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Pokémon: Detective Pikachu

It was on CTV Sci-Fi Channel Once and I Couldn't Watch It.
Where do I begin?

This was the most ridiculous excuse for a movie I have ever seen. I generally like Ryan Reynolds but in this? His acting fell flat.

I think that aside from Reynolds they could have chosen better actors to play the kids. And better voiceover actors to play the parts of the Pokemon.

It's just a terrible movie overall. It's not even worth putting pen to paper IIBH.

If Warner is to make another Pokemon movie, we must put together better actors and storywriters. I think that's what's needed right from the word PIKACHU! And that's no bull.

Let's get on track Warmer Bros. You can make a better Pokemon movie than this. I pull a better Pokemon movie out of my ass.

Children Ruin Everything

It's Not Funny!
Okay, I don't get it.

Two parents and three bratty kids hardly seem like a funny concept for a sitcom. I just don't think that it's funny for two parents to be so overwhelmed by the fact that their kids are as bratty as they appear to be.

I wonder how this show even made it past the brainstorming sessions never mind how the show found its way onto CTV and the CW.

I don't understand how this show hasn't been cancelled by the originating network after just one season I don't know but I think it's not as good as other sitcoms.

I hope it will be cancelled because there's nothing funny about it.

Sullivan's Crossing

I Just Couldn't Watch It.
I tried watching Sullivan's Crossing but I ended up giving up on it. I just couldn't watch it at all.

I understand it's based on the books but everything about wat just bad.

The story revolves around a man whose daughter is taken from him by his ex-wife and her new husband. Okay, kidnapped is the right word for it. She returns home to Nova Scotia as an adult to try and reconnect with her father.

I feel I was very generous in giving Sullivan's Crossing six stars out of ten when I could have gone lower than that but I decided not to because at the time I had hoped it would get better than it did.

Republic of Doyle

It mixes The Rockford Files, and Hart To Hart with a little bit of Bonnie and Clyde At The End.
Yes, you read that right. I thought that the ending of this show was a bit reminiscent of Bonnie and Clyde at the end of the series but Jake and Leslie weren't robbing banks and Jake didn't kill anybody.

It's a fun show to watch and Allan Hawco kept the seasons interesting.

I love the romantic scenes between Jake and Leslie and even though I didn't watch the show's original run from 2010=2014 I'm glad that I got to watch the reruns because it gave me a chance to see what it was really about.

I gave it a 10-star rating but I wish I could give it more because it's a great show to watch. I recommend it.


The Only Good Thing About This Show Is Allan Hawco.
The best way that I can describe this show is in one word...STUPID!

I can't even believe a show like this exists. How the writing in this show even got past the brainstorming sessions is beyond me? But the only good thing about this show is Allan Hawco. Maybe I'm not up on current TV shows but it isn't like I'm missing anything that's particularly exciting or fun. It seems like Allan Hawco is just looking for whatever work he can get. I really wish that Allan would get going on an Republic of Doyle movie on track since it's been almost 9 years since it left the CBC.

Please release Allan from this show.

Republic of Doyle: Last Call
Episode 10, Season 6

This Is My Favourite Episode.
I love that this episode contains a powerful female character named Leslie Bennett.

Krystin Pellerin did a good job with the character Leslie Bennett and didn't do anything to try and make the character seem more tough than she really was.

Although, I do admire Leslie for always standing up for herself and give some jackass a tough left hook. Who even knew that she had that kind power? I think that it's nice to have a character in a show that's powerful and knows how to stand up for and defend herself? We also see that Jake and Leslie have each other's backs as made evident in the finale. :)

Uncle Bobby

All I Remember Is That Goddamned Clown
I know that this was before my time but the reruns on CFTO as it was known back in the day were absolutely horrible. :( All I remember of the Uncle Bobby Show was Bimbo jumping out of the closet and I know that's not too much to anybody else that may have been watching at the time but other than that it's okay. I know that the most people wouldn't be scared to see a clown jump out of a closet but ugh!!! :(

"Come on out Bimbo please!!"

What kid in his/her right mind wouldn't be afraid of a six foot clown jumping out of a closet and singing his own intro? I know that I was and it was ever thus that I don't want to put my clothes away for fear that Bimbo might jump out of my closet and sing happy birthday to me. :(

Kull the Conqueror

What A Stupid Movie
I just watched this movie on Movie Time and not even Kevin Sorbo could keep me watching this waste of film. All this movie is is a lot of testosterone mixed with pretty women. Jesus if I wanted to watch a pretty boy killing people off I'd watch The Legend of Hercules not this atrocity.

Please ladies if you see this movie in the stores RUN. RUN hard, RUN long, and RUN fast because I wasted about 10 minutes of my otherwise active life watching this movie and I feel like it was a really big waste of 10 minutes of my life and 3.5 hours of their film.

It was really stupid and machismo stuff aimed at 15 year old boys and if I had a 15 year old boy I certainly wouldn't let him watch this.

Pole Position

I'm Getting Too Old For This..........NOT!
It was one of the highlights from my youth to get up early on Saturday mornings and watch television. But that's a thing of the past given how crappy things have gotten since network cartoons were given the ax in favor of more adult things. Not that I really care or anything like that it's just that I would like to see weekday afternoons dedicated to cartoon blocks instead of the garbage that's on now. My Wife and Kids?! What the hell is that?

I used to love this show and to think that people tell me that I should "grow up" is ridiculous. Lord knows I hear enough of it from my family. But still Pole Position was one of my all time favorites no question. It just seems that it didn't last long enough for the characters to develop very well.


Jake Rockwell ROX!!
I had such high hopes for Teletoon Retro to air this but instead of having shows such as this, ones that don't get the treatment that they deserve, they air things that I may have seen dozens of times before.

The Centurions was the highlight of my pre-teen years. I know that may seem a little bit clichéd but it's true. After Duke from G.I. Joe, Jake Rockewell is another one of those cartoon characters that I really had a crush on.

It's too bad that Teletoon Retro doesn't see it the same way people of my generation do. Otherwise Teletoon Retro would be a lot better than it is.


I Wasn't Around Back Then But I Was Around In The 80s
I think that today's Spiderman animated series doesn't even come close to being as good as this. My mother says "the animation was bad but at least they had an excuse back then." When you're a little kid like that you tend not to care what other people think. I didn't really care what my mother thought at the time because she wasn't a little kid back then so how could she have possibly known about the animation of these films? I think to get a good enough prospective of it you have to see it through a young child's eyes. Seeing their favourite comic book super heroes coming to life right before their very eyes and wondering how did they do that? That's what this cartoon series has meant to me. I didn't really care one way or the other just how bad the animation was or how corny the jokes were. I just saw it as "it's Spiderman! Shut up and let me enjoy it" (Note that I never would have said that out loud when I was a kid but it was just something that I was thinking at the time.) Spiderman is probably one of my most favourite cartoon superheroes next to Wolverine from the X-Men but that's a different comment all together.

InHumanoids: The Movie

Gory And Graphic But Good
As a product of the 80s generation I must say that this movie is one of the best I ever saw even though it was a bit on the gory side. D'Compose is affected by light and can turn anything that's organic into one of his nightmare soldiers just by poking them with his fingernail and yelling "D'Compose" or by squeezing his victims with his hand until he/she submits. Metlar, the leader of the Inhumanoids, is affected by magnets and can turn statues into living organisms, and Tendril who is made out of organic matter. The Mutors, an ancient race, imprisoned the Inhumoids eons ago and because of the human abuse of the earth Metlar, Tendril, and D'Compose were accidentally released. This movie is just action packed and full of fun dialect including a Geraldo Riveria sound alike. All and all an excellent movie for older viewers.

The (White) Rapper Show

Is This Cornball Show For Real?
This show is beyond bogus and not that interesting to begin with. I'm not sure what's worse about this show? Listening to these kids spewing out liberal amounts of the f-word or the fact that these kids aren't great rappers to begin with. What the hell were the producers smoking when they thought of this I don't know but I do know that you have to have a natural talent to rhyme or you won't survive in this business. All of the little boys that MC Strech have on this show are just plain arrogant. When M.C. Strech has to pick someone to get that money I hope that he picks the right person. I just hope to hell that it's not Sullee.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

I Was Upset When YTV Decided To Ban This
Being a child of 11 years old the first year that this show aired I was kind of glad that I got to watch this on CBS. I loved TMNT and find that TMNT 06 is barely even watchable.

You've got 4 turtle teens each having different personalities and their sensei who happens to be a rat and the TMNT name is born. I loved TMNT when I was a child and I had hoped for its return to YTV. If not for the parent and teacher groups acting to get this show banned from YTV I think it would have lasted a lot longer than it did.

Thank goodness for TELETOON otherwise we wouldn't have Ninja Turtles today.

The Comic Strip

Capture A Tiger By The Tail
My brother and I used to get up at 7:00 AM just to watch the Comic Strip. I think our favourite show was the Tigersharks. I even remember the theme song.

You've got a tiger by the tail hold on Tigersharks, Tigersharks, Look for a human with a tail, Hold on Tigersharks.

Hold on Tigersharks.

I didn't really care about the Street Frogs, the Mini Monsters, or Karate Cat. As long as I got to watch the Tigersharks then I didn't really care as far as that went. Of course I was 11 and I didn't really care anyways.

I haven't outgrown cartoons yet and I'm not about to out grow them either.

Canada Vignettes: Log Driver's Waltz

A Log Driver's Waltz Pleases Girls Completely.
I used to love watching this national treasure. It made me giggle a lot every time I saw it. I'm kind of sad that all of the major TV networks in Canada which includes YTV, TeleToon, and even APTN don't bother airing classic Canadain short films like this.

If you should ask any girl from the parish around what pleases her most from her head to her toes?

She'll say: "I'm not sure that it's business of yours but I do like to waltz with the log driver."

For he goes birling down and down the white water that's where the log driver learns to step lightly. He goes birling down and down the white water A log driver's waltz pleases girls completely

When the drive's nearly over I like to go down and watch all the lads while they work on the river I know that come evening they'll be in the town and we all like to waltz with the log driver

For he goes birling down and down the white water that's where the log driver learns to step lightly. He goes birling down and down the white water A log driver's waltz pleases girls completely

To please both my parents I've had to give way and dance with the doctors and merchants and lawyers Their manners are fine but their feet are of clay but there's none with the style of my log driver

For he goes birling down and down the white water that's where the log driver learns to step lightly. He goes birling down and down the white water A log driver's waltz pleases girls completely

Now I've had my chances with all sorts of men but none is so fine as my lad on the river so when the drive's over if he asked me again I think I will marry my log driver

For he goes birling down and down the white water that's where the log driver learns to step lightly. He goes birling down and down the white water A log driver's waltz pleases girls completely

He goes birling down and down the white water A log driver's waltz pleases girls completely

Scooby Doo, Where Are You!

Even Though It Started 7 Years Before My Time
I still think that Scooby Doo is a great cartoon. There's something that's magical about the work of Bill Hanna and Joseph Babera's work that stands out in my mind and now that these animation geniuses are gone there's nothing left but the memories of my childhood when Scooby Doo made a comeback along with the Flintstones, The Jetsons, and the Gobots. I can't thank Bill and Joe enough for their work because I have a lot of great memories of coming home from school and watching their shows that they made so memorable. I appreciated a lot of the work that Mr Hanna and Mr Barbera did and what it means to a lot of people.

It's something that will be with me for always.

GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords

Was It Because Tonka Was Running A Bit Low On Ideas?
You'd think that with all of the money that Tonka was making selling Gobots they could come up with new and better ideas than Rock Lords. I was almost 10 when this movie came out and frankly I didn't really see what all of the fuss was about. A transforming rock shtick that was probably done because Tonka running a bit low on ideas. I can't even begin to tell everyone how disappointing this movie was to me. Maybe it was because I was a preteen and I really didn't care or it could have been because I was getting into other things.

If I had the chance to compare this movie to the Transformers movie I'd have said that the Transformers would have won hands down. The Transformers movie was nowhere near as violent as this movie was and even then at least the writers of the Transformers movie waited until somewhere near the middle before they even started killing off characters. In this movie we see a character being killed within the first five minutes of the movie.

Needless to say if I had 1000 monkeys on 1000 computers they could come up with a better idea than this.

You Can't Do That on Television

A Piece Of Canadiania
You Can't Do That On Television was absolutely one of my favorite shows of all time. Aladstar Gillis was one of my favorite cast members along with Chirstine McGlade and Alanis Morissette. They don't quite make children's shows like YCDTOTV anymore mostly because they pulled out all of this making children's shows PC bullshit. I think that if parents actually took the time to see what their kids are watching there wouldn't be any need for the government to step in and make up all of these rules. YCDTOTV is a piece of Canadiana and as such it should be well preserved for future generations of kids and the kids who grew up with it.

She-Ra: Princess of Power

Empowerment For Girls: It's About Bloody Time
Both He-Man and She-Ra were my most favorite cartoons of the 80s but to me She-Ra, yes a fictional cartoon character, gave me a sense of empowerment. What He-Man did for the boys She-Ra did for the girls. I'm grateful for Filmation for creating She-Ra and a role model to look up to. I often wonder what Mike Young Enterprises would have done to She-Ra if they had gotten their hands on her but I just know that it wouldn't have been good. So more power to the girls is all I have to say. She-Ra RULEZ!! Bar none. No question or doubt in my mind that She-Ra is a role model. You can count on my comments being positive about She-Ra.

Sesame Street

It's Not The Same As It Used To Be
I think that Sesame Street, although it is a really good children's show, isn't really the same as it used to be. It hasn't been the same since Jim Henson died and it hasn't been the same since a lot of the characters have died or moved on. The people that have come and gone from this show are the ones that have been the best I've seen in a very long time. Now instead of recording new shows and going on without some of the major players in the show they just pasted together clips from old shows. I remember the days before Jim Henson died when Sesame Street was more than just a clip show. It meant a lot to the kids of my generation.

G.I. Joe: Sigma 6

Sigma Six Is NOT G.I. Joe.
I'm a product of the 80s generation and I've never seen anything that was so poorly conceived, poorly animated, and so poorly put together. This show is so bad that I don't even want to bother with the show or the toys. It's not the same as G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. The lip sync is horrible and the jokes are even worse.

Safficed to say I am not very impressed with this latest incarnation of G.I. Joe. I was even less impressed with Sigma Six than I was with G.I. Joe Extreme and that isn't saying very much. I will be all too happy if 4KidsTV finally canceled Sigma Six in favor of something that's not a painfully obvious rip-off of the original G.I. Joe TV series.

Samurai Pizza Cats

Hated It.
I never really bothered with this show because I was a teenager and I didn't really give a hoot about it one way or the other. It wasn't just a blatantly obvious rip-off of the TMNT but it was just silly and juvenile. I just didn't get the humor in it and I never wanted to get it. YTV started airing this after they went to air in 1988 but the quality of their afternoon programing is still lacking. I hoped for a miracle that they would put stuff on that's worthwhile and so far that hasn't really happened. I really wish that they would get up off their duffs and think of better things to air than this. If YTV can do this then I will be completely happy.

Dog the Bounty Hunter

In Dog We Trust.
There's fear and darkness all around you, the criminals are on the run,

no use in hiding in the dark, I'll hunt you down cause I'm the Dog

I'm the Dog, the big bad Dog, the bounty hunter.

When I think of the Dog I think of somebody who shows a lot of compassion for the people that he hunts for. I always enjoy watching Dog and his family take down the hunted and it's a family affair. Dog is the kind of person that you want to have on your side. Sure he's a foul mouthed S.O.B. but I think he takes it personally when he and Beth put money on someone and they don't do what they tell him they're going to do. I think we can all put our trust in the Chapmans and what the Dog does for his living. :)

I just want to say in Dog we trust.

Star Wars: Ewoks

A Guilty Little Pleasure
I remember watching this show as a 9 year old child and never getting bored with it. Watching an animated version of the Ewoks was a mainstay at our house. I never had the stuffed Ewok toys so this was the next best thing. I remember an episode where Wicket and Wigi's dad was struck down by a blue plant and the episode where Teebo became Morag The Tulgah Witch's apprentice. But that's about all I can remember. This show was so much fun but it's too bad that it only lasted 1 season. It was the only reason why I woke up on Saturday mornings since a lot of the shows that I usually woke up for were either canceled or in rerun mode.

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