the first episode for rockets arc, we get to see new genesis and apocalypse. The main story arc this season has been Conner's so called death and being in an afterlife or something. We then find out he's in the phantom zone with General Zod. And the evil time traveler is also a Zod (most likely Zoe's son).

So now we can guess Zod's put out Conner in phantom zone so he'd meet his father and that the team would recuse Conner but get Zod instead. And DarkSeid is teaming up with zod's son.

So we can also guess DarkSeid has his own plans to win his fight against Savage.

Such a great episode really setting so much up for the rest of this season.

Young Justice: Involuntary
Episode 4, Season 4

WOW just wow
Solid episode of YJ hood finish to the arc as I believe next episode will focus on Artemis. We got the kings killer SB and MM found the bomb left by MM brother. Then that villain from the future added something to it. Connor then punched the ground to take the bomb to lava and destroy it. But he's gone no body just a burnt mark on the green in shape of his body. This dearth was so sudden I don't know if he's actually dead or legion saved him. I am just in shock and don't know what to believe.

Rick and Morty: Rickmurai Jack
Episode 10, Season 5

This episode was just insane and great. It left we truly speechless.

This episode gives us the return of evil Morty and it only that but so many answers. Rick's history, history of the citadel.

We learn that 3x01 Origin story of Rick Is true and learn his whole life he's been hunting down the Rick that killed his wife and daughter. We also learn Rick went to different universes to make sure Morty was created.

Then we get the even more insanity, evil Morty destroys the citadel. And sabotages all the portal guns. Kills many Rick's and Morty's. He then escapes and opens a gold portal.

This episode Andrew so much but leaves us with many more questions. What is the gold portal? Where does it go? What will Rick and Morty do now? Where is the Rick that killed our Rick wife and daughter?

This episode was amazing, it tricked us with the beginning. Gave us so much we were asking for and leaves us on an insane cliffhanger. Episode was just so amazing.

Loki: For All Time. Always.
Episode 6, Season 1

This episode was great, sure not as much action as I expected but it didn't need it. It gave us so much history on the multiverse in the MCU and set up so much for season 2 of Loki and Doctor Strange multiverse of madness and even Spider-Man no way home. They made he who remains and Kang varrients of each other was good twist. And now no one at the TVA remembers Loki and Kang is in control. Just a crazy finale and ending.

This show set up Kang being one of MCUs big bars. He is supposed to appear in antman 3. Just an epic finale, setting so much up, giving good twists and great acting. Best MCU show so far.

Black Widow

Disappointing and taskmaster ruined
The movie is okay, good action, good story and main cast of characters. But the villain and final fight is truly disappointing. The final fight isn't even a final fight, it's just Taskmaster and Black Widow falling, then a 10 second fight and taskmaster is done. Red Guardian is also wasted, he's strong and basically Russia captain America. His fight with taskmaster is barely show and it's just him getting his ass beat.

Now for the most disappointing fight is taskmaster, he never speaks, he barely fights, and it's not a he, his gender is changed and it literally does nothing to improve or make the character interesting. Taskmaster is a very cool and interesting villain. Instead it's just a female being controlled and isn't actually bad. They completely wasted and ruined a great and underrated villain. Avengers game, Spider-Man PS4 game both do better taskmasters. Even with them both being barley in the game.

Not a bad movie but disappointing, I feel like after a rewatch I'll like the movie more, but I'll never forgive them for ruining taskmaster.

Rick and Morty: Mortyplicity
Episode 2, Season 5

Back to its roots!!!
This episode was great just as was last weeks. This episode was just fun, seeing different Ricks and family's. Also seeing them fight each other and wonder if they are real or were made. Mr. Hunt me or was also hilarious. And the end with him was also very funny. Overall this episode was good a very fun and unique episode. It's been a awhile since Rick and Morty had a strong start with two episodes. It feels like Rick and Morty is getting back to its good old days of fun and hilarious episodes. Great episode and so far looking like a great season.

WandaVision: The Series Finale
Episode 9, Season 1

This episode is good, the fights are good I like Agetha and the ending was sad. Also the theories aren't what makes it a disappointing episode. It's that the shows and actors promise something and it doesn't delivers. The actress who plays Monica (can't remember her name) said she was excited to see fan reacting to the engineer. Yet we didn't see him or her or at least I didn't remember seeing them. If we did it didn't feel a big and exciting. Then their is Quicksilver, seeing Evan Peters come in (I liked him more than Aaron Ashmore) I was truly excited of that. Also knowing Wanda is in Doctor Strange 2 and how it'll explore the multiverse I was thinking this was the start. Yet he was just some random guy who was playing her brother. The reason I find that disappointing is cause why cast him? Why play us with that? If it were fake but we actually saw him at the end or post credit I'd be happy With that.

The show was so fun and unique, this was the show I was most excited for. And Wanda's crest powers, multiverse, Doctor Strange 2. It felt like so much build up and excitement. Yet it didn't deliver, it feels like they showed us all this potential of the show yet that was it. We get to see what it could be but we don't actually get it. I still like this show, I'm still excited for Doctor Strange 2 and all future MCU shows and movies but I am just truly disappointed by this episode. I know I keep saying disappointing that is just how I feel right now. It is was still a good finale and a good show. Not bad, great action, visuals, story and amazing acting. Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany were truly great in the show and this episode. I'd give the 8/10, I almost said 7 but it was still a very solid story for what they told.

Superman & Lois: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

Superman show we've all wanted
This show is great and besides it saying CW it is way above that level. Mind you I hate all the current CW Arrowverse shows. I liked early season of Arrow, Flash and legends. I'm also a big fan of Smallville. This show however I'd great, the production quality is great, the cinematography and action.

The drama and is very good not forced as all current CW shows. The acting is also good from the whole case. And Tyler Is an amazing Superman, he carrier the hero and inspiration of Superman as well as the struggle of being a father and husband.

Overall the show is amazing the Superman show we've all been waiting for. Definitely has a bright future and could go down as one of DC's best super hero show.

Wonder Woman 1984

Disappointing but still good
I was disappointed by this movie, for a few reasons but the movie was not terrible. The things I didn't like was the fight scenes, the villains. The story was okay could've been better. The fight scene seemed weak and their wasn't much in the movie to begin with. I understand she was loosing her powers but the fights were still lackluster. Especially the final fight, it was just jumping and swinging. Now the villains seemed dull, Cheetah was good at first but seem to dwindle in the end. Maxwell Lord a great villain in the comics is also very disappointing. He could've been better, like more menacing. He seem to be power hungry but lacked the evilness or darkness to make him a good villain. The overall story is kinda campy and is much like a Christopher Reeve Superman movie. I don't mind it but they could've added more depth to it.

The the stuff I liked Steve Trevor and Diana chemistry, Wonder Woman flight scene, 80s vibe. The chemistry between Steve and Diana is very good, they are just instantly back in love and taking with each other as if nothing really happened. I also liked how Steve was reacting to the 80s. How far technology has come, he wasn't a cave man type person he was just so overjoyed. Then when Steve had to leave was truly sad, Steve telling Diana to revoke her wish was just so sad. Then Diana just runs off and goes to the sky. Diana remembers what Steve said about why he loves flying and she starts to fly. The score was great, us finally seeing her was great and after what just happened with Steve. It was definitely my favorite scene in the whole movie.

Overall the movie is good, the story and villains disappoint me but the chemistry and score balance it out well enough. I love the first movie more but this movie is still good enough.

Doom Patrol: Wax Patrol
Episode 9, Season 2

I know people will be disappointed that this is a season finale. But due to covid 19 they weren't able to finish filming the 10th episode of the season.

This episode was truly great the Maria flashback was entertaining. We also see Jane after Maria left. The twist with Maria was great, Maria is dead and Kay's father is now in Maria's body.

All the scenes with the doom patrol and their imaginary friends were great. It showed what our heroes have been struggling with this season and the whole series. The part with Cliff and Jesus was hilarious though.

The ending with everyone Turing into wax and Dorthy going to fight candlemaker was so crazy and good. Obviously we were supposed to get one more episode with Dorthy and the team defeating candlemaker. But it was still a really good finale and leaves us on a big cliffhanger.

Can't wait for this series to get renewed for a third season.

Stargirl: Icicle
Episode 3, Season 1

It just keeps getting better!
Thor episode was done so well, we see more development in our characters. We also see Icicle, the leader of Injustice Society. We still don't know what project new America is yet. But we know the villains feel what they're doing is right. Icicle is also a great villain. Just one episode showed how far he'll go. Killing a child and a member of the injustice society. It was also great to see the Justice Society's headquarters. We saw Jay Garrick and Dr Fates helmets. We also saw the masks of all our heroes. The ending with Star girl taking all of the hero's weapons and costumes gets me very excited. Obviously we know Dr mid night, wild cat and owl man are coming to the show. But we're still getting hints that other mantles of heroes could be taken. As Star girl took everything. Maybe next season we see another Fate or GL. So excited for what this show has to offer. Just an amazing episode.

Rick and Morty: Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri
Episode 10, Season 4

This is Rick and Morty!!!
This episode was great, that paid off so many stories. Such as 2x10, 3x1 and 3x09. The action was great, especially the fight between Rick and Phoenix person. We also get some good funny moments with Morty and Summer. I thought the finale was very good, it was crazy but not too crazy. I also love how the writer gave themselves more stories to tell. Like Bird person returning, the two Beth's and the intergalactic federation still being out there. Overall a great episode of Rick and Morty.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Victory and Death
Episode 12, Season 7

This episode is just so amazing, the action is good the all the emotion is done very well. You can feel it's the end for the republic, for the clones and for the clone wars. It was all just done so well. And the ending with the Storm troopers and us seeing Vader as he picked up Ahsoka light saber was just so good. Not much lines near the end but there didn't have to be. You can just feel everything by seeing what was going. What a great finale to one of the greatest series ever.

Rick and Morty: Never Ricking Morty
Episode 6, Season 4

This episode was weird and crazy, so I don't know for I feel. It was funny and the characters were just as weird and crazy as any other characters. What got me most curious and excited in the episode was near the end. When both Rick and Morty got hit by the machine and showing us thing that could be cannon. We saw Rick and Summer fight Phoenix person and Tami. We also saw Evil Morty with an army to fight Rick and Morty. So I wonder if we'll see that later this season or another. Or if it'll even play the same way out.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: A Distant Echo
Episode 2, Season 7

This episode is another great one for the new season. We saw some more great action, as well as Rex's character. He's been through so much lost so many of his brothers. That one maybe alive he has to go and find out. It was also nice seeing Anakin talk to Padme, and Rex knowing about was also nice. It shows how close Anakin and Rex got through the war. It show trusts and how good of friends they are. It was also nice Obi Wan knowing, as he knew all along. It was cool that Anakin knows he knows. Both are Jedi, both know they cannot get married. Yet Obi kept the secret. It add more to their characters and their bond for each other. And makes their falling out and fight all that more messed up and emotional.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Bad Batch
Episode 1, Season 7

Amazing return!
I grew up watching clone wars, it was an amazing series. I was disappointed when it was canceled. Then it had a new season on Netflix. It was a great season but the ending felt anticlimactic. Now it has returned again for a true final season.

This episode just shows how great the season will be. The animation is just amazing. It's still like the previous seasons, but they added something to it. It seems more clear and clean. The action was also amazing.

The new clones are interesting, and Echo being alive is crazy. Can't wait for the rest of the season. This is just an amazing episode.

Boku no hîrô akademia: Infinite 100%
Episode 13, Season 4

Amazing episode, we finally see Deku takedown a big bad all alone. Theses pass three episodes have been so awesome. Deku got Arie and made sure she was safe. We also know the future can change, nothing is set. Now maybe Nighteye will see the Deku can be the next Allmight. But the episode was filled with so much action, great animation and nonstop fun. One of the best episodes of the series.

Legends of Tomorrow: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five
Episode 1, Season 5

Their were good parts and their were bad parts. Good parts the ending with us seeing the other universe. Earth 1 earth 38 and black Lightning's earth all put together. Anti monitor getting huge like the comics. And the Justice League ending.

The other parts were just disappointing. I feel like they did this episode to see all our heroes untie to fight which is cool. But they rushed it. Last episode they should've brought in everyone to fight him.

I wish we would've seen other heroes from other earths to fight in the final battle. Like Braden Routh Superman, Tom Welling Superman, Justin Hartley Green Arrow. Or maybe titans heroes or some how heroes from other movies or tv shows.

Also no mention to Gotham, Krypton or Lois and Clark.

Arrow: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four
Episode 8, Season 8

This episode was pretty good. The episode had the best pacing. The nostalgia, the scenes look of Arrow and flash was nice. The best part was Ezra Miller's and Grant Gustin's meeting. I never thought that would happen and yet it did. Just a great moment. The climax of the episode was also good, the heroes uniting to fight the villains. The fight was a little disappointing if I'm being honest. But a decent all together

Rupan sansei: Part II

I love this series. It's a very fun series. Lupin the 3rd is the worlds greatest thief. He and his friends go around the world stealing priceless jewelry, artifacts aand etc.

This series is also a hilarious series, the things the team gets into is great. We also have a cop named Zenigata obsessed with catching Lupin the 3rd.

The chemistry between Lupin and Zenigata is great. The chemistry between all the characters is just amazing.

Over just a fun, hilarious series that is worth a watch. It is such an underrated series that deserves more love.

Lupin III

This series is alright, not bad. It's very different from the previous Lupin series. Im a fan of Lupin, my favorite series is part 2. I've seen some part 1 is was good. Part 3 I have not seen. Part 4 is unique, this series is more modernized. You see new TVs, IPhones and much more.

Another thing different about this series is that it has story arcs. The previous Lupin series were just random funny over the top heists. It's was a serialized series. This series has story arcs.

Also Zenigata is much smarter in this series, which is strange. Compared to previous series he was much dumber and clumsy.

Last the reason I gave it a lower is because this series they didn't do as many heists as the previous series. That disappoints me when the series is about the greatest thief ever.

Overall a decent series.

Boku no hîrô akademia: Lemillion
Episode 11, Season 4

Episode was great, Lemillion giving everything he has is great. Even after his powers are gone, he still fights. This episode really shines a new light in Lemillion. It shows how determined he is, how passionate he is about being a hero. You can also see why he was going to take over after Almight.

Only negative thing about the episode is animation. Some scenes were just freeze frames and some scenes didn't seem to have much detail as pass episodes of the series had. That said it is still a great episode.

The Mandalorian: Chapter 8: Redemption
Episode 8, Season 1

This episode is everything, action, acting, story. The villain was good, we finally see Mando liking a droid. We finally see his face, he gets his jet pack. And we learn how he became a mandalorian. The ending was also great, the dark saber. This show is so great, only eight episodes and it's already one of the greatest shows of 2019.

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