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The Box

Story from 80's Twilight Zone episode
This is a remake of a short story from the eighties version of the TWILIGHT ZONE. It starred Mare Winningham(St Elmos Fire) and Brad Davis(Midnight Express). In that story a man delivers a box to their house and tells them they can get a million dollars if the push the button on the box. He tells them that if they push the button it will end the life of someone they don't know. Brad fights the urge and says it isn't right to end someones life even for money. Mare is a bitch who cares for no one and finally does the deed. The man shows up soon after and delivers them the dirty money. Brad leaves her and Mare is left alone. When asked who will get the box next, the man says it will be given to someone that she doesn't know. Leaving you of course knowing that the next person who gets that box might be choosing to end her life. The television episode was only15 minutes and did a great job. I can't believe that they would make a theatrical film about it, what else can be said?

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The Fall

Brilliant and Moving
What can I say that others haven't? This is a brilliant film. I am very disappointed that this was not a hit and seen by more people. When I went to the theatre to see it there were only two other people there. This definitely deserves some Oscars if only for the cinematography.

This story of two people, a man and a little girl, both who are in hospital because of a fall. He is a stunt man for films and she a daughter of migrant workers. The two meet and the man says he will tell the girl a story, but only if she does something for him in return. I won't spoil it for you but the story of those two becomes very moving and affects the "story" he tells her. The images of the "story" are breathtaking as they are filmed all over the world in the most beautiful locations and involve the characters of their real life world. Let me tell you, you won't be disappointed in the ending.

Both the man (played by Lee Pace) and the girl (played so adorably by Catinca Untaru) are wonderful here. I really tried to sell this film to my friends but they all thought it would be too boring. I will have to wait till it comes out on DVD so I can have a movie night and have them watch it then. If you have the opportunity to see this, please do and you won't regret it.

Get Smart

Funny and Disappointing
I love Steve Carrell. He is one of the funniest actors out there today. I also am a fan of the Get Smart shows, so when I heard this movie was coming out I thought it would be a lot of fun to see and it was. Anne Hathaway was also good and beautiful. One thing that I was disappointed about was that Max was a stupid in the series. I mean he was successful at his missions only but sheer luck, and with the help of 99. In this movie he is bumbling but not stupid. He does succeed on his own and yes sometimes with the help of 99 but I think they took something special away when they made him smart. Also the series had uses of a lot of funny gadgets, like his silly shoe phone. I think they could have used them more here, but that is my opinion. Otherwise it is a funny film and full of nice cameo appearances.

Mamma Mia!

Shear Fun and Enjoyment
Hey the critics are NOT always right. I LOVE Abba and went to see this movie on opening night here. The cinema was packed full of people of all ages and of women AND men. As the movie progressed the audience really got into it and by the Dancing Queen number were clapping and singing along. At the end of the film when Ms. Streep asked the audience if they wanted another song they chanted, YES, GIVE US ANOTHER ONE! Everyone had so much fun that you felt so good when you came out. I mean, I LOVED Chicago but feeling was much different, and Hairspray can't compare either. You don't have to love Abba to love this musical. My 83 year old catholic mother-in-law who didn't even know the music before going in loved the movie. The best song moments for me were Mammia Mia, Slipping Through My Fingers, Winner Takes It All, and of course Dancing Queen. Everyone was good in the film but the best has to be Meryl Streep who keeps proving herself as someone who can do it all. Man, when she belted out Winner Takes It All I was stunned. She was good. She also showed she can let her hair down and have some fun. I mean, no one in this film is a great singer, but you forgave them by the way they presented the songs in the film. Only exception would be Pierce Brosman who's delivery of SOS was, er, not good but the women forgave him I'm sure. So if you want a feel good film where you will be singing when you come out of the cinema, AND you will actually know some of the tunes, go see MAMMIA MIA!


Almost hits it on the head
I saw this film recently and loved it. It took me back to High School where I was constantly "attacked" by what people would call "Jesus Freaks". Kids who find it their mission to save everyone they can. That's all fine and well, but they would get to the point of harassing me. I was this short fat kid who never cursed or even thought about sex. Food and Books were my turn ons. Yes people, I was a nerd. At 16 years of age I was a 2nd grade Sunday School teacher. Yet they were saying that I was a sinner and needed to be saved. I hadn't done anything to get saved from and I knew more about the Bible than they did!

I love God and pray that you do too, but some Christians are just a little too crazy about their mission to the point of being psychotic. I think even though they were portrayed wildly, the director did show they really had heart and a deep love for God.

**SPOILERS** Mandy Moore's character sprayed the building, not because she is a horrible person and hated the Jewish girl. She did it to get rid of someone who she felt was going to corrupt her school and take God away from them. They showed her praying the night before the incident to God asking him for guidance. The Head of the Christian School, who was also deeply devoted to God, saw the "troublemakers" at the prom and said that they could stay, "Let's be Christian about this". In my opinion they were shown in a decent positive light. It could have been better, but it is Hollywood.**SPOILERS OVER**

So what have we learned? Peoples lives and problems aren't always crystal clear, you have to look deeper to make judgments. It's great to be a Christian and want others to have God enrich their lives too, but you can't jump all over people or you're going to drive them away. God wants to hold your hand and lead you to the promise land, NOT grab you, throw you in a trunk and wisk you off!


Mostly Eye Candy, and WHAT candy!
I remember watching this on TV in the 80's. The old gang back at the college dorms really enjoyed this too. This film has a lot GREAT eye candy. Tanya Roberts was sooo worth watching in BEASTMASTER that the big wigs at the studio thought they'd give her another film to "show off" more of her special talents. Not to be sexist, they threw in SOAP's Ted Wass as her love interest and made him show some of his "special talents". Just like in the BEASTMASTER, there are plenty of those adorable animals to entertain and attack those nasty old villains.

With so many bad things happening in this world, do yourself a favor and get away for 90 minutes. Watch something mindless like this to make you forget about elections, markets, wars, terrorist, and J Lo. Let Tanya tame you......


I remember when MV3 came on, it was sooooo cool. It was the poor man's MTV for us kids who's parents couldn't afford to get Cable TV. Just like MTV, they had their own VJ's who introduced the videos and live bands. I remember seeing the Bangles play live three years before they hit big with "Manice Monday". MV3 played all those great new wave videos like "I Could Be Happy" ALTERED IMAGES, "Let's Go To Bed" CURE, "I Eat Cannabals" TOTO CUELO, "Mexican Radio" WALL OF VOODOO, "Love My Way" PSYCHIDELIC FURS, and more.

The only VJ I remember is Richard Blade because he was attractive and later had a part in the 80's film GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN playing a host of a dance show for which Sarah Jessica Parker tries out. He also had a series of compilation CD's showcasing his new wave favs from his 80's radio show.

I see MV3 was on for two years, but our local station only carried it for one season. Luckily by then I had found Night Flight on USA and Night Tracks on TBS to satisfy my video cravings.

Fast Times

Another short lived High School comedy
What is it about High School shows that get them cancelled quickly? Maybe the audience for them are too few. Look at a these:


There are exceptions of course, like FAME and BOSTON PUBLIC. This show was created and directed by Amy Heckering who directed the original "FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH". The actors featured future stars like Courtney Thorn Smith(ALLY McBEAL), Wallace Langham(VERONICA'S CLOSET), and Patrick Dempsey(CAN'T BUY ME LOVE, SWEET HOME ALABAMA). FAST TIMES also had Miss Valley Girl herself, Moon Unit Zappa(who was on her father's Frank Zappa's "Valley Girl" song). My favorite was James Nardini(Brad) who didn't do much after this show :[ The writing was good but not as good as SQUARE PEGS. It was a funny show and I shall enjoy watching my 5 episodes on Video until it breaks.

Square Pegs

Cute and Funny look at life as a geek.
I loved this show and remember it fondly. "Square Pegs" introduced Sarah Jessica Parker(FOOTLOOSE, SEX IN THE CITY), Jamie Gertz(QUICKSILVER, LOST BOYS, LESS THAN ZERO), and Tracie Nelson(DOWN AND OUT IN BEVERLY HILLS, FATHER DOWLING MYSTERIES) to the world and make stars of them. Unfortunately the show got cancelled after only a year. TV Guide had a cover story a few years later about how drugs and money had killed the show. Well that's Hollywood for you.

This is probably the first show about High School that featured teenagers as the leads. Played by actual teenager actors, not twentysomethings. The show was conceived by Anne Beatts, a writer from "Saturday Night Live". The writing was top notch and the actors were funny and real. It's a classic show! Luckily I have 6 episodes saved on Video but it won't last forever. I want it on DVD please!!!!

PS: Another great show of High School life in the 80's was "Fast Times". Does anybody remember that one or was I the only one watching it. That show died after 7 episodes.

ABC Afterschool Specials: The Almost Royal Family
Episode 3, Season 13

Like o'mgod! Like what a silly story!
If my memory serves me right, this is a TV-movie about a family that winds up getting a house on an island that is on the St Lawerence River between Canada and the United States. Somehow, and don't ask me how, both countries missed this island and didn't claim it. Now the family sees this as their own country. The father of course names himself the king, his wife the queen, and so on.

The US and Canada find out about the error and send representatives to the new island country to make them their allies. They offer gifts and money to get them to become a part of their country. I really don't remember how this ended only that it was rather a silly story and it had John Femia(Marshall) and Sarah Jessica Parker(Patty) from the "Square Pegs" TV series.

Full House

Mind Numbingly Bland but I LOVE it!
In this crazy world in which we live full of overwhelming/underpaid jobs, prejudice/hate, rape/murder, war/torture, and those nutty quirky politicians, we need something to watch to get away from it all. You need something so mind numbingly stupid and bland to put yourself into a quiet peaceful vegetative state.

In the world of "FULL HOUSE" their most terrible disaster would mean nothing to us. Golly, Jessie has a gig tonight and after using his new hair spray his hair won't cooperate! OMG, DJ and the most popular girl wore the same dress to the BIG dance!! Yikes, Michelle is helping Joey do the laundry and used too much soap!!! Don't worry people; it all will work out in the end. PHEW!!!!

The characters of "FULL HOUSE" are just too much. Uncle Jessie with all that hair and strutting like Elvis was just sooooo cool. Uncle Joey just says the funniest things and Danny tries just so gosh darn hard to be a good dad. Then you have those wonderful girls. DJ tries to act like a grown up and know it all, but really still needs help from her Uncles and Dad. Stephanie is just so cute and perky but always has her opinions. Then of course it's those "I wanna pinch those cheeks cause their so darn precious" twins. Boy has those Olsen's grown. Danny, get them some food because they are WAY too thin!!

Of course the acting and writing would never win anyone any Emmy's, but "FULL HOUSE" wasn't trying to prove anything except that they were a wholesome family show and it was. So just sit back and wish your life was as bad as theirs.

Something's Gotta Give

a predictable film with great acting
Ok, so the script isn't great, but thankfully for us viewers the acting is. Keaton(looking more beautiful than ever) shines in her role and Nicholson(being Just Jack) isn't far behind. The supporting cast is great as well thanks to Frances McDormand and Amanda Peet.

Meet Erica(Keaton). Erica is a writer who is bitter from her divorce and has given up on love. Her sister(McDormand)tells her she needs to get out in the land of the living and enjoy herself. Erica LIKES hiding away both mentally and physically(lots of turtlenecks). Enter her daughter Marin(Peet) with her new boyfriend, Harry(Nicholson). Harry is, well, a little older than Marin. This irritates Erica. She can't understand what Harry sees in younger women.....HELLO?!

Now fate seems to step in. Harry haves a heart attack. Oh dear, what will he do? Where will he go to recover? One guess. BINGO! Now Erica is having to take care of him and he has to put up with her uptight ways. Guess what? They actually start to, dare I say it, like each other. ICK!

It doesn't take an Einstein to guess where this film is going and how it ends, but thanks to those great performances we can enjoy this predictable story. The moral is we are never too old to enjoy life and for love to bloom.

Pieces of April

An odd film with a wonderful performance
I love Katie Hudson films so I agreed to see this with some friends. OH NO! It's not Katie Hudson but Katie Holmes. UGH! I ALWAYS get those two confused. I am not a fan of Holmes films but I've paid my money and my friends are looking forward to seeing it. Oh well, I'll suffer in silence.

As the movie starts I notice it's kind of odd. It's filmed like a documentary. It seems like it's filmed with a hand held camera and has choppy editing, which I'm guessing was done deliberately. We are watching April(Holmes) preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for her parents and siblings. We find out during the film that she has been the devil child and is now trying to make up for it, now that her mother(played perfectly by Patricia Clarkson) is dying of cancer. We learn a little about why she might have been wild due to the fact she comes from such a totally dysfunctional family.

Everything goes wrong for April during the course of the film. The family, who are driving their way into the city, are trying to decide whether they should or shouldn't see her. The story never gets bogged down in sentiment. Clarkson makes the film a must see. Just when you think the dying Mother is going to break down with self pity, she cracks a sick joke. April's pathetic attempt at trying to make this dinner work has some cute moments, thanks to "Just Jack" Sean Hayes. I ended up enjoying this film and have recommended it to others. For something strange but fun try "Pieces Of April".

Bridget Loves Bernie

A cute little show
I haven't seen this show since it was first shown on CBS in the '70's. I'm sure we'll never see this show on DVD. How about airing it on TV LAND??

"Bridget loves Bernie" didn't last too long, only one season. It lasted long enough to make stars of David Birney and Meredith Baxter(Family Ties). The chemistry between the two made it worth watching. I guess falling in love while making the show help too. They were married shortly after the show was cancelled.

I guess the subject of a Jew marrying a Catholic girl was too hot a subject back then for TV to handle. Hey, it's still a hot topic today in some circles. Love is love people.

Song of the South

If the Passion Of The Christ can be seen then....
I had never seen this film before, but I've heard both how racist it was and how beautiful a film it was. A fellow co-worker of mine had gotten a copy of a copy of "Song Of The South", so I asked if I may borrow it. I took it home and though it was kinda blurry it was still watchable. I just LOVED it! The cinematography is fantastic. The acting and storyline were good. Just to see this on DVD would be great.

I did not find this racist at all, though I can see why some would, but it WAS filmed in 1946! It was also a period piece from the 1800's, just like "Gone With The Wind", though "Gone" was never shelved. Remember, these were the days when if Hollywood showed Blacks in a positive light those scenes would be cut out by different theaters(meaning less money made). An example is Lena Horne's scenes in the musical "Till The Clouds Roll By"(1946) were cut by certain theaters where she was performing songs from "Show Boat". Why? I don't know, but some people found it offensive. Even now in this Politically Correct world of ours, somebody is going to be upset with the way something is presented.

There are people saying that "The Passion Of The Christ" should not be shown because some find it anti-semitic. There are people who say this is a masterpiece and it should be seen by everyone. I know that "Passion" is a religious film and "Song" is a period film but isn't film much like art. We all view art differently. Some think Van Gogh is weird, others marvel at the beauty. Some find Picasso offensive and others find it shockingly brilliant. Most of us are good people. People who know right from wrong, and know it's only a movie. With that, I see no reason to hide this film from the public.

If you go to Amazon.com, you can log in your email address so they can put you on a list that they will present to Disney to show how many of their customers are waiting for a DVD release. It's a long shot but it's worth trying.

Love & War

A Funny Show with Great Supporting Cast.
This is one of my favourite shows of all time. I was lucky to get some episodes on tape before it went of the air. This show was created by by the same team who created "Murphy Brown". Jay Thomas who played sleazy Talk Show host Jerry Gold on "Murphy Brown" did so well with his character, winning an Emmy, that he was given his own show. It originally had Susan Dey(Partridge Family/LA Law) in it as Jay Thomas's love interest but she didn't work out well. The second season had Annie Potts(Designing Women) added and this time it worked.

Jay Thomas plays Jack Stein a major columnist for the Times. He hangs out at the Blue Shamrock bar/restaurant. He falls for the head chef played in Season One by Susan Dey. Things do work out well between them at all and by Season Two she ran off. Annie Potts replaces her as the new chef Dana fresh from Italy where she has been living a free and fun life. This time total opposites Jack and Dana butt heads but fall for each other big time. Just before they were to get married, the show was cancelled by CBS during the Third Season and the writers had her deported her to Italy!

The BEST thing about this show has always been the wonderful supporting characters. Even in the first season when the leads were wondering around lost in some funk, the supporting actors keep the show together and made it worth watching. John Hancock played the Blue Shamrock owner until he died at the end of season one. So well loved by the cast and crew his picture was placed on the wall behind the bar after his death. The very funny Charlie Robinson(Night Court/Ink) played his son and new owner the following season.

Joel Murray played lovable Ray the garbage man. The wonderful Joanna Gleason plays Nadine the hostess/nosy busybody. Michael Nouri played Kip a self centered actor who acts as if he's a big star though he is not. Susie Plakson plays Jack's fellow co-worker/buddy. She is my favorite and gives the best zingers.

If they ever show this in reruns somewhere give it a try. I think you will enjoy it.

The Beastmaster

Something For Everyone
I remember watching this a lot on TV in the 80's. The old gang back at the college dorms really enjoyed it. This film has a lot GREAT eye candy. Gay guys had hot Marc Singer(V) in a tiny leather shorts. Straight guys had hot Tanya Roberts(Charlie Angels) in a tight cut up leather thingy. If you love watching animals there are plenty of those to entertain. If you are a fan of "Lord Of The Rings" genre you might like this as well.

See something for everyone. I don't think any of us cared that the acting or the script wasn't that great. The special effects were pretty good for the time and small budget they had. This is just silly fun for boring weekend afternoons. Just sit back and take in the sights!

Lost in Translation

They'll always have Toyko!
I hate it when they call a film like this a "Comedy" because that's misleading. Not to say there aren't funny moments. Bill Murray is always good at making awkward situations funny, but he is mostly playing it straight here. That's why so many people who are expecting a laugh out loud film will be very disappointed with "Lost In Translation".

This is a film about two people who are not connecting with their spouses. They may have before but some how they have drifted away from each other. Now away in a foreign country these two meet and feel like they actually "get each other". Bill Murray plays a has been film star getting a chance to make a lot of money by making a Japanese whiskey commercial. His humor comes from the way he tries to understand and deal with the Japanese. Scarlett Johansson plays a former ivy league grad who doesn't know what to do with her life, other than being a wife to a entertainment photographer(Giovanni Ribisi). We see her move through Tokyo watching the Japanese live their daily life. She's amused by it all but it's still all alien to her. Bill is alone at his hotel and Scarlett's husband is off shooting pictures so she is alone as well. Both unable to sleep meet at the hotel bar and hit it off.

The thing I love about this film is that it does NOT follow the typical road that most stories like this would. There is no sex, just slight touches and glances. Even though he's old enough to be her father and she his daughter, they don't see each other like that. They connect on a different level, the mind, for which age means nothing. The movie ended not as I thought or hoped, but as it should have. They shared something meaningful and even though it wasn't long lasting, these moments shared will last them a lifetime. I am also VERY glad that the director/writer(Sofia Coppola) chose not to let us hear the final words of the film that were uttered by Murray into Johansson's ear. We just see her nodding, saying okay, and that final sweet kiss. This lets US imagine what he would have said to her before he went back to the states and his wife.

I have always loved Bill Murray. Sofia Coppola wrote this film with him in mind and he does a brilliant job. This film made me fall in love with Scarlett Johansson. I liked her in "Ghost World" but now I can't wait to see "The Girl with One Pearl Earring". I must also mention the cinematography is fantastic. The sites and sounds of Tokyo were both breathtaking and overwelming. I'm sure it was done that way to give you an idea of what the characters were feeling about what was around them. Thank you Sofia for a truly wonderful original film.

PS: Anna Faris who plays the dumb blonde "action" star is great. If you get the DVD, watch her extended interview session. She is funny!

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Why all the negative comments? It's GREAT !!
I have always loved this cute little cartoon. So this isn't the best drawn cartoon, but it has a nice story and wonderful songs. Christmas is my favourite time of year. Full of giving, laughing, and seeing people acting kind to one another, even if it is just once a year. Rudolph and Frosty already had songs about them that really help build stories around their cartoons. This one was fresh and inventive. BELIEVING, even when common sense tells you not to. Closely tied to another classic at this time, Miracle On 34th Street. So pour a cup of nog, cuddle up under your blanket, and turn on the telly. Now all together...."Christmas bells are ringing Santa, Santa..Every heart repeating Santa, Santa...."

Miracle on 34th Street

The REAL Christmas classic!
I say in my opinion, this film IS Christmas! One word says it all, BELIEVE. Believe, when common sense says not to. Believe, that by giving of yourself and spreading joy, ANYONE can be a Santa Claus!!

I love watching that wonderful cast that features the man that IS Santa Claus, Mr Edmund Gwenn, who won an Oscar for his brilliant portrayal. That highly imaginative storyline that won the Oscars for best original story and screenplay. Watch it and believe all over again.....


Once Upon a Time

What was Cary Grant thinking??
I have heard about this film from my husband. He said this was a wonderful film that he watched a lot on TV when he was a boy. We just noticed that it is now available on DVD so we ordered it.

From the beginning of this film I was not impressed. I just found it boring and a waste of Mr Grant's talent. I didn't find the "dancing" worm interesting. So what? It doesn't have a hat and cane and do the old soft shoe routine so what is the big deal? It just wiggles. Don't get me wrong, I love movies and am push over for any cute story with good acting. This movie does not offer any of that. Most of the acting is bad and the story is way too silly. I don't think something like this during World War II, or anytime, would have grabbed the headlines and the hearts of millions. I know this is only a movie, but what a fantasy to swallow!! A dancing worm,... someone get me some Raid!

It Should Happen to You

Come On Gladys, look Glover-ble!!
A cute story about a woman who gets it in her head to make herself a celebrity just by putting her name all over town, AND it works, but at what cost?? The great Judy Holiday plays Gladys Glover. She buys time on a few billboards around town to show off her name. Next thing she knows Peter Lawford is after her for one of those billboards for his drug store chain. In return he offers her several other billboards and to model for his ads. He wines and dines our dear Gladys to get what he wants. Throw in Jack Lemmon(in a early performance) who just wants Gladys to stay the little sweet unknown girl that he fell in love with, and you get this funny little comic gem. Here's hoping it comes out soon in DVD.....

Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari

Classic Horror Film
This is one of the best films to come from the German Expressionist age. Back in it's day this was THE first real horror film of it's time, with creepy characters and bizarre sets. The acting is a little over the top but it is a silent film of course. I really enjoyed it. From the start I was pulled into the story and then blown away by it's ending. If you're a fan of the silents or of horror, this is a must to see. For another real treat, watch the film from the same Expressionist period called "NOSFERATU, THE VAMPIRE".

Down with Love

A Cute Send Up of Day/Hudson Films
People, please. This is a send up of the old Rock/Doris films of the 50's and 60's. It is not a remake. It has bits and pieces taken from those films but this storyline is original and cute. I didn't see the end coming. Nice twist.

I agree that Rene and Ewan were cute, but please they are no Doris and Rock. There were moments when Rene hit the mark and times when Ewan with that country accent was funny. Sarah Paulson and David Hyde-Pierce were the fantastic as their side kicks in this film.

The REAL STARS of this film were the crazy fashions, the wild sets, and that great cinematography. The music could have been great as well, but it was just TOO MUCH. Mr Shaiman could have given it a rest in some spots. There were moments when it took away from a scene, though Rene/Ewan's song at the end was quite good.

Just watch this film with an open mind and you could enjoy it like I did. Watch the DVD with all those great extra's.

American Idol: The Search for a Superstar

Painful to watch
I've been watching this show since it first came out. First I was just curious to see what "talent" they actually found out there. It was funny to see how bad some of them were, and those "I'm cool" outfits. Nobody seems to write their own music. (Where are the Debbie Gibson's of the world??) Then week by week you get caught up in certain singers, wanting them to succeed to the next show.

Gone last night was Christina who was VERY beautiful and talented. Now they're down to the final 5(RJ, Justin, Kelly, Tamira, and Niki). Like Simon says RJ looks like a guy right out of a boyband without much talent. Kelly has a good voice but no personality to give her an edge. Niki has no real voice and how she's made it this long is a mystery. I guess the little girls who vote like her bad girl look. The only ones who deserves to win are crazy hair Justin with great voice and personality and cute Tamira with her killer voice.

I really don't expect to see any REAL star come out of this show. The MAJOR difference between this show and the original show from the UK is that almost EVERYONE in the UK watched the show and only about small amount of viewers are watching the US show. That is why Will Young(UK Idol's winner) has become such a BIG hit over in the UK and Europe. Without all that TV exposure, our winner will find it harder to hit the charts.

Still it plays like a bad soap but I just can't turn away......

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