
IMDb member since July 2019
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Out of Blue

Nicholson was right. Industry has changed.
This movie would once have been a praised gem.

These days it gets rated at 5/10 and called "Really bad".

In reality, it's a movie that lasts for a long time, it gives you flashbacks and food for thought for quite a while with its deep characters, its moody scenes and its complexity.

If you love "food for thought" movies which don't result in a certain outcome you imagined 5 minutes after start, if you love characters who aren't fitting into categories of "hero", "culprit" or "anti hero", you'll enjoy it big time.

Come for a fast paced murder mistery and you'll leave before it ends.

The Girl on the Train

Great acting. Decent movie.
The storyline is nice, but predictable.

Photography is nice, but somehow nothing special.

Mood is dark, but not immersive.

Acting is great, especially by Emily Blunt, Haley Bennett and Rebecca Fergusson, but the male actors are all somehow shallow and without life.

It's not a waste of time, but it's nothing to remember, too.

Another movie with potential, that was somehow destroyed. Direction? Production? Who knows.

The Informers

Trying to be iconic. Ending half baked.
Yes, this movie is not about a plot. It is about people.



As in "Paint a picture of L. A. at one of its most decadent and soulless times".

It doesn't deliver, though.

The characters are widespread and shallow, the actors only live out a depressed phase.

Not a good movie. Just a glimpse of a time gone by, but not a good one.

Legacy of Lies

Nice try
Potential? Big time.

Product? Failed.

Honstely, this movie is one of the worst failures I have ever seen. It's not that the actors are bad or something. Not even photography and cut are bad. It's just... there is so much potential and in the end it's just a complete failure.

Maybe too many parties involved? Production not interested in making a "complete" movie?

I don't know, but that was wasted time.


Seriously one of the best 'assassin' movies of all times
Biggest problem of this gem is the simple fact, that a lot of people want to see _new_ stuff instead of seeing _goog_ stuff.

A decent story, intertwined with a family and an addiction drama with zero lengths and lots of facets.

Top notch actors being given time and room to express their interpretation of the given characters.

Some eye candy, good sound and not too extraordinary, but well crafted cuts.

If you like well crafted (action/assassination) movies with depth, watch it.

If you want to see "the new and improved action genre", don't.

The Happytime Murders

One of the most hilarious and socially critical movies of all times
If you ask yourself why this movie hovers around 5.5 in IMDBs review scale...

...be assured, it is not because of a lack of fun or entertainment.

It's solely to punish McCarthy and the movie itself. The former for obvious SNL activities, the latter for picking up one of America's biggest 21st century problems.

DO NOT watch this movie if you don't care about society and minorities.

DO watch it if you care and if you need a new set of underpants as this movie is well scripted, well crafted, well acted and full of stunningly hilarious moments.

It's a true masterpiece from Mr. Farscape.

Red Sparrow

Another wonderful movie downvoted for politics
This is nearly as good as it gets in terms of a spy movie.

Not much to say about it, except that its ratings are obviously way below this movie's real value.

Watch it and decide yourself. There is zero chance you will not like it. It might not be a 10/10 for everyone - I gave it a 9/10, personally - but it IS worth your time!


Far better than its reviews
Sometimes, I ask myself: What is wrong with people?

Using some "benchmark" movie like Avatar as a comparison, the huge difference between the movies is their budget. Not more. Not less.

Yeah, hate me for that, but it's true: If movies aren't hyped, people tend to downvote well done titles just for... not being flooded into social media.

Replicas does show good acting. Reeves is charismatic without replicating (sic!) his other roles. Wifey, kids, villain, buddy.. everything alright.

The book is okay and doesn't pull the classic cringeworthy "oh no, please, don't kidnap $name that is boring" strings too much. No lengths. No boredom. No s.... ah, now I get it. There's no sexuality in it. That maybe one of the reasons for downvoting. I get it.

Seriously: Stop punishing movies for not being hyped. Start reviewing if it works and if it entertains.


Entertaining, well done movie without lengths, above average in acting, book, atmosphere. Could have been a real blockbuster with a bit more money invested.

21 Bridges

Zero flaws

Zero boredom

Zero reasons to rate this movie anywhere below 8/10, even with personal preference to things.

Seriously, reviewing this movie down to 6,6 only has one logical conclusion: A lot of reviews on imdb these days are done politically.

First time for me to see Boseman in any film, not having seen Miller for a long time. Both doing a great job with Simmons in a great supporting role.

The script is mostly predictable but well done, cinematography, sound, cuts are all up to task.

This is an 8/10 cop movie which has received 10/10 as a compensation for being treated "bigly unfairly".


People rating it badly are caught in some movie loop
This is not a 10/10 movie, it has several small flaws, it is not perfect, it is not the masterpiece of 2017.

It is a watchable, enjoyable, mostly well done and well acted serial killer movie, though.

People rating it badly justify it with something that comes down to "Big names and nothing special so it is a 1/10" or similar.

If you are bored by a standard bread-and-butter-Hollywood-crime-flick, just skip it. There is no need to ruin its imdb rating just because you would like something else to see or do. You being a frustrated coach potatoe doesn't justify being derogatory against other people's work.


Watch it if you like (serial killer) crime movies, Pacino, Urban, Snow.

Don't watch it if what you really need isn't a nice movie.

Alex Cross

One of the worst movies I have ever seen
I walked out on half a dozen movies in the last 30+ years. This is one of them.

Tyler Perry fails as an actor, the director fails in doing his jobs and Matthew Fox suffers from both.

This movie is not worth your time, except if you want to see millions of dollars dumped into a ditch and burnt to ashes. Skip it.

Kill Me Three Times

Entertaining and well crafted dark comedy
Seeing this enjoyable and nearly flawless piece of fun being rated around 6 breaks my heart.

Seriously, the script is well done, cinematography is beautiful, actors are great and really credible... there's not a single problem with it.

It's not the world's most complex movie made, it doesn't have the biggest budget ever, but ... wtf?

If you got the slightes bit of (weird) humor within you, this movie is for you. It's fun to watch, it gets quite dense at times and there's not a single moment of boredom in it. It's time well spent.

If you simply hate anything that's not done in Hollywood, if you need selfish stars instead of a well coordinated ensemble, well...

La belle histoire

Masterpiece Meets Marketing Disaster
This film is a masterpiece of symbolic might.

It's a masterpiece of deep and real love.

It's not a romantic popcorn movie for pseudo intellectual french film groupies.

And that's why it is downgraded in ratings and nobody knows about it. Its production company failed in marketing, then failed commercially. The film is unknown to most people and when they watch it, they expect something completely different.

For me personally, this is one of the 100 most "artsy" films ever made. In a positive way as it still resonates within me after nearly 30 years.

The Capture

Forget about that "goes down the drain half way" thing
This is a beautifully scripted and meticulously acted series of top notch quality.

Every single minute of it.

If all British shows would be of this quality, British shows would rule the world.

Too much praise? Watch it.

Woman in Gold

What's your intention to watch a movie?
Serious question, as this intention will influence your opinion.

If you wish to watch a - more or less - historically acurate movie, you'll like this one. It's full of (valid) stereotypes, historic references and information.

If you wish to watch an interesting movie that entertains you, one that is full of emotion and life, you'll like this one. It's a masterpiece of an emotional roller coaster ride.

If you wish to watch a movie full of stars, however you define that term, you'll like this one as all actors are simply top notch (and Katie Holmes only has a minor role).

Seriously, this movie is 10/10 in everything. Great cast with a lot of harmony in between (even in conflict), a well written book, fine cinematography etc. etc. etc.

You won't like the movie if your political opinion is somehow distorted by populist events in the last years, but hey... I don't care about you in that case :-)

Watch it. Enjoy a wonderful Helen Mirren and a great Ryan Reynolds and a lot of other great actors. Cry. Smile. Enjoy.

No Escape

Some stereotypes, some lengths, but overall really good
Best thing about this movie is its cast with Wilson and Brosnan feeling 100% authentic and everyone doing a really good job

Cinematography is above average, so is the script and everything else

-1 for a few scenes that are just too long. They are needed to give the audience a break, but they're just a bit too long.

-1 for too much 90s Hollywood at some points.

CAUTION: This is not an action flick. This is something in between a nightmare horror movie and an intense war movie. It is well done, but not for the light hearted.

I would love to see more of this kind. It's so rare to be really emotionally involved in a movie, one can clearly say this one is a gem.

Knives Out

Worth 10/10
Wonderful movie with a great story, great cast and great entertainment

Rating is lowered by people not looking for the perfect "crime mystery" movie, but for ... whatever.

London Has Fallen

OMG it's a an action movie, what do you expect?
It's a solid, slightly overly patriotic, American action movie.

Not less. Not more.

There's no need for a 1/10 review and there's no need to suggest an Oscar.

They're all doing a good job, it's far from being boring and with a bit of a tolerance toward some slightly awkward moments you will have a good time with it.

It's far better than its predecessor, btw :-)

Damascus Cover

A movie for grown ups
... as grown ups don't need a full-gloss-budget on a good spy thriller.

The story is straight with a bit of surprise, the cut is well done, acting is superb... it's just a well done movie in all aspects.

If you're not in dire need of three digit budgets, this movie will provide a nice evening entertainment with enough action, suspense, thrill and emotion for you to give it 8/10 instead of that dire average rating :-)

Death in Paradise

There's a reason for its longevity...
... because it's one of a kind

Yes, the plot is weird. Carib island, London DI, Brit-French setting, one murder at a time etc...

Yes, most people demand action, sexuality and hard core violence...

but we got enough of all that REGULAR stuff, don't we?

Death in paradise is as relaxing as watching a b/w Miss Marple episode, just laid back in the sun. It's mentally refreshing, sometimes surprising (sometimes not so), but in essence...

"Death in paradise" is something to look forward to after a hard day. Grab a beverage of choice, lean back, be entertained in a good way. We need more of this!

Space Force

A masterpiece
Bringing up comedy with a political touch is as hard as it gets since dark comedy took over a certain pale house.

Space Force somehow does everything right, though!

It's neither fixated on bashing a certain administration or its lack of skills, but also goes hard against hyped tech kid entrepreneurs, old style scientists, homophobes... everything.

I rarely watch something a second time, but Space Force will be one of few things. Hilarious jokes, deep humor, wonderful actors, great photography and Malkovich at his best.



Most don't get the point here
This is not a "disappointing kids' flick", it's a reminiscence and an hommage to one of Germany's most successful youth book series by Rolf Kalmuczak.

Once you realize that the whole movie is mixing up everything TKKG lived through since being first published in 1979, you will enjoy the love to details and style.

The book is (!) a standard youth book style. Characters are. Of course it is, it must be. That's no reason for a low rating, it only reflects ignorance, I am sorry.

If you open up for this kind of fiction and cinema, you find a gem for all ages.


Stop comparing current movies to decade old stuff...
... and you'll stop being a cinematic misanthrope.

Seriously, this movie is an 8-9 not a "5.8" or something. Just that it's The Rock and there's a skyscraper in it doesn't make it a B movie or a die hard clone. Get real.

The movie is as "original" as it can be, actors are up to it and charismatic, the plot is "good ol' action" and CGI is a feast.

The only reason to hate this movie is fear-of-heights as there are a lot of shots in which you make sure you got solid ground under your seat.

Watch it for... ... good entertainment, good actors, nice pictures and an occasional thrill

Don't watch it for... ... comparing it to Die Hard or anything, that's pointless


It seems as a lot of reviewers didn't even watch the show
As always with something being so "hot" in political discussions these days, some of this show's reviews seem to reflect more of the political views of the reviewer than an honest judgement about... a show.

1. Hunters is a well done show using "mature" comic style

2. Hunters is filled with great actors, some of them veterans, some of them well situated "in the business", some of them talented "fresh meat" - all playing very well together and being well cast

3. Hunters is using comic style exaggerations and lots of conspiracy stuff to create an overexaggerated (hopefully) version of the Nazi problem. The show's script is well written, without lengths and with deep characters

4. Cinematography, sound, costumes... everything's on highest level

TL;DR? Watch it, if you don't like Nazis and everything that comes with it.

PS: The show's last episode brings up a lot of facets one should think about when enjoying "revenge" movies.

The Coldest Game

Is big cinema coming back ... to netflix?
Two or three decades ago this movie would have been a widely promoted blockbuster with raving reviews

Thank you, netflix. I am used to hate you but for this short moment I have to bow and say THANK YOU for this movie

TL;DR? Watch it if you like classic spy movies.

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