
IMDb member since September 2000
    2009 Oscars
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Mob Story

Very Bad Movie...but almost in a good way
This movie was one of the worst I have ever seen. Bad in that it was trying to be good and funny, but failed miserably. I can accept movies that are in a genre where being bad or cheesy or campy is part of the fun, i.e. Sci-Fi, Horror, etc. but this movie was just plain bad.

It was also so bad that I had to keep watching, thinking, "It can't get any worse, can it?" And it would of course. So then it became entertainment...especially when the boom mic would enter the shot. Ed Wood would have been proud.

The story gets better though. I was taking a film course from the director, and we had to watch this movie as an assignment. It was really hard going to school the next day and talk about the movie. Keeping a straight face. I just mentioned the opening sequence, which were shots of New York City...asking him how he got those. They were extremely shaky of course.

Anyway...I do not recommend this film in any shape or form. Unless you like really bad humour, poor direction, and poor writing. It is awful when people fail miserably at being funny.

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