
IMDb member since March 2000
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Meeting of Minds

I loved this show!
I've only ever seen two or three episodes of this series, but they enthralled me. I only wish it were possible to buy them on DVD.

Who else but Steve Allen would conceive of a talk show that had Genghis Khan debating with Emily Dickinson? Pure genius! Highlights from the other episodes that I've caught featured:

* The Marquis De Sade giving a most wonderful soliloquy on the sadism of God -- to the booing of the audience.

* Gandhi debating with a woman (whose name I forget) on the value of birth control (Gandhi was very much against).

* There was an entire episode entirely about Shakespeare and his various characters, but it was IMHO, one of the weakest of the episodes.

The Lathe of Heaven

Brilliant SF from the 70s
I absolutely loved this movie when I first saw in on TV in the 70's and looked for it for years before I finally found and bought a VHS copy.

In many ways, I think this is the finest bit of SF ever to be put on TV. Forget about special effects and fancy sets. This eschewed all of them and instead provided a thought-provoking and sometimes funny look at man's relation to reality.

Its difficult to say more without spoiling some of the more wonderful moments of the film, but I very much enjoyed seeing how the various characters interacted with each other throughout the film as the circumstances changed.

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