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Season 1 so bad that I dont want to waste to watch the second and waste so much time, life is short
This series is yet another attempt to portray an imaginary division between races, with white characters depicted as evil racists and black characters as poor, innocent victims. The plot is so convoluted that, in an effort to provoke some reaction from the audience, it jumps between themes of racism, supernatural elements, and horror. At one point, I was half-expecting aliens to make an appearance, as nothing seemed off-limits.

The show is overloaded with violence and exaggerated performances. You never really know where the story is heading. One episode, which could have been summarized in 30 seconds, drags on in anthology style. At times, the pacing is so slow that we're forced to watch someone stand up and walk all the way to the bathroom, as if that were a crucial moment.

One thing is clear: if the goal was to confuse the viewer, the series succeeded. There's no payoff for the bad behavior on display, no moral takeaway, and nothing to learn from. The editing is equally terrible, further adding to the mess.

Knock at the Cabin

Water of time, and life, dont watch it
Knock at the Cabin," the latest offering from M. Night Shyamalan, once a master of twists and psychological depth, unfortunately falls short of the high expectations set by his earlier works. The film, intended to be a suspenseful, cabin-in-the-woods thriller, ends up being a lackluster experience, marred by subpar performances and a narrative that feels both underdeveloped and overreaching. From the outset, the movie struggles to establish a coherent tone. Shyamalan, known for his ability to build tension and create atmospheres thick with anticipation, seems to have lost his touch here. The build-up of any intense moment is either too abrupt or non-existent, leaving the audience in a state of confusion rather than suspense. This is a significant departure from the carefully crafted pacing seen in his classics like "The Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable."The acting in "Knock at the Cabin" is another aspect that leaves much to be desired. The performances are unconvincing and lack the emotional depth necessary to draw the viewer into the story. This is particularly disappointing considering the potential of the premise. A story set in a confined space with high stakes should be ripe for powerful, nuanced performances, but the cast fails to deliver. The characters come across as one-dimensional, making it challenging for the audience to empathize with their plight or invest in their journey. Narratively, the film struggles to establish a clear argument or purpose. Unlike Shyamalan's earlier works, which often presented a compelling central mystery or moral dilemma, "Knock at the Cabin" feels aimless. The plot lacks coherence, and the motives of the characters are either too obscure or too simplistic. This vagueness could have been an asset if handled with the director's former subtlety and finesse, turning ambiguity into a tool for suspense and engagement. Instead, it leaves the audience disengaged and perplexed, undermining any potential investment in the story's outcome. Moreover, the film fails to capitalize on its setting and premise. A cabin, isolated and surrounded by the unknown, should be the perfect backdrop for a psychological thriller. However, the location feels underutilized, serving more as a bland container for the action rather than an integral part of the story. The opportunity for using the environment to enhance the narrative tension is missed, further diminishing the film's impact. Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of "Knock at the Cabin" is the absence of the signature Shyamalan twist. In his best works, the twist not only surprises but also recontextualizes the entire narrative, adding depth and meaning. Here, the lack of such a moment leaves the story feeling incomplete and unsatisfying. It's as if the film builds towards a revelation that never comes, leaving the audience waiting for a payoff that never materializes. In conclusion, "Knock at the Cabin" is a missed opportunity. What could have been a thrilling, thought-provoking addition to Shyamalan's oeuvre instead feels like a haphazardly assembled collection of underdeveloped ideas. The lack of compelling characters, a coherent narrative, and the absence of the director's trademark twist, all contribute to a film experience that is, regrettably, more tedious than tantalizing. For fans of Shyamalan's earlier work, this movie will likely be a disappointment, serving as a reminder of the director's past heights rather than a testament to his current abilities.

Don't Look Up

Can't be worst, woke culture destroying everything
So bag that I had to skip to the end, why can't I rate it as zero.

People have tried to cover this crap as a satire,

But actually satire in the right moment can be funny

This movie is other sync

Waisting 51 minutes convincing the white house that the thing was coming.

Not worth it of waching it.

10 Palomas

Reality liked it
Completely unfair rating, good psychological thriller, must watch it and decide for yourself.

I've seen so many movies with more rating than this one and are pure crap.

Horizon Line

Should of be called, does anything work around here?
Should of be called, does anything work around here?

Walker: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

How this got picked up, with such low quality pilot!!!

Bailout: The Age of Greed

a truly inmoral movie
This Movie goes against everything what justice stand for, Hollywood trying to romanticize a killer who goes killing everyone on an office or shooting from another building without knowing if that people are responsible on stealing people's money.

the left hates wall street but is silent when they get money in for of endorsement from them.

The Mist

What a stupid movie; an assault on people's intelligence
Somehow the most weird and strange people got trapped in that supermarket, then:

  • a cult see the light
  • military officers commit suicide
  • no one believes no one
And the end just made laugh so hard at it couldn't get worst when they ""escape" their confinement.


Oh woke hollywood how low can you go?
Awful movie, didn't know what kind of movie was, painful experience, a disgrace to use Christmas for a crap like this, going straight to the garbage can of wasted films.


predictable from the get-go
This is an awful movie, so bad done, so predictable , there is nothing to be impressed with, there is a such lack of mystical on this movie. the sect guys are so plane and boring, they are totally weird there is no chance for the viewer to understand the sect culture. the visitors also are so pathetic , there is no dialog or suspense , people start despairing and they don't even notice or care, there is no food, like 3 houses in the whole property and they are all day doing nothing. waste of time friends, avoid it if you can .

Tell Me How I Die

What is wrong with his movie among another 3000 things.
-Security Guard goes to chase an unknown subject leaving radio behind and not telling anyone.

  • Security guard once trapped in bear trap instead of trying to remove it, starts crawling away of it like that it's going to fix the issue.

  • A facility that holds 10 to 15 trials at a time but only has 1 car in the whole parking lot

  • A guy sits at a computer desk and magically the video that gives all the information that they needed to know is played.

  • When the main scientist is questioned about how the visions work and the mechanical of what is going on , they guys doesn't know anything like is the first time that he is ever heard of the whole thing.

  • A facility that only holds 2 security guards and 1 assistant, when is supposed to be a humongous building.

Survive the Night

Filmed in 10 days
Well, when you become aware that was filmed in 10 days then you realize why this movie was another flop for Hollywood.


Stupid parents of the year
This is nuts, the parents get the truck stolen in a forsaken gift town and they keep going and getting away from each other.

What was this movie all about, radiation, aliens, goshts, photographer Raven?,

A waste of time, did they need to go to Australia for this crap?

Terror Trap

Terrible acting terrible dialogs
They could of done better with the cat they had, a shame


Alien mixed with Godzilla
A mix of movie cliches of the genre, don't waste your time, it lacks the desire of show something original.


Best suspense movie I've seen in a while
I watched the movie expecting to get disappointed at dinner point based on the 5 star rating, but the movie impressed me cause it keeps a good amount of suspense, by far best movie I've seen in a while specially after so many Netflix flicks with those stupid nonsense ending.

Man of Steel

Superman speaking with an English accent?
The fact that the producers chose an English actor for the role of an alien baby that crashed on the south of United States and was raised by a Kansas couple doesn't make any sense.

Don't get me wrong they can pick an English actor for the role but the fact that He couldn't mask his own British accent makes it all wrong.

It's like having 007 speaking with that an Alabama accent.

I read that the guy took accent lessons , well He should ask for a refund, was a huge waste of money.

I'm not an American, neither an American lover but lets clarify something the character is an Alien raised by Southern Americans, so He should sound like one. Specially if He had Russel Crowe as a father and Kevin Costern as a step one.

I wonder what did this actor have that the Americans didn't.

It's curious thou that the actor doesn't say a word until past half hour of the movie.

Another gift from the dying Hollywood industries.


A worthy dollar movie
Movie starts with an amazing landscaping takes and a bunch of archaeologist that seems to find one of the many proof that man have had previous contact with advanced civilizations. Then we jump 3 or some years in the future to a start-ship which location is mentioned to something like 10^14 away from earth, wow that must be really far I thought. So at this point I'm trying to figure it out what's the connection between some rustic paintings and a ship so far away from earth.

After the alien introduction, playing alone on the ship, and the whole crew waking up, the plot starts to develop. apparently a wealthy guy (like in contact 1997) paid the expedition to these archaeologists to go there and see if they find the "creators" or the "engineers".

As is explained this guys were able to convinced the wealthy guy to go there with no more argument that the paintings and a Hunch from one of the archaeologist. pretty weak reason I said.

Dialog were bad, specially Theron's one, she is not able to perform as the bad one, she is not able to set the necessary tension between the eagerness to investigate and her personal ambitions.

So I think this is one of the worst human alien contact recorded on a movie, they have a robot who spoke his language, yet this alien who suppose to be more advance that everyone in the room , starts trowing punches everywhere. I laugh at that on the theater.

I watched Mission to Mars (2000) and its almost the same plot, just one difference, those aliens were good

anyway, somebody explain me how a woman get into surgery and 5 minutes later starts jumping , fighting and running everywhere.

The director forgot to introduce the whole cast on the movie as well, He doesn't give the chance to we as viewers to connect with them, so there is a bunch of people that hardly had a line.

The robot is the only one who can have save out of this madness of movie, but the movie is so long , and at the end this robot cant keep his mouth shut, that was laughable.

the inconsistencies dialog tried to cover the big holes on the script a real shame.

Go to the dollar theater for this one, you will just loose that and 2 hours and 23 minutes of your life.

28 Days Later...

Omega Man? zombies? 12 monkeys?
I just got from the theater, I went to watch this movie without any information beside the spot commercial on tv that says "Scary as Hell". Well I was really intrigued about it , I was expecting to be shock by this "horror movie".

Unfortunely the film was from bad to worst, ok the guy wake up and every body seems to be gone, but no, he goes to a church (all creepy and dark) and there he realizes that there are still some people "alive", my mind just made a click Omega Man (Charlton Heston, The Omega Man 1971), a funny thing is if you have seen the Simpson's parody of "the omega man" is exactly what happened in 28 days, the guy face the "zombies' at church DOh!!!

Ok get back to the point, the movie for me never took off, I mean how many movies we have seen where the zombies are chasing the pretty girl and the brave heroe, zombies that seems to be pretty well organized to hunt healthy humans.

Well the movie had all the tipical cliches of a "scary movie" and because of that it was not scary at all for me, in fact since the director showed the zombie running before every "scary moment", it was predictable 100%, that's probably why I saw nobody jumping from their seats or screaming of horror in the theater.

Another thing are those scenes of called "violence", there is any clear shot of that, the director created scenes that they don't allow to see the "horror" of a zombie attack, so that was another dissapointment there again, beside some vomit and red liquid coming out of the mouse of the zombies, there is nothing repulsive or shocking.

Let's say something good, good Photography, the shots of London as a desert are pretty good.

The argument of movie lack in moving the public to feel the point of desesperation of the stars for a new life , it just run and run.

Well if you go to see it, do not expect to be "scary as hell", just enjoy the running.

I gave it a 3 for the "scary price of the ticket"


good suspense and intriguing stories
Since the first episode of this series show me, I realize that was worthy to see it every week.

It drives you since a classical series enigma to the world of unknown, where men and women doesn't like to accept in an open way.

I think the series has a good argument line, trying to tell to the spectator that worlds and others dimensions are as real as the one we live.

I hope it last more than one season, usually good series are short because most of the people doesn't like to think to much.

Miracles rules the unknown world.

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