- AntepenúltimoMohicano - Berlinale 2015 [Gonzalo Hernández]
- Spanish
- aVoir-aLire.com [Aida Amasuno Martín]
- French
- Bande à Part (Olivier Pélisson)
- French
- Battleship Pretension [David Bax]
- Blu-ray.com [Jeffrey Kauffman]
- C7nema [Hugo Gomes]
- CervenyKoberec.cz [Karolina Benesova]
- Czech
- Charlie's Blog
- Cine61 [Jonah Tash] (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Cinecure [Charles Declercq]
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- Cinefilic.com [Miryam Charles]
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- Cinemagazine [Wouter Los]
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- ComingSoon.it [Mauro Donzelli]
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- critic.de [Michael Kienzl]
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- De Filmkijker [Nostra]
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- Dog And Wolf Berlinale 2015 [Mark Wilshin]
- DVD Verdict Blu-ray [Gordon Sullivan]
- Ehsan Khoshbakht's Notes on Cinematograph
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- etc-etera [Pamela Villaflores]
- EyeForFilm.co.uk [Anne-Katrin Titze]
- Film-Forward.com [Caroline Ely]
- film-zeit.de [Pressespiegel]
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- filmrezension.de [Lida Bach]
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- filmtett.ro
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- fps [Dominika Moravcikova]
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- Hoje Vi(vi) um Filme [Inês Moreira Santos]
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- Indie-eye.it [Michele Faggi]
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- kino-zeit.de [Beatrice Behn]
- German
- Le Billet [Sven Papaux]
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- Le Blog du Cinéma
- French
- LoSbuffo.com [Lucrezia benedetti]
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- May the CINEMA be with you [Cátia Alexandre]
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- meetmrkarma.com [Mr. Karma]
- Movie Machine [Constant Hoogenbosch]
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- Observer.com [Rex Reed]
- OutNow.CH - Filmkritik
- German
- Público [Jorge Mourinha]
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- Quinlan.it [Giampiero Raganelli]
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- Real Movie News - Blu-ray [Ryan Russell Izay]
- Slant Magazine [Chuck Bowen]
- Spectrum Culture [Jesse Cataldo]
- Spielfilm.de [Ralf Augsburg] -
- German
- Séquences - La revue de cinéma [Luc Chaput]
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- The Cult Corner [Ronald Simons]
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- The Flickering Wall [Jorge Mourinha]
- The House Next Door [Oleg Ivanov]
- The Upcoming [Benedict McKenna]
- Uncut.at [Markus Löhnert]
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- Videosondag.se [Fredrik Fyhr]
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