"Jajabara 2.0" is a bold attempt by the Odia film industry to explore the crime thriller genre, a departure from the usual themes. The film's storyline and concept are unique, showcasing a new direction for Odia cinema. However, this uniqueness might make it challenging for the common audience to fully grasp the story and concept.
Despite being a low-budget film, "Jajabara 2.0" shines aesthetically, with visually pleasing scenes that add to the overall appeal of the movie. The performance of Devesh Ranjan as Jagat Panda is noteworthy, bringing depth and authenticity to his character. The creativity of director and writer Abhishek Swain is evident throughout the film, with innovative storytelling techniques and a gripping narrative that keeps the audience engaged.
Overall, "Jajabara 2.0" is a commendable effort that showcases the potential of the Odia film industry to explore new genres and storytelling techniques. While it may not be easily understood by all audiences, it is a must-watch for those looking for something different and refreshing in Odia cinema.