User Reviews (1,808)

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  • ditoprabowo10 July 2020
    Love the concept, execution is not bad (there are some cringy & forced parts), but the music really annoys me. Doesn't fit the tone of the film at all.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A really good action movie. Acting was excellent and the best part from the movie. Pace was great and I actually loved the quirky soundtrack.

    All characters were interesting and developed in a realistic way. I liked how they appeared like no super heroes, just humans with a very, very long life.

    The little details: Freeman getting ready and tense as the elevator goes up to the 15th floor, Andy's centuries old "stuff" in the old mine, the baklava taste, Booker's story, were welcome pauses from the violence - packed scenes. They managed to make the characters relatable and add meaning to the story.

    1-1 fighting was choreographed beautifully, even though some scenes felt cliché.

    I was hoping for a more layered villain, just for balance. The 5 were not pure good so why would he be pure evil? ("to save humanity" doesn't count, it felt so rushed).

    All in all, a good movie to watch and a bit different, more human, than most "supernatural " action movies, too.
  • Really loved the action, the acting and the melancholy feel to it all, much better than just an average action flick, except unfortunately for the incredibly stupid and jarring popsongs which ruin some scenes. Please please please just a decent score for (hopefully) part two. Other than that, really no complaints.
  • Easy viewing, great fight choreography and action scenes. The plot was simply and predictably executed but remained entertaining throughout. Great individual performances but would of been better as a series to allow for some proper character development.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Pretty good for a modern comic book action story. Seems to be a lot of negative reviews floating around but I couldn't see anything much to dislike about this. A nicely diverse cast featuring a lot of nationalities you don't often see on screen in a mainstream movie, and nice to have no stale male white leads. Charlize Theron cements her talent for action cinema after MAD MAX: FURY ROAD and gives another good physical performance. The story of immortality is interesting background for a familiar 'good guys vs. Sinister organisation' tale, it's not very deep but it has plentiful well choreographed action to see it through.
  • vjmatinde10 July 2020
    I always like my villains bad as hell. The adversary here was not terrifying, at all. With that said, this movie was entertaining. Maybe Charlize Theron makes up for the downsides. She is awesome.
  • mixailo200710 July 2020
    The premise was good, but they didn't got to do something interesting with it. It was kind of a bore all the way. Also, the soundtrack is one of the worst I've ever witnessed in a movie.
  • I didn't read the comic so I went in blind. I loved it. The story, the action, the fight scenes. Thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I hope they have a sequel or series.
  • kosmasp26 July 2020
    So if you didn't inform yourself (I only found out watching Charlize Theron in talk shows promoting the movie), this is based on a graphic novel series. Which makes sense if you watch it - this having a background before the film was made. Now even so, that doesn't mean this will be free of cliches - quite the opposite is true.

    Theron is really good and while as I mentioned you will and should be able to predict what is going to happen (even certain "twists"/betrayals and so forth). But the action is more than rock solid, even without knowing that Theron took her training very seriously! Who else would be driving around with a very real looking prop axe? Exactly! So while I understand that some might be cynical about the whole thing, you are missing out on just having fun with this. It's not the greatest movie ever made, but it doesn't pretend to be either
  • qdalaien10 July 2020
    There were just so many clichés, cringe, and naive moments. The dialogue was also simple. The music was not all that good. The antagonist had a cartoonish evil character.
  • As this film is based on a comic book, similarities r inevitable but it is a solid action thriller. A short summary - A small group of centuries old soldiers who r trapped in an immortality with the ability to heal themselves must save each other from being caged by big pharma companies. They soon realize that it is harder to hide in this 21st century and so must get organized to erase their footprints but at the same time deal with past grievances.

    The cinematography n editing r top notch. There is no shaky cam or darkly shot scenes. The hand to hand combat n gun fight sequences r noteworthy. Charlize Theron is in awesome shape and all the other actors gave good performances. Another highlight is the music.
  • The movie itself was pretty good. Very interesting concept & story, action pretty good, acting good enough, but my god, the music soundtrack was absolutely awful! Not the orchestral score in the action scenes - it was fine - but the music played throughout the movie sounds like it was chosen by a 13 year old girl.

    What the hell were they thinking?!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The actors are all good. Well that's it. The story is childlike, the direction dull and the development highly predictable. The goodies, the baddies and the double crosser. All fluffed up with fight scenes, explosions and gunfire. The action is probably the only realistic thing, even if it is plastered all over the place for no good reason. The effects are all good and have grit.

    My mind kept referring back to Austin Powers. The baddie is that comical (but not in a funny way). The plot is childlike and felt very amateur. Take the prime star out and this is a B Roll movie that never gets watched.

    The London scenes at the end were just bizarre. Empty streets and then suddenly full with crowds and Police. Making no sense whatsoever. This quality of story telling is very poor considering who is in the film.

    Overall, a promising film that immediately failed to deliver anything other that a straight to VHS Sunday story. Lacking the story and direction to make it credible. Then the attempt to create a sequel... so ham fisted in its execution. It just finished on a cringe... not a masterpiece! So very disappointing...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Netflix has a spotty record when it comes their original movies, which is why I was surprised how much I liked The Old Guard. The movie sets up great mythology, has good action, and interesting characters. It's not all good though, the villain sucks, and the third act betrayal was predictable. Overall I enjoyed The Old Guard, and I hope they make a sequel.
  • I enoyed this movie, good action and although similar to other movies it still kept my interest. Although 2 hrs long the content of the tale needs that time and could easily have been longer. If you like sf & fantasy movies you should enjoy this as long as you take it on its own merits.
  • The Old Guard has an interesting plot and executes it well. It's not an all-star action film...but it's a solid average movie from Netflix that just works. I'm ready for the sequel!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The concept is not new (what is these days?) - shades of Highlander, except without Duncan McLeod. Charlize Theron does (IMO) a bang up job as the leader of a group of 'Immortals' who for centuries have been battling evil around the World. The Scythian (Charlize) is given a very human side and has for a millennia carried a heavy burden on her shoulders and in her heart. The group of four Immortals find a 'new' one and this has a profound event on Charlize - on several levels. Bad guy (played by a young nerd) wants to 'save the world' and, of course, make billions by extracting their DNA. Ending was interesting, and left this open to a sequel. Candidly? Pretty darn good two hours worth of entertainment - have no idea why some give this a 'one' star. Give it a go.
  • Why why why so many haters?! First thing I thought was "wow" what a great sound track! Cinematographery is on point - nothing missed. Charlize Theron is bad ass for sure! Okay, so there are the odd over the top moments like the endless supply of security guards that just keep on coming. But that aside, all in all, thoroughly entertaining, original and full of action! 10/10 from me! Can't wait for The Old Guard 2!
  • It's obvious there will be another movie after this one and I'm fine with that. The Old Guard has the potential to make several more stories about this subject. It's well written, no real dull moments in the movie (even though the sequences with music were a bit lame), a lot of good action and fighting scenes, and a well chosen cast that did a good job playing their characters. But it's not flawless, some small details that don't make much sense but nothing really cringing to watch. The soundtrack was in my opinion the negative point of the movie, some bad songs that ruin some scenes that clearly didn't need that kind of lame music. But other than that it's an entertaining movie, from beginning till the end, hopefully the sequel will be of the same quality, minus the soundtrack then.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The beginning of movie is very interesting, but when approaching to mid section, the cliche comes around, all that forced drama, excess of sad dialogues forcing a dramatic life and blablabla, so lazy, almost gave up...The worst part is the ingenuity of characters that lived for like 200 years!! Makes no sense, a dude with 200 years old just make a decision of a boy with 15 years old. After all, the action scenes worth the Saturday night's movie. Oh almost forgot, the "new member of team" looks empty, we don't get that real felling of her, also doesn't act like a girl from the story shows up!
  • Actually a Great Action-Movie with good Fights and a Lot of Violence !

    The Story is good and there is a lot of Potential for 1-2 Sequels and i seriously hope they make them

    Charlize Theron just doen´t get old it seems, that Woman is abssolutly Bad-Ass !

    My Biggest Point Of Criticism is the Musik in the Movie, so freaking annoying and just bad, bad, bad , sorry, but that was seriously the biggest turn-off for me while watching the movie

    All in All, Great Action, Good Story, Lots Of Potencial for Sequel(s) , good Acting but horrible Choice of Music in the Movie

    8 / 10

    Greetings From Germany
  • This movie had a lot of potential to be a masterpiece. Sadly, it came cliched with the same action sequence and course of events, that have been going on since the 90s. After perhaps mid way through the movie i sadly lost interest, it just seemed that it was a very simple action flick with a very straight forward story and blunt characters. There have been some really great action movies recently like and I was expecting either a action sequence something like "Extraction"or a great story. I must say I am a little disappointed when i saw the movie after the trailer.
  • I really wanted to like this film. It's got a simple but fun premise and it's got Charlize Theron, who's a fantastic actress. But the film is just marred by plot holes, cliched characters, tacky dialogues and hands down the most inadequate music possible for this film.

    It's still a passable action film if you have absolutely nothing else to watch.
  • Great Action scenes as usual Charlize is a wonderful actress who knows how to do great action movies.

    This is a typical action movie with lots of good action, the cast are good but this movie is based on Charlize Theron.

    All in all, it's a good movie to watch alone or with someone who loves action.

    On more thing they say the novel is way much better, still the movie is good.
  • This movie pleasantly surprised me, Paraphrasing one of the characters "I was hoping for more, but expecting less" It is definitely trivial yet still very entertaining film. a Only cons - some minor continuity issues (which can be forgiven due to film being super hero movie) and bluntly awful soundtrack.
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