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Finally! What an Achievement!!
This has been a long time coming. I read the original novel at someone's recommendation back when it came out. Especially being a big fan of Japanese cinema, and specifically Toshiro Mifune and samurai movies, I couldn't wait for the original series to come out. What a let down it was. Toshiro Mifune was criminally under used, and as I later found out that was a trend for him in any American production, possibly save Midway. This production is all about the Japanese, the language, the dress, the culture, and it is excellent. Needless to say, I loved it. Hiroyuki Sanada, who plays the lead character of Toronaga (The role that Toshiro Mifune played in the original series) deserves even more credit as one of the main producers dedicated to keeping it true to life as a producer as well. He worked tirelessly on this production, hiring many Japanese actors, arts and crafts experts, etc. Kudos to all.

The Bastard Executioner

It gets a little better:
The first 2 episodes, both named "Pilot" are really cheap-looking. The costumes, effects, everything is horrible. After that it is somewhat better, but still an overall cheap production with mediocre acting for the most part. Especially for the first half there is a lot of shoe-horned in gratuitous torture and stuff that is presented in a really hokey "wink, wink" kind of way, which I also despised. I am not a fan of watching rape, torture and executions in the first place, but these scenes were especially badly done as well. I love a historical costume drama, and watched it to the end, but it's not something you should seek out unless you are bored. I think going to Wales was a mistake for this show as the budget it had was too low to pull it off. Also, very much hated the Ed Sheeren intro song, the intro was way too long, so I skipped through it. I guess Ed has some contractual demands where if he does the music for an old-timey show, you also have to give him an acting job in it. (He also showed up in Game of Thrones.)

All the Light We Cannot See

Ridiculously evil Nazi Officers
Otherwise, I actually enjoyed this movie, but mainly for nostalgic reasons. My own father was an American radio operator in Germany during WWII. After the end of the war, he ended up in Paris, where he fell very ill with the flu. Not speaking French, he ended up riding the Metro until a French nurse found him, took him home and nursed him back to health. It was unspoken, but I always assumed it was probably his first sexual experience, especially since his favorite song was Claire d'Lune, the Debussy piano piece played over and over in the background of this series.

As some other viewers have mentioned, I too hated how over-the-top evil most of the Germans were made out to be, and I always prefer to hear subtitles, but at least it wasn't dubbed, so I will let that slide. I was kinda shocked at how many people professed to want the actual languages, seeing as how the book was also probably in English in the first place.

In summation, this hit all of the feels for me in terms of reminiscing on my dad's old stories, but missed the mark as far as a realistic portrayals of some of the characters, who were cartoon villains.


Good topic to raise, but misses the mark by a mile
I'm giving it 5 stars for the timeliness of the topic, and taking away 5 stars for missing the mark in so many ways.

Missed the mark: 1. Carbon in the atmosphere, rising seas, and climate change are symptoms, not goals. The problems stem from physics and will differ depending upon the fuel used, but are the results of heat generated by humans making stuff we don't need, then packaging it, delivering it, and finally throwing it away when it breaks.

2. They are also symptoms of global takeover by the the AI being created by corporations and the laws that allow, nay FORCE, them to only seek profits (read: exploitation of the labor of humans) by any means necessary. One rule of all companies is growth. The "science" of economics ignores the input (resources) and the ouputs (heat) other than the products that are sold. At the same time "piercing the corporate veil" to hold them accountable for their actions is rare, and instead of protecting the poor, we sacrifice them and bail them out of their risks so that they don't lose these profits.

3. The episode with gigantic aircraft running on batteries was hilarious. There would be no room for actual cargo in such a craft - the whole thing would require so many batteries just to fly the battery weight alone, not to mention a voluminous payload. The resources needed to replace fossil fuels with "sustainable" batteries, say lithium, would be completely depleted after the first round of replacement and will need to be replaced again - by what?

We humans don't want to give up our lifestyle and return to a sort of living that is actually sustaianable, yet this entire series shows people focusing on MORE technologies in addition to the climate-ameliorating stuff. Technology is the cause of our problems, not the solution.

I have come to this conclusion at the end of a long life in the high-tech sector. I wrote my first computer program in 1967 when I was in high school, and I am sad to say I have only recently realized that the actual fact is - our finite planet cannot possibly sustain infinite growth without ending up in collapse, a fact that is not highlighted anywhere in this series, nor at Apple Corp, nor in our government, nor pretty much anywhere on this dying planet, but there are studies and writings to seek out, and I hope this series will lead to that, for the sake of our descendants.


Just watched the final episode
As we all knew, this mission should never have existed. But, if Ms. Lioness is so self-righteous about what she is doing and how right it is, why is she crying? Nothing made sense here.

I wish we could have a real show about real issues, instead of this star-studded mess of BS culminating in a huge reversal. Let's get real, OK?

I gave it a 6/10 overall because it was entertaining to me, but it has left a bad taste in my mouth due to it's failure to commit to a point of view. Either the US should or should not be executing people. I vote for not, but this show doesn't seem to have an overall point of view, so I took off 1 point for that.

De twaalf

The Ending is Clear
There are a lot of people who said we didn't get to see whodunit, but I disagree with them. The defense lawyer sees that both the necklace that was missing evidence from the girlfriend's death and the black gloves that were missing evidence from the child's death were both in the book that she asked for. Clearly she kept them as souvenirs and wanted him to know she did it as those items came up during the episodes and she kept silent. She definitely lied.

Everyone is correct, however. If this is the court system in Belgium, it is terrible as depicted. I hope it is not the case that 2 different murders, separated by space and time, would end up in the same trial. We also see similar deliberate and not deliberate miscarriages of justice in the US, but this seemed to be considered as normal here, and of no concern to the filmmakers.

El Candidato: Desert of the Lions
Episode 10, Season 1

Overall good show, but poor ending
Once again, women shoved under the bus and men told to grow up instead of getting their just desserts. Expectations managed in order to make sure nothing changes in the patriarchal hierarchy. Sorry for the political take, but I'm guessing I'm the only one who is going to point this out. UGH!!

I enjoyed most of it, but in the end corruption is given a pass in favor of those already in charge and maintaining power - for what "Good" now? I can't tell, really. As long as the losers stay losing, it's all OK in the end, I guess.

It was "good" to kill your bio-dad, but not "good" to kill someone else just as selfish and bad. I guess since one is illegally bad and the other pretends to be good and is not known to be illegal, it's not OK to kill him. So many mixed messages pretending to be real here, it's a crying shame, but pretty realistic as well.

The Crown: Ipatiev House
Episode 6, Season 5

Why Prince Phillip was the only DNA donor in the Royal Family
The mitochondrial DNA passes from the mother to her children. Only the female relative passes it to the next generation, so Prince Phillip's children would NOT have the DNA markers they were looking for to identify the remains of the Romanov family members.

I found the brutality of the deaths shocking as well, but I find that to be true even for fictional murders, and with the violence of almost all TV shows these days, I get why a trigger warning didn't come up.

Overall, I think the show is trying to win brownie points for pointing a finger at the cold-hearted decision making of Queen Elizabeth II's grandparents while focusing on all of the minor, gossipy stuff of the present monarchs. They are definitely not any different, and I feel the show doesn't deserve the brownie points, but take what you can get, I guess.


I enjoyed this one throughly
Machel Montano is a huge star of Soca in TnT, and I was so happy to hear the Trini accent in a movie. So many movies have actors with the fakest island accents - this was fantastic with so many true, true, Trinis. Pleasant movie, well done, and a big treat for us soca music and fans of Trinidad and Tobago.

Wake Up

I can't get over the over the top sloppy bandage
Giving 5/10 stars, but I can't continue to watch it. Every time I see that ridiculous bandage it takes me out of the story. I have never seen such an abomination. You definitely won't see something like that in an actual hospital. If the filmmakers can't even make that detail look right, how can it be a good movie?


Interesting story
I think this is the first Vampire story I have seen (not that I have seen them all) that had humans who wished to become vampires and also pushed back against the violence of humans vs the violence of vampires. I liked that part, and I also enjoy foreign languages when I can take time to watch the subtitles. The acting, however, left a lot to be desired. Almost everyone was too young, and Kerem Bürsin did not do a good job of acting in this. He was mostly just posturing the entire time trying to be cool. I looked him up finally, and it looks like he fell back on his modeling chops and "vogued" it up here. I'm not sure whether to fault the director or the actors, as I don't recall seeing any of them elsewhere. I stuck it out because I really enjoyed the Turkish Super Hero in The Protector also on Netflix, which was head and shoulders above this one as far as being watchable.

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