The new short film from Emily Skyre was finally released shortly before christmas on the directors very own youtube account. I would not necessarily call this a short film, since the whole film is basically just one scene. The set design is nice and most of the acting is okay, except for the performance of Mary C. Rogers. It is yet to be revealed why the director keeps working with the same actress over and over again. Her performance resembles more of a person struggling with either tourettes and/or parkinsons disease. The rest of the cast does an okay job with what was given to them. The whole film is basically like a not funny dad joke. The idea behind might be interesting. But basically all people involved just sit at the table already. There is no mystery really to it. I dunno. I would have taken some time to settle the whole scene. The location looked like it could provide more than just jumping right into it. Let the people arrive. Let one be late. Show more of the hall. Whatever. Basically just anytjing.