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"Bait" is the type of film that makes you say "Wow!!!! I enjoyed this film."

There are several things I enjoyed about "Bait." The first thing was the villainous character played by Doug Hutchison. His character is the second villain since Will Patton's Gen. Bethlahem in "The Postman" that was not only excellently played but done so with such brilliance.

The second thing I enjoyed was the fact that the script seemed to be so unique in what was being played out on screen. When I go to movies I look for originality and that is what I found with "Bait." Furthermore, it was not just action nor was it a comedy but it was I was so glad to see David Morse back on the screen after his captivating performance in "The Green Mile."

Finally, I enjoyed how "Bait" never let up from the beginning to the end. Also, each cast member brings something special to "Bait," which makes it much more dramatic and funny film.

"Bait" is a film that will appeal to everyone young and old and for those who like dramatic scenes as well as comedic scenes. I give this film two thumbs up.

Bringing Out the Dead

Certainly one film worth watching
The first time I saw this film, I thought to myself what a terrible movie. However, I gave it a second look because of the talent that was attached to it.

When I saw it the second time, I found it to be much better because it really showed the life of a paramedic at its worst. I enjoyed how Martin Scorsese told the story of what paramedics go through on a daily basis.

Nicolas Cage, John Goodman, Patricia Arquette, Ving Rhames and Tom Sizemore come together to make "Bringing Out The Dead."

Cage is one phenomenal actor who brings a lot to this film including character depth. With every scene he is in, Goodman is adds presence to the film; you just know he is there. Arquette is an actress that can be counted upon to deliver a moving performance with every role she takes. Rhames and Sizemore are perfect as the supporting cast for this film.

"Bringing Out The Dead" is not for the light at heart. It is also one of the underrated films of 1999.

Thumbs Up.

Apollo 13

A true masterpiece
Tom Hanks has once again proven he is the best actor in Hollywood. "Apollo 13" must be one of the greatest space films ever made.

Hanks is joined by Gary Sinise, Kevin Bacon, Ed Harris and Bill Paxton as the astronauts and flight crew for the doomed mission. The performances by each main character made "Apollo 13" one of the best films of the 1990s.

The performances from Tom Hanks and Kathleen Quinlan were among the best because they didn't have to act much to convince me that this was really happening to Jim and Marilyn Lovell. You can't mention these two without mentioning what a wonderful directing job Ron Howard did as he put together the greatestt compelation of talent in the best film of 1995.

"Apollo 13" is a great film because it serves more than one purpose. It taught me about the NASA program and the Apollo 13 mission. The other reason I liked this film was everything so real. From the chemistry between the cast to sets that doubled for space.

This film is well acted, directed and written; it deserves a second and third look from people who have seen it. I'm glad I got the opportunity to watch this film because it truly illustrates what can be accomplished if everyone comes together and use teamwork to accomplish their mission on and off the set.

The Watcher

predictable, yet enertaining
"The Watcher" will not win any awards for originality and unpredictable storylines. This is not to say that "The Watcher" is a bad movie because it isn't.

I'm not huge fans of James Spader or Keanu Reeves; however, that didn't stop me from watching this film. I'm glad I went because not only did I enjoy this film, I have come to enjoy Spader and Reeves as actors.

Keanu Reeves takes a departure from his usual good guy persona to portray a serial killer. He does such a great job, I asked myself why was this the first movie he portrayed a villain because he was so good at it.

"The Watcher" offers nothing new in way of plot but it does have performances turned in by Reeves and Spader that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

While predictable, I was on the edge of my seat hoping certain scenes would not evolve the way they did; even though, I knew what was going to happen, it was enjoyable to watch how it would unfold. I found the methods that the serial killer used to be incredible because of the unique way he went about carrying them out.

Overall, "The Watcher was a movie that can be summed up in one word: EXCITING. I give this film a 7 out of 10.

Held Up

great comedy for the light at heart
"Held Up" is one of the those movies that doesn't require a whole lot. It is an enjoyable comedy that played like a comedy of errors.

Jamie Foxx is one comedian that is really funny. I don't think "Held Up" could have been made without him. I enjoyed how Foxx mixed the comedy with scenes of drama. It gave a nice balance to a light-hearted and good natured film. Everyone plays a comedic part in this film from Barry Corbin to Nia Long and Jake Busey. "Held Up" is just good fun.

I have to say that this is not the best film made, but I disagree with those who call "Held Up" the worst movie made. I give this film a 7 out of 10.

Full Metal Jacket

"Full Metal Jacket" is a near masterpiece. After watching "Saving Private Ryan," I thought I would never again watch another great war film. Then cam "Full Metal Jacket." I believe this to be the third greatest war film.

Though it does not have that many big name actors, "Full Metal Jacket" passed with flying colors. The best part of the whole movie was at the beginning because of the comedy provided mostly by R. Lee Ermey. It gave a nice balance between the action and drama this film had.

After a spectacular beginning, I had high hopes for the film to get a lot better than the way it turned out. While it seemed only natural for the film to carry out the way it did, I was disappointed in the direction Kubrick went.

Without giving away any spoilers, "Full Metal Jacket" went from training soldiers for war to having them fight in it. However, the problem with this is there were new characters introduced and not much time to develop their backgrounds like "Saving Private Ryan" did.

Overall, an excellent job by an unknown cast who have grown and matured into big box office names. I give this a rousing thumbs up.


a mediocre disappointment
I have to say that "EdTV" is better off to be a sequel to "The Truman Show" rather than a brand new movie.

Despite what others say about "EdTV," I believe it to be a rip off of "The Truman Show" because it is basically contains the same premise. I must say that it did have originality, which I enjoyed and basically the only reason it was bearable to watch.

Matthew McConaughy, Jenna Elfman, Ellen DeGeneres and Woody Harrelson star as "EdTV" just misses the target. While it is my opinion that it is a disappointment, I did enjoy how Ron Howard showed the life of a celebrity and all the trials and tribulations they face every day.

With performances that were so-so, "EdTV" was a humorous look at celebrity life, which I enjoyed.

However, I can't believe so many huge stars contributed to this film. It seemed as if they were more like cameos than actual roles.

I give this film a 6 out of 10.

The Cell

why was this movie made
I hesitated in my decision to see this film because it had Jennifer Lopez. I never really liked her as an actress because she always seemed to try too hard.

Touted as the best film of the summer, "The Cell" is nothing more than special effects and visually stunning set designs. There was nothing in this film that was appealing. However, if I had to select the one thing that stood out as outstanding would be settings. With each set, it seemed like the designers got better at creating the backdrop for where the story took place. Vince Vaughn, Vincent D'Onorfio join Lopez to do their best in making "The Cell" the best movie of the year.

The number reason for its failure was because of the complexity of the plot. I couldn't understand what the writer was trying to bring across from scene to scene. It seemed liked it dragged on longer than it had to. Besides the drawn out and complex plot, the ending to "The Cell" was so tedious it was laughable.

"The Cell" did serve one purpose: it can now be distributed to film schools for students who want to become directors as a lesson in filmmaking on what not to do.

What Planet Are You From?

An awful but amusing film
"What Planet Are You From" is one of the more mediocre films I have seen in a long time. All the movies I have seen have either been good or bad. This is simply a disaster.

We have absolutely no story worth mentioning. It was so stupid I'm sorry for those who saw it before me.

There is one thing that came out of this film that I like and that was the performances of Garry Shandling, John Goodman, Annette Bening and Greg Kinnear. However, it was not enough to save it from complete disaster. Based upon this I made the determination that this was an awful film as well as a waste of time.

I'm glad I saw this it home because it was that kind of movie. DON"T WASTE YOUR TIME.

Die Hard

Explosive in more ways than one
Bruce Willis is stirring up trouble in "Die Hard" for the bad guys. In the first of three awesome films, he stars as Lt. John McClane a New York police officer who has been invited to the wrong Christmas party.

This is one best action films I have seen in my life because it has all the right components. Action packed sequences, explosions, special effects and most of all superb performances with excellent dialogue.

"Die Hard" is one movie I will not soon forget because the story is so well crafted. Though there are no twists or curves thrown at the audience, the audience can be assured they will be treated to two hours of non-stop action from beginning to end.

"Die Hard" did not only produce great action and explosions but future stars as well. I am talking about Clarence Gilyard Jr. who now stars in Walker, Texas Ranger and Reginald VelJohnson who starred in the series Family Matters. These two actors were pivotal to this film in their respective roles.

Two other names to keep in mind while thinking of key performers are Bonnie Bedelia and Alan Rickman. I was blown away when I saw the impact they had on this film. It is as if they came in and said 'Okay boys, watch out I'm taking over." They certainly did that; however, nobody could have done better than the impact performer himself Bruce Willis.

On a scale of 1-10; "Die Hard" is given a 100 by yours truly. My only regret would be that the movie ended. I wish there was more to see in this film. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE "DIE HARD" AGAIN.

Stir of Echoes

It didn't take me long to realize I was watching a good movie. I knew within the first ten minutes that "Stir Of Echoes" was a movie to be reckoned with. Not only does it have star power but it also has a believable yet simple storyline.

"Stir Of Echoes" was like a book I didn't want to set down because what was inside was interesting and well-written. The characters were particularly well represented. The screenwriter did an excellent job at writing it so the audience cared what would happen to them.

I was extremely impressed by the actor who portrayed Jake, the son. He did it with such conviction and knew what his role entailed. Kevin Bacon is one of those actors you just know will turn in a good performance for you. This movie is no different. I'm not sure I would like this movie as much if there were a story that had some mystery and substance behind it.

I came away from this film comparing it to another film that came out in the same year called "The Sixth Sense." I couldn't help but notice the similarities these two films have. In both movies, the special effects almost overshadowed the superb acting.

"Stir Of Echoes" is not to be taken lightly because it is scary and psychologically thrilling. All I have to say is WATCH IT.

The Art of War

Wesley still has the stuff
Wesley Snipes is back better than ever in "The Art Of War," a movie that is so good it deserves to be among the top ten of the summer.

There are many reasons why I like this movie. The cast is the number one reason. When I first saw Donald Sutherland in this movie, I knew it would be a thing of beauty. He brings credibility above and beyond what it needs; in other words, he makes a good movie, better. Anne Archer is one actress you can always count on to give a good performance.

"The Art Of War" turned out to be a montage of "The Fugitive" series and "Enemy Of The State." While this is the only negative thing about this film, it didn't deter me from enjoying it to my heart's content.

There are many other things about "The Art Of War" that I really enjoyed including the high-tech wizadry, action-filled sequences but the best thing about this film above everything else was the story. "The Art Of War" had beautiful twists toward the end of the film. In addition, there are scenes in this movie that are so good they must be seen to believe they are that good.

On a scale of 1-10 "The Art Of War" is a solid 7.

Space Cowboys

Houston...... we have a problem
"Space Cowboys" touted to be one of the better movies in 2000 did not quite live up to this hype. Just because a movie has four of the finest actors in Hollywood does not necessarily mean you will get good results. Clint Eastwood, James Garner, Tommy Lee Jones and Donald Sutherland did their best to save this movie but they failed.

"Space Cowboys" is filled with nothing but 90 min. of dialogue that seemed to make no sense and a story that seemed to be flatter than the ground we walk on.

The second problem I found with this film was there seemed to be zero character development created for the audience to have feelings for. I found this out at the end when I didn't care what would happen to them one way or another.

The plot was so stupid I had to wander if this was the best the writers could come up with and what made four fine actors choose a script that was obviously a joke.

With the talent of Eastwood, Jones, Garner and Sutherland, "Space Cowboys" had the potential of good movie; however, with the lack of direction and plot it was nothing more than a time waster for me. At the end I just didn't care what would happen I wanted to get out of the theater. The worst thing about this experience was that there were no performances that stood out.

There really isn't much more to say other than I expected a lot better from these four actors. My advice is to stay away from this movie as long as you can for your own good.

Hollow Man

Thrills and chills til the end
"Hollow Man" is one movie that will give you thrills and chills because it is that good. Kevin Bacon is devilish and Elisabeth Shue doesn't lose a step as she makes her comeback.

Unlike most films that have invisibility in the plot, "Hollow Man" is quite different from the rest. That is the main reason I enjoyed this movie. It is unique and certainly well acted.

Kevin Bacon was the perfect choice to play the lead because of his versatility. Bacon knew his stuff when it came time to play the evil part.

Elisabeth Shue has made a spectacular comeback to the big screen after a long hiatus. It is as if she never took the break and went on to the next role. She never lost a step.

Another thing I loved about this film was the plot. "Hollow Man" is quite unique in the way it told the story. It is unlike most movies that feature invisible characters because they don't have a storyline of any substance to follow. "Hollow Man" has a point, heroine, villain, characters that you care about and the best special effects in a long time.

"Hollow Man" is a movie that will make your stomach do twists and turns while cause your hands to grab on to the seat so you won't fall out. EXCELLENTLY EXECUTED FILM.

Fight Club

Awful in every which way
I thought I had already seen the worst movie of 1999 but "Fight Club" has to take the cake. There was no point to this film and it was the waste of talent for two otherwise excellent actors.

There is not much to say about this film because there was not much worthwhile remembering. After the first ten minutes of this film, I realized I was watching a film that is best described by the condition of the house the two lead characters were living in old, delapidated, rundown and an ugly home. Brad Pitt made a wrong career move selecting "Fight Club" and Edward Norton just wasn't thinking as he made his decision.

With a story that made no sense, action that was non-existent and performances that were lacking "Fight Club" was nothing more than a time and space filler for the studios.

Where the Heart Is

truly the best film of 2000
It is not that a movie such as "Where The Heart Is" comes along and makes an impression so huge that you don't want to see it end. This is exactly what happened to me when I sat down to watch "Where The Heart Is."

Within the first few moments of the film, I knew it would be special; this reason is Natalie Portman. Portman has a unique look of innocence that cannot be pulled off by many actresses as she does with her character, Novalee Nation. I couldn't wait for the next scene she would be in because of the physical beauty she possesses and the beauty in the performance she gives.

Complimenting the performance of Portman is that of Ashley Judd. As I was watching Judd and Portman, I could tell that these are two actresses who knew exactly what the other would say and do the moment before it was actually done. Ashley Judd lights up the screen every SINGLE time she arrives in a scene. It is a no wonder she is the best at what she does.

Another reason I liked "Where The Heart Is" relates to the double storylines of Portman's character determined to raise her daughter by herself while trying to make a career in photography. The other storyline revolved around the ex-boyfriend trying to make a name for himself in country music. The cool thing is these are hobbies of mine and whenever I saw a camera or heard country music it brought a smile to my face. Not only are these hobbies of mine but they are both testaments to what can be done if one works hard enough to attain a specific goal.

The story is one that will take you on a journey through the depths of your heart, soul, and end up in your head relaying the message that "Where The Heart Is" is a phenomenal movie.

"Where The Heart Is" is not only my favorite film but the best film of 200. GO SEE THIS WONDERFUL WORK OF ART.

What Lies Beneath

An enjoyable thrill ride
"What Lies Beneath" is an excellent movie if you are one of those people who know you won't be scared but will entertained by the movie on the whole.

With stars such as Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer, viewers expect to get a decent film. I believe they did if you call this a drama instead of a horror film.

The problem I had with "What Lies Beneath" is that it took to long to develop itself. If you can withstand the first 45 minutes I believe it is well worth your admission. There are thrills, chills, twists and turns to make "What Lies Beneath" a very good dramatic film.

"What Lies Beneath" is a conventional yet simple to follow film with a cliche script that doesn't require a lot of thinking. I give this film a solid 7 out of 10 for effort and the performance of Harrison Ford.

Holy Smoke

You call this a movie?
"Holy Smoke" is nothing more than a mirage that we call a movie. I can't believe two talented actors such as Harvey Keitel and Kate Winslet signed on to act in this awful movie.

I really don't have much to say other than what a letdown by Winslet. I knew before I saw this movie it may be a disaster since "Hideous Kinky" was. Still, I know actors have bad movies, so I gave "Holy Smoke" a shot; I was wrong. I kept asking myself what the point of making this film was. But, at the end I realized it was to fill 120 minutes of space on thousands of movie screens with nothing but garbage, only the writers and director hoped to disguise it as a film; It didn't work.

"Holy Smoke" had no scenery or settings that stood out, no brilliant performances and most of all no direction. I believe a high school or college film student could have turned "Holy Smoke" into a respectable and decent film.


Here on Earth

good start, bad finish
Chris Klein, Josh Hartnett and Leelee Sobieski star in"Here On Earth," a movie that had promise in the beginning but ran out of gas.

Despite the talent of these three young stars, "Here On Earth" falls apart at the seams because there really is no sense of direction as to where the movie should go. Not only is this movie cliche, but there really is no way for the audience to feel anything because it just isn't there until its too late. This movie is a snoozer and it didn't have to take me that long to realize this and and put myself in the "who cares" mode. I mean who wants to watch a movie about a girl who is trapped between two loves, I unfortunately did because I didn't know going into it.

"Here On Earth" did do one positive thing for me, which solidified that Chris Klein has come to Hollywood becoming one of the brightest new talents.

This is a movie I wanted to see at the theaters, so when it came on video I rented it right away. I was sorely disappointed at the outcome but in retrospect I'm glad I didn't see in the movie theater.

I urge everyone who reads this to stay away from this movie at the video store because it is one disappointment that you will waste your time with.

Reindeer Games

the games are about to begin
Ben Affleck, Charlize Theron and Gary Sinise sizzle as they star in "Reindeer Games."

"Reindeer Games" is one thrill ride that is sure to entertain. Not only does it star a well established and talented cast, but it is suspenseful as well as twist filled. There are so many good things about "Reindeer Games," I don't know where to begin.

The script was well done because it kept me guessing as to what will happen next and who might be the real villain. The plot is original and the direction is so good that I had to remember it was a movie not real life. It seemed very real and they were shooting it as it was occurring. The best part about "Reindeer Games" is that it is not all action or all drama or even romance, but that it is an equal balance of all three, which is very nice to see in a movie like this.

I was extremely impressed with Charlize Theron's performance because she proved she had the stuff to make it on her own. With every scene she was in, Theron brought a presence that most actresses don't have. She is an actress that will cause everyone to sit up and take notice and hang on her every word.

Gary Sinise plays a man intent on robbing a casino; however, he needs Affleck's expertise. Sinise was one reason I wanted to watch "Reindeer Games" he was perfect.

"Reindeer Games" is filled with action, twists, turns and strong performances that is sure to stay in my mind forever. This is one heck of a ride I'm willing to take again.

Romeo Must Die

"Romeo Must Die" is one film that I truly liked because it was not filled with 120 minutes of action, it actually had a story to it.

Jet Li seems like he never lost a step from his breakout American debut in "Lethal Weapon 4." I can't believe that he didn't come to America sooner because he is incredibly talented and excellent martial artist. Li is so good that he can perform with his eyes goods. As with Aaliyah, Jet Li is an actor who can act with little direction.

"Romeo Must Die" seemed to me to be an updated version of the romance between Romeo & Juliet. I thought it was not cliche because the writers added some new stuff and tweeked the rest just enough to make it very good. This film also works on other levels because it shows that Jet Li is a man to be reckoned with due to his versatilityas an actor.

Two newcomers who almost stole Jet Li's thunder are also two musicians. Aaliyah and DMX were so good I forgot they were relative newcomers because every piece of dialogue that flowed out seemed to be unrehearsed. I hope and wish these two stick with acting because they are destined to be great actors one day.

I was very impressed with "Romeo Must Die" because it is not a one dimensional action film, it has substance to support and balance the action. My congratulations to Li, Aaliyah and the rest of the cast for a job well done.

The Beach

Leo's worst
After the success of "Titanic," Leonardo DiCaprio returns to the silver screen in "The Beach." "The Beach" is so bad, I feel sorry for Leo because this is most likely his best chance to prove whether or not his role as Jack Dawson was a fluke or he really is talented.

"The Beach" surrounds three people who discover a beach so secretive that the natives will kill for its privacy and secrecy.

There are a few positives in "The Beach" including the performance of newcomer Virginie Leyoden. Also, I was impressed with choice of the setting because it is so beautiful.

I appreciate the attempt the writers make with bringing an otherwise good plot to this film. If the plot can determine the outcome of a movie, "The Beach" would be a winner in my book; however, that is not the case and the cast failed to follow through.

"The Beach" was slow, I almost left the room because I was yawning so much. A good attempt, but an awful outcome.

The Patriot

Mel's back, better than ever
Mel is back better than ever with his latest movie, "The Patriot."

"The Patriot" surrounds a father and retired war hero who is thrown back into war after the death of one of his sons at the hands of an evil military officer.

Co-starring Heath Ledger, "The Patriot is an excellent look at the brutality of what war does to a family. Ledger is Gibson's eldest son who enters military service to follow in his father's footsteps.

Before I saw "The Patriot" seemed to me to be a sequel to "Braveheart," however, I was completely wrong. I'm glad I was because I hated "Braveheart."

I was very impressed with the maturity level of Heath Ledger because he turned out to be the perfect choice for the role of Gabriel. Ledger contained the qualities it took for a good performance such as integrity and screen presence. Ledger is destined to become a true star.

"The Patriot" begged the question: How far will you go to protect your family? The answer lies with each individual. The way "The Patriot" answers this question unlike anything I've ever seen before.

"The best part of "The Patriot" is the development of the relationship between father and son. I have never seen a movie of this magnitude who has so much devotion, love and protective instinct that Gibson has shown in "The Patriot." Gibson has shown that he is not just an actor but a family man as well.

"The Patriot" deserves every bit of success it gets.


awful, any way you slice it
There is not much to say about this movie other than to skip it. When you see high profile names such as Tom Cruise and Jason Robards, you expect to see a decent movie. However, "Magnolia was such a huge disappointment that I'm embarrassed to say that I've seen it.

To its credit, "Magnolia" had a few bright spots including the performances of everyone from John C. Reilly to William H. Macy. These performances were trampled by the number of storylines this movie has. Too many will confuse, which will cause the audience to just not care anymore about the rest of the movie. I can tell you that is exactly what happened with me. I think it would have been much better if it had fewer storylines.

Anna and the King

A visual masterpiece
There are only two other movies I would consider to be worthy of masterpiece status: "Saving Private Ryan" and "Titanic." Now a third can be added to this list: "Anna And The King." "Anna and The King" is a true masterpiece that is filled with heart, soul and superb performances.

I was very impressed with the performance of Chow-Yun Fat because he made the transition from action star to dramatic actor flawlessly. Fat showed his versatility in playing a king. Fat pulled off this role with perfection. He made it so easy for me to enjoy this movie because of his screen presence and believability of the performance as well as the chemistry between Anna and the King.

This masterpiece can not be completed without the performance Jodie Foster turned in. Foster delivers the type of performance worthy of an oscar. She once again has established herself among the elite that have the special gift of natural talent.

Foster and Fat come together beautifully to bring the true story of the romance of Anna Leonowens and King Momokut.

"Anna and The King" is visually stunning in so many ways with beautiful settings such as the palace. Also, the costumes are well-made and suited the movie perfectly.

"Anna & The King" will take you on a journey that will touch, warm and fill your heart with spirit only a motion picture masterpiece can bring.

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