Revolves around Cheng Liang Liang who after some unfortunate events end up living in the same house as her new boss, Qi Yi. Qi Yi's strict policies in the workplace isn't sitting well with L... Read allRevolves around Cheng Liang Liang who after some unfortunate events end up living in the same house as her new boss, Qi Yi. Qi Yi's strict policies in the workplace isn't sitting well with Liang Liang so she and her friends come up with a plan to get rid of him by making him fall... Read allRevolves around Cheng Liang Liang who after some unfortunate events end up living in the same house as her new boss, Qi Yi. Qi Yi's strict policies in the workplace isn't sitting well with Liang Liang so she and her friends come up with a plan to get rid of him by making him fall in love with her. But what will happen when Liang Liang starts to see another side to Qi ... Read all