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The Last Duel

Engaging script with admirable portrayals...
I think the first of 3 episodes was a bit slow. The last two were very good, but repetitive scenes should've been filmed from different angles. A few moving scenes worked on my emotions. A couple of twists did too. Most of Ben's wisecracks brought on smiles.

Before the duel I was hoping both bad men will kill each other until a good reason to root for one of them was provided.

I didn't recognize Ben until Matt was on his knees in front of him - that inside joke worked for me due to the smirk on Ben's face. Affleck will get an Oscar nomination - I'd bet on it. Usually when an actor just about steals every scene he's in and the movie seems to be more entertaining when he's on the screen, that actor earned a nomination.

Jodie Comer and Adam Driver are good bets for nominations and one might win. I doubt if Ben will win. Matt might be nominated for writing the screenplay, only.

The movie is worth seeing, but not one to highly recommend for many reasons.

Prosecuting Casey Anthony

Informative and entertaining!
One of the better made for TV movies about a real murder trial - very informative in so little time. My only complaint is the long and many commercials.

I thought the acting was quite good. The actual woman prosecutor during her endless opening statement was quite boring (it's on Youtube). The actress who played her was not – maybe that was poor acting.

After viewing it I could understand why it wasn't a slam dunk murder conviction.

Also the movie showed at least two jurors glaring at the prosecutor as if they didn't trust or like them. I felt the same way.

It's entertaining and moves along at a good pace. Watch it with an open mind and you might enjoy it.

American Experience: My Lai
Episode 6, Season 22

Poor documentary.
SPOILERS! WARNING; SPOILERS A very poor documentary loaded with half-truths, lies, and apparently very little research. Not too informative and certainly different from court transcripts and interviews many years ago. I guess some memories change over the years.

The Dan Rather, 60 Minutes, interview with Paul Meadlo on TV and the Life photos lead to the arrests. And some soldiers under Calley were arrested, charged and were waiting trial. Those charges were dropped after Medina was found not guilty.

There were no shots fired that morning except by the US military. The first shots came from a helicopter that murdered an innocent farmer.

Although there were some arbitrary murders at first, when they entered My Lai two groups of inhabitants were gathered up and executed by Lt. Calley, and Paul Meadlo.

Then the village was torched, people were shot by their huts and along the road.

Many soldiers didn't take part in the murdering of those innocent civilians.

Calley was convicted of killing 109 civilians. Medina was charged with killing the woman (witnessed by helicopter crew) and a little boy running from the village. The estimate of murders that morning range from 300 to over 500.

There's a brief scene with the photograph talking about his photo of some living women and children and he states he turned around and they're all on the ground.

He saw who shot them.

After that group was gathered together, Calley ordered Meadlo and another soldier to take care of them. Calley left, returned and asked why they didn't follow his order: had meant to waste them. One soldier (from RI) refused and walked away. Meadlo, crying, and Calley murdered those people.

At the ditch, two soldiers refused and walked away as Meadlo and Calley killed the first group thrown in the ditch. A two year old boy ran from the ditch. Calley chased him, caught him, threw him in the ditch and shot him. That boy was one of the 109 people he was convicted of murdering.

There's is no rational excuse for what Calley and Medina did. I don't think the documentary even touched how responsible those two really were. The orders Medina gave his troops and his officers wasn't mentioned in the video. Although Medina denied giving those orders during his trial, the numerous witnesses were quite believable.

Judgment: The Court Martial of Lieutenant William Calley

Worth watching
A made for television movie that's well worth seeing. The trial takes up most of the screen time and for the most part is fairly accurate. It's apparent, to me, a feeble attempt was made to make Lt. Calley an average young man who believed he was just following orders.

The scenes outside of the courtroom (only a few) didn't work for me. I didn't find any of them even remotely believable.

If this was an attempt by Kramer to show Calley as a mere scapegoat, I think he failed. Only those wanting to see Calley as a victim and capable of ignoring all the facts of the case will see it that way.

I did find the trial engrossing. The acting: fair at best. Harrison Ford crying on the witness stand may win the acting honors. The worst was the sadness shown by all the characters as the death of one American soldier is described. (No remorse shown for the testimony about a child picked up by the arm, tossed into a ditch filled with dead bodies and shot by Kramer's victim.) Netflix has this movie. Watch it now and than you can compare it to Oliver Stone's Pinkville coming out in 2008 or 2009.

The Woodsman

Wait for cable
I thought "The Woodsman" was okay. The acting was very good all around, especially Kevin Bacon. The story is weak but interesting. There were a few small surprises along the way. Nothing major. Don't expect tears or any laughs, just good acting. The ending was a disappointment to me. I expected something to happen (along the lines of "Taxi Driver"), but very little does. I'd recommend watching this on HBO. It's not worth nine bucks to see on the big screen. A very low budget movie that couldn't have taken more than a week to write the screenplay. It's only eighty minutes long. It would be very easy to add another thirty pages to the script. There were a lot of questions left unanswered.

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